"Elder Dugu, he... still doesn't have any news?" After Qian Renxue dismissed Xuexing, she walked aside and asked Dugu Bo calmly.

Ling Mo left without telling her a word. Even Zhu Zhuqing didn't know what he was going to do.

Qian Renxue is worried every day, fearing that he will encounter some danger.

She cares more about Lingmo's safety than the crisis in Sunset Forest.

"No! When the sect leader left, he just told me, no matter what happens, don't panic!

He... seemed to have expected that something like this would happen, so... before leaving, he handed over all the power of the ghost gate to me.

So far, after two months of fighting, my ghost sect disciples have also suffered heavy losses.


Although the casualties were not large, the amount of hidden weapons, materials, puppets, combat armor, etc. consumed was simply too numerous to count.

Even if the disciples of Zangfeng Valley worked day and night, they could not produce the supply of hidden weapons.

If this continues, it will be difficult for me to support myself anymore..."

Dugu Bo said helplessly, already scolding Ling Mo in his heart.

At every critical moment, he is nowhere to be found.

However, complaints are complaints, Dugu Bo still knows what he is doing.

The reason why Ling Mo left was that he must have something to do, and what he needed to do was to protect this home for Ling Mo.

"Well! It seems that he must have encountered trouble there. There has been no news for two months. I hope everything is okay..."

Qian Renxue said with a complicated expression, praying countless times that nothing would happen to Lingmo.

After looking around, Qian Renxue continued: "Senior, remove the disciples from the Ghost Sect first!

This time I have mobilized 50,000 elite troops from the empire, which should be able to last for half a month.

The Ghost Sect has resisted hundreds of soul beast attacks for two months, and is probably exhausted.

Pull down first and make adjustments, and let the 50,000 elite soldiers take the lead first, and then come up when the support can no longer be sustained..."

Dugu Bo agreed with Qian Renxue's suggestion. The disciples of the Ghost Sect were already exhausted.

From the beginning of the riot to the present, they have been on the front line and have never withdrawn.

If it weren't for the quick support from the Qibao Glazed Sect, they would have collapsed a month ago.

"That's fine! Let these disciples rest for a few days and adjust their condition.

The disciples of Tianji Pavilion are okay, they are strong and in pretty good condition.

I just pity those female disciples in Beishan. After two months of toiling in this forest, not to mention that the body cannot support it, I am afraid that the spirit has already collapsed..."

Dugu Bo lamented that the Beishan disciples have always been managed by Zhu Zhuqing.

What they brought out this time were the two newly established churches in Beishan, Mo Shang Hua and Tian Fengliu!

Although these two disciples are also elite disciples of Beishan, they are girls after all and cannot bear this kind of hardship.

"Well, I'll go talk to Zhuqing later and ask her to bring back Tian Fengliu and Mo Shanghua.

The remaining disciples, slowly withdraw their troops and return to the Ghost Gate to rest first!

It just so happens that it's less than ten minutes away from the Gate of Hell, so it's easy to get back and forth.

In addition, as for the supply of concealed weapons, I have already ordered them to purchase a large amount of materials from the private sector and send them to Zangfeng Valley.

In a few days, we should be able to collect a lot of materials, which can barely sustain us for a while..."

Qian Renxue was so efficient in doing things that even Dugu Bo had to admire her.

Her ability to do things hits home! She specializes in focusing on key tasks and doesn't pay attention to trivial matters.

If it weren't for the military affairs, and she was in charge of the ghost gate, Dugu Bo wouldn't have been so hasty to respond to the enemy, and almost overturned several times.

When it comes to the use of poison, Dugu Bo is indeed a good player, but his Machiavellian tactics inevitably have some shortcomings.

Ling Mo had already woken up to this point before, and this was also what Ling Mo was most worried about.

How will we fight in the future if we have no generals?

Originally Ling Mo wanted to trick Tang San into going up the mountain, but if Tang San went up the mountain, Ling Mo wouldn't be so passive.

It's a pity that everyone has their own ambitions, and Tang San chose to run away. There was nothing he could do about it.

Therefore, Lingmo's biggest problem now is the lack of generals to lead the army in battle.

Ling Mo couldn't be on the mountain all the time, there had to be someone who could stand alone.

For this reason, Lingmo found many good candidates, such as Oscar and Feng Xiaotian.

However, Oscar has already retired, and there is little chance to cultivate his talents in this area.

Therefore, when Ling Mo left, he specifically asked Feng Xiaotian to follow Dugu Bo and learn some experience from him.

However, Feng Xiaotian was injured a few days ago and was carried back to Ghost Gate for treatment first.

"You have arranged everything well! I can rest assured that I will leave this place to you.

Alas, getting old! The future world belongs to you young people, and we old bones will not participate..."

Dugu Bo praised.

"Senior is getting old, so you don't want to talk nonsense. In my eyes, senior will always be a young and handsome guy..."

Qian Renxue said naughtily that she often heard Lingmo tease that Dugu Bo must have been a ruthless and handsome boy when he was young.

Therefore, Qian Renxue sometimes likes to tease Dugu Bo through Ling Mo's words.

"Haha, you little kid is just like that brat! You only know how to make fun of me.

But having said that, back then, I was indeed a handsome guy who was famous all over the country..."

Dugu Bo laughed. Of course he knew what Qian Renxue meant, but... old is old, and the charm of the past is gone.

"Hehe, senior, I won't see you off. You go back and rest first, leave this to me..."

Qian Renxue smiled and said, she treated Dugu Bo like her grandfather.

For no other reason, just because of Lingmo!

According to seniority, Dugu Bo is Lingmo's grandfather, so... it's not too much for her to call Dugu Bo grandpa, after all, Dugu Yan's identity is there.

"Okay, remember to tell me if you have anything, I'll go back first..."

After saying that, Dugu Bo led the disciples of Guimen and began to retreat slowly.

However, changing defense is not so easy, it must be done step by step, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes.

It is obviously not realistic for all these 50,000 elite soldiers to fight at once, so they can only withdraw some first and then fight for some more.

The first to withdraw were the female disciples of Tianfeng Liumo Shanghua led by Zhu Zhuqing.

"Xue... Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

After Zhu Zhuqing retreated, she and Ning Rongrong walked towards Qian Renxue.

Just as she was about to call out, she suddenly remembered Qian Renxue's special identity and quickly changed her words.

These days, Ning Rongrong has been with Zhu Zhuqing. It must be said that after Ning Rongrong joined, she managed these people much more smoothly.

As Qian Renxue said before, Ning Rongrong looks carefree, but in fact she is very sensible and knows the overall situation.

With her assistance, she effectively helped Zhu Zhuqing do many things without any mistakes.

"Zhuqing, Rongrong! You take the female disciples from Beishan back first and adjust them well. Here... leave it to us for the time being!"

Qian Renxue said with a smile. There were many eyes and ears around, so she didn't get too close to the two.

"Well, okay! Then we'll go back first, be careful..."

Before leaving, Zhu Zhuqing was still a little reluctant. She hadn't seen Qian Renxue for a long time.

Since Lingmo left, Qian Renxue has been busy with various things and has no time to go up the mountain to accompany her.

In the past month, if Ning Rongrong had not come with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's team, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold on.

"Okay, I'll see you later! Let's go back first..."

Qian Renxue saw the melancholy in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, but it was difficult to say anything, so she had to promise.


After getting the promise, Zhu Zhuqing left with Ning Rongrong contentedly, and started the return journey with the girls from Beishan.

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