Under the realm of endless storm, the evil soul master was trapped and unable to break free.

After countless wind blade attacks, it was obvious that the bloody flesh and blood under his body was actually black.

The skin is densely covered with scales, which looks very penetrating.

He is no longer human at all, but an out-and-out monster, a monster with a humanoid body.

"What a disgusting thing! Xiaolan, kill him..."

Ling Mo sat motionless on Kunpeng's back, with no intention of taking action.


He is still observing to see what methods the evil soul master has.

"Understood, Master!"

Kunpeng responded coldly. As soon as he finished speaking, his murderous intent began to surge, and the entire area fell into its territory.

It flashed, passed through from one side, and appeared on the other side of the evil soul master in an instant.

"Huh? Space teleportation?"

This was the first time Ling Mo had seen this method. She didn't expect Kunpeng to have such a skill.

When the speed reaches this level, teleportation is not difficult to achieve.

Appearing behind the evil soul master in an instant, Kunpeng flapped his wings, sending out a blue light wave, accompanied by the sound of tearing, and suddenly attacked the evil soul master.

"Get away!"

With an angry shout, the evil soul master's body began to move at an extremely fast speed, he dodged a wind blade with difficulty, and directly activated his martial spirit.

At this moment, Ling Mo finally saw his martial soul clearly. It was an extremely dark scythe with nine soul rings emerging from it.

A terrifying aura bloomed instantly, and even Ling Mo felt a sense of suffocation.

"Level 99 Ultimate Douluo?"

Ling Mo had only felt this aura from Master Gui. The sin that made people unable to look directly hit him, and Kunpeng was obviously at a disadvantage.

In terms of strength, the two were comparable, but the evil soul master's scythe contained a corrosive poisonous gas, making Kunpeng unable to get close.

"Do you think you can kill me? Those with double eyes, the grudges of the past, the consequences of today's karma, come on, if you don't die today, I will die if you die..."

The evil soul master's eyes were glowing red, exuding a strong death aura, and he said very penetratingly.

"No, this is not him anymore!"

Ling Mo opened his double pupils and could clearly see that there was something terrifying residing in the body of the evil soul master at this time.

And this thing is exactly what I hate.

There is an evil spirit in his body, and with the help of the evil spirit's power, he forcibly breaks through to the level of Extreme Douluo.

This price may be cruel, but... at this time, his fighting power is extremely amazing.

Double pupils?

Why did he mention this word in particular again?

"It seems that, as I thought before, there is indeed cause and effect..."

Ling Mo probably figured it out. If nothing else happened, these evil soul masters, no... they should be called evil spirits.

Because at this time, they have been completely replaced by evil spirits.

These evil spirits are related to my previous life, but I don't know whether it was the first life or the second life.

"Noisy thing! Looking for death..."

After thinking about it clearly, Ling Mo took action directly.

"Xiao Lan, back off!"

Ordering Kunpeng to retreat, Lingmo directly activated his martial spirit and slowly flew up from Kunpeng's back.

The Supreme Realm is opened directly, and the opponent's strength is instantly pulled to the same level as his own.

This sudden change caught the evil spirit off guard. He had forced himself to break through the limit and reached the realm of Ultimate Douluo at a huge cost.

Unexpectedly, Ling Mo actually had such a realm, and it somehow brought him back to the same realm.

What is this concept?

In other words, what he had bought at the cost of his life was just taken away by Ling Mo.

"You! Why do you have the Supreme Bone?"

The evil spirit showed a panicked expression and looked at Ling Mo restlessly, completely losing his sense of proportion.

"Haha, do you still recognize the Supreme Bone? Your background makes me more and more curious..."

Ling Mo sneered and said, he didn't expect that the other party also recognized the Supreme Bone.

"Born with double eyes and possessing supreme bones, twin supreme beings?"

The evil spirit said with a panic look on his face. At this moment, he no longer had the strength he had before, but was extremely frightened.

In the supreme realm, no one can break free from the suppression of the realm. This realm is also called the invincible realm by Lingmo.

"Disgusting thing! Now that your memory has been deleted, I don't plan to ask you anything. Just suffer death..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Mo stepped forward, and his martial spirit true form instantly opened, turning into a peacock soaring in the nine heavens.

Under the five-colored divine light, a dazzling light bloomed. Under the illumination, the evil spirit's face began to twist, and it seemed to be extremely painful.

Is he afraid of this divine light?

Sure enough, things in the darkness can never see the light, let alone the five-color divine light.

Under the true body of Wuhun, Lingmo's various attributes were greatly increased, soaring in the nine heavens and pounced down instantly.

An aurora rose into the sky, emitting a dazzling light. At this moment... it was like a divine arrival.

Earlier, Ling Mo thought that Haotian's body was shocking enough, but he didn't expect... his Peacock King body would have even more visual impact.

"Decision of Hades!"

Under the baptism of the holy light, the evil spirit finally launched a counterattack, and saw the sickle in his hand turning rapidly.

A layer of black mist instantly shrouded behind him, heading toward Lingmo overwhelmingly.

"Poison gas? You are so uninformed. Don't you know that I am immune to all poisons?"

If it were anyone else, they might be afraid of this poison gas, but... Lingmo is least afraid of poison.

He wants to use the poison gas to attack and buy himself a chance to escape!

"Really? If it is just simple poison gas, it may not hurt you, but... this is a poisonous fog condensed from the dead air of trillions of Yin spirits, which contains the heavy resentment between heaven and earth.

Those with double pupils, enjoy the poisonous fog that will come, you will thank me..."

The evil spirit was not surprised by Lingmo's words, but showed a hint of evil smile.

He probably understood the effect of the supreme domain, which is undoubtedly that the soul power levels of both sides are the same.

Who will win or lose is still uncertain, you know... his basic attributes are above Lingmo, as long as he plays it safe, he can be invincible.

Amid the wanton and unrestrained laughter, the poisonous fog has firmly trapped the 100-meter-long peacock.

At this moment, a five-colored divine light shot up into the sky, as if it had pushed away the poisonous fog and revealed the true face of Mount Lu.

"Is it possible?"

The evil spirit said with an incredible look on his face, obviously shocked by Lingmo's means.

You know, the resentment contained in this poisonous fog cannot be stopped even by gods.

The poisonous fog composed of trillions of resentful spirits is mixed with various kinds of poisons, each of which can kill a person in an instant.

Lingmo actually ignored the poisonous fog, which was incredible.

"Nothing is impossible! Things that are unbearable to the eyes can never see the light. Don't you know that the divine light on me can devour everything in the world?"

Lingmo's cold voice came, and then he looked... a ball of flames shot up to the sky and pointed directly at the evil spirit.

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