After hearing what Kunpeng said, Lingmo lost interest immediately.

He was dead, what was there to worry about? If he was still alive, he would have become a god.

Maybe he would be a threat to Lingmo, so it's better to be dead! It must be said that Kunpeng finally did something right.

In Lingmo's view, there is no such thing as meeting an old friend in a foreign land. As long as it touches on interests, rights, and luck, it's either you or I.

If they really came from the future, like Lingmo, Lingmo would probably kill them.

𝟨𝟫 Book Bar

Some people may ask, what about Tang San?

Can they be the same? Tang San is the son of the plane, and in the true sense, he is not a stowaway.

And Lingmo is the real stowaway.

More importantly, those who came from the future know the story of Douluo Continent. Whether it is Lingmo or others, it is not allowed for another person to know the direction of the plot.

Because if there is a second person, it will put oneself at a disadvantage and lose foresight.

So... this is definitely a life-and-death situation, which cannot be avoided.

Tang San is different, because he does not know the direction of the plot of Douluo, and he does not pose any threat to Lingmo.

However, it is still a question whether the other party is it or not.

Maybe this method already exists in Douluo Continent.

"Okay! It's here..."

Seeing the glacier in front of him, Lingmo jumped off Kunpeng's back and looked at the glacier under his feet.

The thick ice layer covered with white snow made it impossible to see the situation inside.

But Lingmo could feel a faint breath hidden under the glacier.

"Huh? Just one breath? Strange..."

This discovery made Lingmo a little confused, and he could obviously feel the faint breath below.

But logically speaking, shouldn't there be two breaths? Could it be that the Snow Emperor is not here? Or is the Ice Bear King not here?

A series of doubts made Lingmo a little confused.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Kunpeng said puzzledly. After Lingmo came here, he has been silent.

"Are you sure that the Ice Bear King's cave is hidden in this area?" Lingmo asked.

"I'm sure, that's what it told me at the time, and it had no reason to lie to me, because I couldn't beat it at the time..."

Kunpeng said with certainty.

"But why is there only one breath down there?"

Lingmo frowned and said, could it be that... one of the Ice Snow Girl or the Ice Bear King was killed?

It's very possible, since Lingmo first saw them, he found that they were inseparable.

Now there is only one, it is very likely that the other one was killed.

"Let's go!"

Without hesitation, Lingmo directly activated the Peacock Martial Spirit, and the fifth soul ring on his body emitted a bright light.

I saw that the terrain under my feet began to twist, and slowly, a passage appeared under Lingmo's feet.

Taking advantage of the situation, he sat on Kunpeng's back and went straight in, and soon saw a passage.

This passage was not a new passage opened by Lingmo, but a passage that already existed.

The place where the passage leads to must be the hiding place of the Ice Bear King, that is, the cave.

Thousands of meters deep underground, with no end in sight, even Lingmo had to admire that this was a good hiding place.

At the end of one passage, eight small passages appeared, going in eight directions.

For a moment, Kunpeng was stuck here and didn't know which way to go.

"Hehe, does this Ice Bear King know the Eight Trigrams? He is so cautious that he dug eight passages at the same time to confuse the real cave? Abandon the snow maze?"

Lingmo shook his head and smiled bitterly. There was a mystery under this glacier that connected in all directions.

It can only be said that although the Ice Bear King is powerful, he is also a very cautious soul beast.

Digging so many passages is to cover up the real passage.

The double pupils opened again, and Lingmo carefully captured the faint breath and quickly determined the direction.

"Xiaolan, this way..."

Pointing in a direction, Kunpeng flew again, following a long glacier snow valley, and in the endless darkness, they encountered another turning point.

This time, there were not eight passages, but only four.

Lingmo was a little skeptical. Can the Ice Bear King find his way home after setting up such a cave?

It doesn't look very smart.

If the Ice Bear King Xiaobai knew what Lingmo said about it, he would probably be so angry that he wanted to press him to the ground.

You are not smart, your whole family is not smart, but others are smart.

"Xiaolan, this way!"

Using the double pupils again, Lingmo has already felt that the breath is in front.

Perhaps it sensed that Lingmo and Kunpeng had broken in, and the breath was obviously a little dim, trying to avoid Lingmo's search.

Kunpeng continued to fly forward, and what he saw was a huge cave. Above the cave, there was a jade bed carved out of ice.

A girl was lying on the bed, her face was terribly pale. A closer look showed that there was an obvious scratch on her pair of flawless white right legs.

The blood had not stopped yet, and it kept bleeding out, looking very miserable.

When the girl saw Lingmo and Kunpeng coming in, her face became very frightened and she looked more like a lonely and helpless girl.

Ling Mo recognized her, she was the gorgeous ice and snow girl back then, but now she looked more like a helpless girl who was dying and critically ill.

Lying alone on the jade bed, I didn't know how to deal with the sudden intrusion of Ling Mo and Kun Peng.

"I've seen the Snow Emperor..."

The moment Kunpeng saw Xue Nu, he shouted respectfully.

Hearing this, Xue Nu cast a doubtful look. Although her vision was a little blurry, she could clearly see the appearance of Kun Peng and Ling Mo.

There was an inexplicable sadness in her eyes, a resentful sadness. Ling Mo looked at each other and felt like she had been brought into that sad mood.

This snow girl is not simple!

Ling Mo immediately withdrew his gaze. Just one look at each other made him feel depressed, and gradually brought him into her emotions, giving rise to a feeling of pity.

"Kunpeng? Hmm..."

After he glanced at Ling Mo, he frowned and said coldly: "Is it you?"

Obviously, she had recognized Ling Mo and cast a doubtful look. She didn't know why. Why did Kunpeng become Ling Mo's mount?

She obviously knew Kunpeng. After all...she was the ruler of the entire Northland.

"Long time no see! Should I call you Snow Emperor? Or Ice and Snow Lady?"

Ling Mo smiled slightly and then got off Kunpeng's back.

The snow girl was indeed injured, just as he had guessed before, the injury was not serious.

There was a bit of darkness on the flawless white calves, which was obviously poisoned, and the poison was very strong.

The poison that even she couldn't resolve was still bleeding to this day.

Ling Mo was a little shocked. She was still alive after such a long time. It was hard to imagine how she survived.

If Kunpeng was hit by this kind of poison, he would probably die in less than a day.

She was the only one in the world who managed to survive with her strong strength...

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