At this time, outside the Star Forest, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace came to the battlefield in person and coordinated with tens of thousands of Wuhun Palace troops to set up defenses.

In the two months of riots, almost all sects suffered heavy losses, and Wuhun Palace was no exception.

Looking deep into the forest, Bibi Dong wanted to go in and see for herself several times what was going on inside.

Why are the soul beasts rioting? Why did it happen? She had no idea.

She desperately wanted to know why, but no one could answer her.

Currently, the only person who knows why the riots started is still missing in the North.

"It's been two months! There is still no sign of calming down. If this continues, not to mention other places, even our people will not be able to support it..."


Bibi Dong said seriously.

During this period of time, battle reports from various aspects came in. Almost all sect forces suffered heavy losses, and their Wuhun Palace was still doing well.

Because the Star Dou Forest is still very peaceful in comparison, other places are not so lucky.

"Your Majesty, would you like me to venture into the forest to find out what's going on?"

Behind Bibi Dong, Yue Guan Gui Mei and the other two looked very pale and said feebly.

Three soul beast attacks a day were too much for any one person to bear, and they were already exhausted.

"No! The forest is full of mist and contains poison. Once you enter, you will be swallowed by the poison.

We only need to set up defenses on the outside. If we want to enter the forest, there will be no return..."

Bibi Dong directly rejected Yue Guan's request.

Faced with the evil poison, even she had no ability to fight against it, let alone the Yue Guan ghosts and ghosts.

As long as they dare to go in, they will never come back.

"However, it is not an option to just waste it like this! It has been two months, and not only has the riot not subsided, but it has become more and more intense.

If this continues, all our people will be wiped out, and it will take at least ten years for us to recover from this riot..."

Yue Guan said helplessly, no matter who he was, he could not withstand such consumption.

This time, except for the important figures in the Enshrinement Hall, almost everyone came out of the Wuhun Hall.

After this riot, it took at least ten years to recover from all the injuries.

"It will calm down! We just have to wait..."

For some reason, Bibi Dong always had the illusion that the riot would subside.

But this illusion has no basis, and even she is questioning herself.

"Wait? What are we waiting for? Wait until the soul beast's internal consumption is exhausted?"

Yue Guan was confused and said that although the soul beasts launched an attack, there was also a fierce battle within them.

He almost bites every living creature he sees, killing without any consciousness at all.

If this continues, even if they defend, these spirit beasts will all be dead.

What does it mean when the soul beast dies? This means that there are no more soul masters on the mainland.

There is no difference between this and death!

No soul beast means no soul ring. It's a simple truth.

"Is there any news about Lingmo?"

Bibi Dong didn't know how to answer Yue Guan's question, so she suddenly said something.


Seeing Bibi Dong's question, Yueguan Ghost and Ghost said in confusion: "Your Majesty, there has been no movement since Ling Mo entered the North Land alone two months ago.

The danger on the other side of the ghost gate is more serious than ours, but... Ling Mo, as the sect leader, has not appeared yet.

I don’t know what this kid did in the Northland, and he actually abandoned the entire ghost gate..."

"Not back yet? What... is he doing?"

"The devil knows what he is doing. I don't believe he doesn't know about such a big thing happening in the mainland..."

"But, since he knows, why hasn't he come back yet? Does it mean that he discovered the cause of the riot?"

Gui Mei Yue Guan and others guessed.

Now, it seems that this is the only possibility, right?

It stands to reason that as a leader of a sect, if he does not come back to take charge of the overall situation at a critical moment, he must have been delayed on something important, so he did not come back.

"Your Majesty, after saying this, I think this boy must have made some amazing discovery! Otherwise, he would not have abandoned the entire ghost gate and entered the Northland alone..."

Yue Guan said clearly that he hated Ling Mo deeply.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is definitely your opponent.

Based on his understanding of Ling Mo, it was impossible for him to do something like that, regardless of the life and death of the entire sect, so he must have made some important discovery.

"Yes! Pay close attention to the movements of the Ghost Gate. If you have any news, report it to me immediately..."

Bibi Dong said in a low voice, caressing her clothes, slowly turned around, and walked towards the temporary tent behind her.

Before leaving, he said: "Continue to hold on and wait for the opportunity..."

Bibi Dong did not tell Yue Guan exactly what they should do, but only told them to continue to hold on.

She might still be thinking, what is Ling Mo doing?

Just as Yue Guan and Gui Mei had guessed just now, she also had this premonition.

I felt that Ling Mo must know something. The reason why he didn't show up must be because he had something important to do.

Therefore, she ordered Yue Guan and others to continue to hold on and wait.

What are you waiting for? Maybe it's waiting for Lingmo, waiting for Lingmo to give the world an answer.

I don’t know if Ling Mo can give a satisfactory answer, because no one knows what he is doing now.

Compared to the Star Dou Forest, the Sunset Forest at this time was extremely dark.

From the Ghost Sect, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Tiandou Empire, the Elephant Armor Sect, and the affiliated kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire, various teams of wandering soul masters gathered together.

The entire Sunset Forest was surrounded, blocking the only gap that could be broken through to prevent spirit beasts from entering the human city.

You must know that Sunset Forest is next to Tiandou City. Once the riot cannot be stopped, the spirit beasts will directly enter Tiandou City. I can't imagine the turmoil it will cause.

"Elder Dugu! I don't know why I haven't seen your sect leader yet?"

Outside the Sunset Forest, cordial greetings from Snow Star.

The Balak Kingdom to which he belonged was the third to enter the battlefield after the Qibao Glazed Sect.

But before he came here, he thought that the person in charge of the overall situation would be Ling Mo, but he didn't expect... Ling Mo has been missing from the beginning until now, so he couldn't help but ask questions.

"Prince Snow Star! My sect leader left the Ghost Sect two months ago and went to the Northland alone. Don't you know? You are too ill-informed, aren't you?"

Dugu Bo said without hesitation.

The news that Ling Mo went to the Northland alone was known to almost all the major sects, but Xuexing was the only one who came to ask him such a question about Shabi.


When he first heard that Ling Mo had gone to the Northland, Xuexing was stunned for a moment.

At this time, a person came from behind, it was Xue Qinghe disguised as Qian Renxue.

"Uncle Wang, lead the army of the Balak Kingdom to the west to assist in defense. There has just been a battle there with heavy casualties and urgent supplies..."

Qian Renxue came on behalf of the empire this time. In Xue Ye's absence, she was the only designated person in charge.

Of course Xuexing did not dare to disobey, and led his army to the west with a gloomy expression.

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