"Strange! Why does the aura suddenly feel much dimmer..."

On the far north glacier, Lingmo rode Kunpeng and looked at the snowy glacier valley, and fell into deep thought.

As he got closer, he found that the aura of sin began to fade, as if he was hiding his weakness.

Could it be that the other party knew he was coming? Hiding on purpose?

"No! Since they defeated the Ice and Snow Girl, they can't be afraid of me. Could it be that... there is something on me that they are afraid of?"

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Lingmo couldn't help but be curious. He must have a lot of treasures on him, but it is very difficult to find what the evil soul master really fears.

At present, the most likely ones are the Immortal Sword, the Spirit Pearl, the Double Pupil, or the Supreme Bone.

The Immortal Sword must be ruled out first, because this imperial weapon has never appeared in the sight of the evil soul master, so they don't know they have it at all.

As for the Spirit Pearl! It's not likely either. Although the Spirit Pearl can swallow the poison, it has no lethality. How can they be afraid?

The only possibility is the double pupil and the supreme bone!

Last time in Wuhun City, Lingmo used the double pupil to fight with the opponent, and it was obvious... the opponent was scared and fled after just a slight contact.

Therefore, what they feared might be the double pupil, or in other words, they feared Lingmo as a person.

The last time they fled, they seemed to leave a sentence, and Lingmo heard it carefully.

"Ancient double pupil!!!"

It was just this simple sentence, but it hid a deeper mystery.

Through reasoning, it can be known that in one of his previous two lives, he might have severely injured them.

Therefore, they are afraid! Or, the double pupil has a fatal blow to them, which can also be explained.

"Xiao Lan, go over there and take a look..."

After thinking it through, Lingmo chased in the direction where the breath disappeared.

He urgently wanted to know, what did these evil soul masters use to cause this riot?

Lingmo felt that sinful breath very deeply and could not forget that smell at all.

Once a person has an obsession, it will become deeper and deeper. If the answer is not found, there is no way to break free.

Kunpeng's speed is definitely the king of speed. With a flap of its wings, it instantly rushed tens of thousands of meters and arrived at a glacial canyon.

Without hesitation, Lingmo directly asked Kunpeng to fly down the canyon.

After passing through a long canyon, Lingmo saw a mysterious altar. There were fires at the front and back ends of the altar.

"It looks like they should have just left..."

The flames were still burning, and they were roasted on the stove. Judging from the traces at the scene, they should have just left.

In this way, Lingmo missed again.

"Well! This altar..."

Looking at the altar, Lingmo was immediately disappointed.

"No, no! This is just a sub-altar, not the source of the disaster!

From the direction of goodness, the two directions of heaven and earth continue to show signs of a change of the world.

According to the calculation of the eight trigrams, this is just the most basic storage point, not the source of the disaster.

It seems that we have returned empty-handed this time..."

After thinking this through, Lingmo gradually became disappointed. He thought he could easily solve this riot.

Unexpectedly, things became more and more complicated, which can be judged by this altar.

These evil soul masters have made at least a dozen or twenty substitutes to cover up the real source of the disaster.

Such a lot of effort can only be said that the other party's layout is too big, which completely disrupted Lingmo's thinking.

Before he had time to study this sub-altar carefully, the canyon glacier suddenly began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the glacier cracked, and ice cones kept falling from it, hitting the ground fiercely.

"No, they want to destroy the clues..."

Lingmo immediately found something wrong and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The glacier began to break, smashing the altar into ruins, and the scene was in chaos.

Helplessly, Lingmo had to withdraw and return to Kunpeng's back.

Before leaving the canyon, Lingmo looked up and suddenly saw a figure flashing over the canyon at a very fast speed.

"Catch him..."

Lingmo did not say anything and directly urged Kunpeng to catch up with the black shadow and not let him run away.

If he could be caught, there might be some clues.

Kunpeng spread his wings and soared straight up, but... there were many ice cones falling from the glacier, and in order to avoid these ice cones, he delayed for a few seconds.

In just a few seconds, the black shadow disappeared without a trace.

"Chase over there..."

Pointing to a direction in the north, Lingmo instructed Kunpeng to continue chasing forward.

Although the black shadow disappeared, the breath was still there, although it was very weak, Lingmo could also feel it.

After chasing for hundreds of miles, with Kunpeng's speed, no one in the world could match it, and he easily caught up with the black shadow in front.

"Master, I saw him!"

Kunpeng quickly increased his speed and chased after the black shadow. He opened the Endless Storm Field directly from thousands of meters away, trying to restrict his movements.

Who would have thought that the other party was so cunning, using a special escape technique to perfectly break free from the shackles of the Endless Storm and continue to rush outside the glacier.

"Damn, I'm unlucky. I was actually targeted by the double pupil. It seems that... I can only delete my memory, otherwise if he asks me something, the plan will fail completely..."

The shadow in front just broke free from the restraints, and a black light wave with a curse came towards Lingmo and the others.

Then... a black mist appeared in front of him, wrapping him up completely.

"What is he doing? Stop him..."

Kunpeng flashed and cleverly avoided the attack of the light circle. Lingmo on his back found that the man in black was not right and shouted directly.

Because of Kunpeng's existence, he couldn't escape at all, and his speed couldn't be compared with Kunpeng, so... he didn't plan to leave.

Unfortunately... although he found that he was wrong, Lingmo didn't have time to stop him.

After the black mist wrapped him up, it quickly dissipated.

After it dissipated, Lingmo clearly saw that there was a red light on his head, as if something was lost.

These special methods selectively delete fragments of memory in the brain.

Lingmo can also do this method, so it was soon seen that he had deleted all previous memories of the riot.

Unfortunately, Lingmo has not yet completely comprehended the Three Worlds Scripture, otherwise he could capture these memories again, adjust them, and get the information he wants to know.

Things are so unsatisfactory, obviously... Lingmo found out too late, he has completed the memory deletion, and it is impossible to get anything out of him at this time.

"Damn! Dare to play tricks on me, kill him..."

Seeing that he couldn't get any more words, Lingmo directly issued a killing order.

As soon as the voice fell, Kunpeng took action directly, and the endless storm was dispatched again.

This time, this endless storm is no longer an endless storm that can only be controlled.

There are thousands of wind blades hidden in the storm, which are extremely sharp and full of lethality.

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