"Yeah! Just wander around and you can find the end. If you can't find it, forget it..."

In the vast north, it is harder to find someone than to reach the sky.

What's more, it's a person who deliberately hides, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

In comparison, the altar is easier to find, because... the altar can be hidden, but the smell of sin cannot be avoided.

69 book bar

"Wait, Master! I suddenly remembered something..."

While searching aimlessly, Kunpeng suddenly shouted, as if he remembered something.

"Huh? What's the matter? Tell me..." Ling Mo was also startled by the sudden cry and asked quickly.

"I have dealt with the Ice Bear King several times. Although I am not familiar with him, I am acquaintance with him.

It told me before that there is a cave hidden under the black ice in the far north. The cave is thousands of feet deep and is where it sleeps.

You said, if the Snow Emperor was seriously injured as you said, would she hide in the Ice Bear King's sleeping cave? "

Kunpeng explained.

It just remembered this. Back then... it had dealt with the Ice Bear King several times, and they were considered friends.

Therefore, the Ice Bear King once told it this matter unintentionally, but it didn't care at that time, because every hundred thousand year soul beast has its own retreat and hiding place.

Its hiding place was the previous underwater abyss, and the Ice Bear King was in the cave under the glacier.

"It's very possible! Do you remember the place it mentioned?"

When Ling Mo heard this, she immediately said excitedly, if nothing else happens, the Ice and Snow Girl is most likely hiding there.

Because... these people are obviously coming for her. Her base has been taken away. If she wants to heal, she must find an absolutely safe place.

The Ice Bear King's secret cave is most likely her hiding place.

"Let me think about it! It's been too long, I don't know if I still remember..."

Kunpeng said, and began to search for memories, then flapped his wings, soared up, and then slowly came to the edge of a glacier.

Throughout the Northland, there are countless glaciers, but every slab is connected.

This glacier has obviously escaped the previous impacts and is relatively peaceful without much soul beast activity.

Perhaps because they were afraid of the Ice Bear King's strength, there were very few soul beasts around.

"If I remember correctly, it should be here! But...where is the cave that the Ice Bear King mentioned.

I can only give you a general area, but I don’t know the specific location..."

Kunpeng said disappointedly that it had never been to the cave in person, so it was not easy to find it.

At that time, the Ice Bear King only told it that the cave was in this area. In fact, Kunpeng was not sure whether it was lying.

"Well, it's good to be able to give a specific area. Leave it to me next..."

The approximate area is given. Are you afraid that Lingmo won’t be able to find anyone?

You can dig out all the tombs hidden deep in the ground, but you can't find a mere ice cave?

Are you kidding me? Ling Mo is an expert in this field. If he doesn’t even have the ability to explore, he’s still a fool...

After getting off Kunpeng's back, Ling Mo stepped on the snow and walked step by step.

If you look carefully, you will find a feature! His footsteps actually moved in a seven-star displacement manner.

Every seven steps, there is a turn, and a reversal occurs! Very peculiar.

Kunpeng's eyes were gleaming and his head was a little dizzy...

I thought: What is he doing? I've been wandering around here, can I explore the location of the cave by just walking a few steps?

No wonder Kunpeng was confused, Lingmo's behavior was really weird and unpredictable.

After walking seven turns, Ling Mo opened his double eyes and saw... the traces left by his footsteps in the direction he just walked were glowing.

The light slowly rose and slowly formed a fingertip, pointing in the direction of a glacier in front.

"Found it! Xiaolan, let's go..."

Ling Mo followed the direction pointed by her fingertips, showed a happy smile, and rode off on Kunpeng Juechen.

The technique he used was the seven-star positioning technique.

Any powerful aura that has appeared in the surroundings will leave some traces.

Since the Ice Bear King is a 300,000-year-old soul beast, there is no need to say much about its strength.

It frequently moves around this area and must have left a bit of its presence behind.

Ling Mo wants to find its hiding place, which is not difficult...

This is Ling Mo's usual method of exploring tombs. What he catches is the traces of energy fluctuations in order to determine the location of the tomb.

You know, generally some powerful tombs have more or less strange things inside.

Therefore... this energy fluctuation cannot be concealed at all. It is not difficult for Ling Mo to find the specific location.

I remember that Ling Mo also used this method to Tang San and deliberately tricked him into tomb robbing.

"Master! Why does the method you used just now look a bit like... the method used to rob tombs?"

Kunpeng shook his head and questioned.

"Holy crap, you actually know how to rob tombs?"

Ling Mo was also shocked by Kun Peng's cold words, and his expression was obviously a little stunned.

How could this guy know about tomb robbing when he stayed in the Northland all year round?

"Master, it's like this! When I was young, I liked to travel around the world.

Been to many places! I have also been to areas where humans gather.

I have seen many people in some abandoned monuments and dug up those monuments.

At that time, I arrested a few people and asked them, and they told me that they were robbing tombs..."

Kunpeng said seriously.


Ling Mo's head was covered with black lines and she was obviously stunned.

"What did you say? Have you ever seen someone robbing a tomb? When?"

Ling Mo was completely dumbfounded. Wasn't he the first person in mainland China to initiate tomb robbing?

In all these years, Ling Mo has never seen his peers, and... what Kunpeng said just now clearly means that he has seen his own methods before.

Could it be said that the tomb robbing industry became popular many years ago? And there are many professionals who have developed this method of exploring graves?

"Probably, fifty thousand years ago! At that time... I was just a fifty thousand year old little soul beast.

Due to my bloodline, even though I was only fifty thousand years old, few people could beat me at that time.

Therefore, I have traveled to all major mountains and rivers and seen a lot.

I remember that I was in a desert at that time, and I saw a group of people like this, who also used the master’s method to explore a mysterious monument..."

Kunpeng explained seriously.

Now it was Lingmo's turn to be confused, "Could it be that someone traveled here 50,000 years ago before me?

This is a special method for tomb robbers in later generations, completely replacing the Dragon-seeking Ruler.

There are people in Douluo Continent who know how to use it? This is unscientific..."

Ling Mo was dumbfounded and a little at a loss! All I can say is that the world is full of wonders.

Has the method of tomb robbing in later generations become popular in this world?

Could it be that the other party also traveled through time? This... is a bit condescending.

"I didn't expect that you have quite a lot of experience. You even know about tomb robbing! Have those people you met back then become gods?"

Ling Mo couldn't help but ask, if he became a god, then the time traveler would definitely not be able to escape.

After all, all those who travel through time are at risk.

"Become a god? How is it possible? They were shot to death by me..."

Kunpeng said seriously, and Ling Mo suddenly became depressed.

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