"Xiaolan, stop him!"

Seeing that the evil spirit was about to leave, Ling Mo shouted.

Kunpeng, who was watching on the sidelines, could not wait any longer. It had been watching the battle just now and did not join in at all.


Now that he saw the evil spirit was about to leave, he directly intercepted it.

I saw the circle of light rushing towards the evil spirit, and under Ling Mo's gaze, it actually passed through.

"No! He is a spirit body, so regular attacks are ineffective..."

Only then did Ling Mo realize that the opponent already existed in a spirit form, and the only attack methods currently available could not do anything to him.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Ling Mo suddenly became anxious.

After finally forcing him out of the evil soul master's body, wouldn't it be in vain to just let him run away?

You know, once these evil spirits escape and find a new parasite, another Level 99 Ultimate Douluo will be born.

"Master, my attacks have no effect on him at all, what should I do?"

Kunpeng said anxiously.

Now, it was right in front of the evil spirit, and Lingmo was still in the sky, so there was no time to arrive.

In the sea below, the evil soul master also wanted to escape. The two separated and actually ran away in two directions at the same time.

Fortunately for the evil soul master, he was seriously injured at this time, and after losing the evil spirit, his strength was greatly weakened, so there was no problem in dealing with him.

"Go kill that guy and leave this guy to me..."

Ling Mo immediately ordered Kunpeng to go and kill the evil spirit master, leaving the evil spirit to him to deal with.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Mo dispersed the martial soul's true form, and the puppet instantly moved out, widening the distance and appearing in front of the evil spirit in one step.


The evil spirit finally revealed its true face in Lushan. It turned out to be a strange creature that was half human and half animal. It had a tiger head on its head and its body was indeed a human body.

He bared his teeth and roared at Ling Mo, then bumped into him as if he was seeing nothing, and actually bumped through Ling Mo's body.


"What kind of creature is this? It looks so strange..."

Ling Mo was also shocked by the strange appearance of this creature and could not calm down for a long time.

I have never seen such a creature in Douluo for so long, which is really strange.

This also confirmed Ling Mo's previous thoughts. These things really did not belong to this world.

But, where did they come from? It remains a mystery to this day.

Ling Mo came up with a guess: Could the other party have come down from the God Realm?

Or could it be said that after he came to this world, he hid behind the copper coffin and smuggled over?

There are only these two possibilities now. Lingmo has no access to matters in the divine world for the time being.

Maybe at this time, there might be a big chaos in the God Realm.

Ling Mo didn't believe that the higher-ups could turn a blind eye to such a big thing happening next time.

Obviously, the above may also be in trouble!

Ling Mo suddenly remembered the little girl she met on the coast of Beidi, Feiyan.

From her body, Ling Mo felt a magical power, as if she came from above, and she had more or less the aura of a god.

However, Ling Mo didn't see her again after we parted ways on the coast, so she didn't know where she had gone.

"Want to leave?"

Looking back at the scene, she saw the evil spirit trying to escape into the void, and Ling Mo put away the puppet.

Suddenly... his eyes lit up, as if stars were exploding in the void.

"It's... double pupils!"

A tragic cry rang out, and in the desperate gaze of the fierce spirit, Ling Mo's heavy eyes emitted a bright light, heading towards him.

In an instant, everything fell silent. The evil spirit somehow opened a crack in the void and tried to escape through it.

But he didn't expect that before he could enter, he was shot by Chongtong in front of the crack.

This scene was just like in Wuhun City. Lingmo's double eyes seemed to have no soul rings and no power at all.

But... when it really breaks out, it is definitely the most aggressive existence.

With just one glance, he instantly killed the evil spirit in front of him and shot him before the crack in the void.

In the past three seconds or so, the crack closed again, as if it had not appeared.

And that evil spirit was beaten to pieces by Ling Mo and completely disappeared into the world.

As the evil spirit died, the surrounding black air began to spread, and it felt like the clouds were parting and the sky was clear.

"I didn't expect that double pupils can actually have the effect of attacking spiritual bodies?"

Ling Mo froze on the spot, looking at the soulless evil spirit, and fell into deep thought.

In fact, he didn't know that double pupils had such an effect.

I just gave it a try, but I didn’t expect it to work! In just one breath, he shot that evil spirit to death.

From all aspects, the power of Chongtong is more terrifying than that of a peacock. It is not a martial spirit that develops in many aspects.

Unlike the peacock, which has various abilities.

But... in terms of attack, it is definitely the most extreme existence, and its attacks will be effective.

How terrifying is Chongtong's attack? This can be seen from the fate of this evil spirit.

Although he has broken free from the parasite, he is still an incomparable ninety-ninth level extreme Douluo.

However...under the double pupil, he was beaten to the point of death in just one breath, which shows how terrifying the extreme attack of the double pupil is.

The most terrifying thing is that it can not only hit entities, but also spiritual bodies can carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

This is completely two levels of things, and the horror of it goes without saying.

"Hmph! The source of the disaster? I will find you..."

The evil spirit is dead, Lingmo is no longer entangled. This time he came up empty-handed and did not find the real altar.

However, he probably already knew that the altar was in the north, so... it was only a matter of time to find it.

After killing the evil spirit, Lingmo looked at the evil soul master again. Without the evil spirit, he was no match for Kunpeng.

In terms of strength, he barely reached level 90, and he probably couldn't even beat Dugu Bo.

He fell into a disadvantage after a few moves, and was swept by Kunpeng, and his tail hit the protruding stone on the sea surface, and he was killed.

You have to know that Kunpeng is already 200,000 years old at this time. In terms of strength... it is definitely not comparable to a small level 90 Titled Douluo.

"Master, the other party is dead! What should we do next?" After killing the evil soul master, Kunpeng returned to Lingmo.

"Hmm! It seems that they should have set up many fake altars. It is not so easy to find them.

Let's go to the Ice Snow Girl first. I need to ask her some questions. She...may know some important clues..."

The evil soul master is dead. Lingmo originally wanted to continue looking for the main altar, but...how can he find it in the vast north?

The only way is to find the Ice Snow Girl first and ask her if she has any clues.

She disappeared at the beginning of the riot. It must be because she knew something, so she disappeared for no reason.

Or, the evil soul master took her as the first target, so she disappeared.

"Master, I'm afraid it's not easy to find the Snow Queen..."

Kunpeng hesitated. The Ice Snow Girl has always been a dragon that can't be seen from the beginning. Unless she shows up by herself, it's harder to find her than to ascend to the sky.

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