The five-color divine light sweeps away everything, and the mere poisonous gas makes it difficult to live in Lingmo.

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

The evil spirit had completely collapsed. The poisonous energy he had given him so much hope was so unbearable in front of Ling Mo.

"Nothing is impossible, just accept the reality!"

The poisonous mist was completely swallowed up, and Ling Mo appeared in front of the evil spirit again.


The dazzling holy light on his body made it impossible for people to look directly, and fear followed.

"Do you think that you can kill me if you solve the poisonous gas? The gap between us cannot be bridged by a small field..."

At this time, the evil spirit showed another face, looking at Ling Mo coldly with a ferocious expression.

The sickle in his hand swung again, very fast, and the sharp sickle cut towards Ling Mo's wings.

"court death!"

Ling Mo remained calm. In terms of speed, he had never been afraid of anyone.

The wings vibrated and instantly shot up into the sky, just dodging the evil spirit's scythe. Then, beams of light came from the sky.

Instantly covering this area, this is his third soul skill, dynamic light wave.

Under Wuhun Zhen's body, the third soul skill has been greatly increased, and its lethality is huge. The iceberg it hit was instantly turned into ruins and merged into the seabed.

The evil spirit was extremely fast, and although the light wave was powerful, it couldn't hit him, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

With no other choice, Ling Mo instantly activated his sixth soul skill and entered the realm of divine punishment. In an instant... streaks of thunder descended from the sky to the earth.

The area for dozens of miles was shrouded in dark clouds, which was very scary.

"Thunder Tribulation?"

The moment the Divine Punishment Domain was opened, the evil spirit was obviously wary, but then he felt relieved.

"Hmph, I thought it was a real thunder disaster, but it turns out... this is just a soul skill of yours. With your power, I'm afraid even my defense can't be penetrated.

What are you trying to do with me? Although I can't hurt you, you can't hurt me either..."

Fierce Spirit said confidently.

But he didn't expect that when the first thunder came, he regretted it.

The lightning flashed with purple light. Under the huge growth of Lingmo Peacock King's body, the thunder and lightning were extremely thick and powerful.

But... this thunder and lightning obviously couldn't penetrate the evil spirit's defense.

But... the appearance of something broke the evil spirit's luck.

In front of Ling Mo, a faint light bloomed, and under the blue light, the spirit bead appeared.

Yes, this is the spirit bead Ling Mo obtained from the abyss, although it has no attack effect.

But... it has an extremely terrifying effect, which is the ability to assist in combat.

This can be used as another auxiliary spirit of Ling Mo. When combined with the five-color divine light, the huge power fluctuations produced directly cover this area.

"How can it be!"

The evil spirit said with a look of disbelief on his face, looking directly at the spirit bead with a look of fear on his face.

With the help of the spirit beads, the divine thunder seemed to have received a huge increase and struck him instantly.

In just an instant, the body was penetrated, revealing a bloody hole. The entire body was pierced by the divine thunder. The scene was extremely shocking.

The black blood directly dyed the small area red, and even the stone was melted.

It is conceivable that this evil spirit's whole body is full of poison, and even its blood contains poison.

"Your arrogance is vulnerable to me!"

Ling Mo's cold voice came from the air, and he suddenly felt that after activating the martial soul's true form, he felt a bit like a bully.

There is no way, all his soul skills seem to be formed around the peacock.

Like the rogue, there are five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and two inverse elements: wind and thunder.

They all have extremely powerful abilities, and every soul skill is a range attack and a long-range attack.

In terms of speed, he is also extremely strong, just like that, he can dodge from a distance, pull away and then blast away with his soul skills.

Basically the battle is over. This style of play is very disgusting and leaves you with no power to fight back.

Want to chase? Impossible, you can't catch him.

Want to run? Impossible, you are not as fast as him!

"Arrogant? Ahem... Do you think this is the end?"

Amid the brutal roar, the evil spirit once again emitted black poisonous mist.

Suddenly... the nine soul rings on his body began to rotate very quickly.

In an instant, the seventh soul ring flickered, and the sickle in his hand suddenly grew in size, reaching a length of a hundred meters.

The bloody blade was extremely sharp, and in the black mist, it looked like a god of death, harvesting countless miserable lives.

After he used his martial spirit avatar, many vengeful spirits seemed to gather around him, very terrifying vengeful spirits.

The blood-colored blade emits a bright red light, and in an instant...a heavy aura of violence attacks Ling Mo.

"Huh? Such a strong anger. How many people have you killed to have such a strong anger?"

Ling Mo said in shock, the sickle was probably stained with the blood of many innocent lives.

This deep feeling of guilt came over her, and Ling Mo couldn't help but feel angry.


Beneath Wuhunzhen, strong winds surged, the waves rolled, and the glaciers shook.

As the Endless Storm Domain unfolded, all of Lingmo's attributes gradually reached a limit with the assistance of five-color divine light and extremely spiritual beads.

Under the seven colors of holy light, it appears more sacred and inviolable.

"Come on, let me see what the so-called ancient double pupils are capable of..."

With a roar, the evil spirit held a sickle and slashed at Lingmo.

This kind of power was not even possessed by Tang Hao at the time. The lethality of that sickle is probably incomparable to the Haotian Hammer, which is known as the world's number one weapon spirit.

If this sickle spreads in the mainland and spreads, it is estimated that it will be another ultimate spirit, the world's number one weapon spirit.

It's a is destined to fall today, and there will no longer be such a spirit in the world.

"You are so eager to die, I will fulfill your wish!"

A cold voice came from the air, and Lingmo was seen circling in a circle in the sky and rushing down.

A huge collision occurred under the martial souls of both sides. In the supreme domain, the weapon spirit was obviously at a disadvantage.

There was no objection, because the opponent had no auxiliary amplification, while Lingmo had two.

This difference cannot be made up by martial spirits, not to could Lingmo's martial spirit be weaker than the other party?


The moment the two sides collided, a huge impact force was instantly released, and the small island with a radius of dozens of miles was instantly sunk.

The waves were boiling, as if they had completely exploded. The big waves rushed madly to the south, shaking the earth.

In the light, Peacock grabbed the sickle with his sharp claws with absolute crushing force, and tore it off directly at the root.

At this moment... the evil spirit was completely desperate! The moment the sickle was torn off, his body suffered a huge backlash.

He flew backwards in an instant and fell heavily into the sea.

In less than a moment, a black gas was seen floating in the air. It was obvious that the evil spirit had broken free from the evil soul master's body.

"Want to leave?"

When Lingmo found out, the other party had already broken free from the evil soul master's body and wanted to escape, but Lingmo certainly refused.

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