"How is this possible!"

The opponent's attack was completely swallowed up by Lingmo's five-color divine light, and the two looked incredible.

"Nothing is impossible! Face your fear..."

Another puppet was dispatched, and it shifted instantly. Lingmo fought fiercely with the two.

With the help of the puppet's flexible instantaneous magic skills, coupled with the effect of the divine thunder breaking the defense, the two were beaten back step by step.

The opponent's martial soul was a black scepter with nine soul rings flashing on it. The two attacked together, as if they were going to use some fusion skills.

However, could Lingmo make them merge successfully?

The puppet was activated instantly, and the Thousand Machine Sweep was activated. Hundreds of steel needles were released, directly knocking the two out.

The power of the Thousand Machine Sweep could not penetrate the opponent's defense.

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But it can well limit the opponent's martial soul fusion.

"Rain of pear blossom needles!"

Pull the mechanism horizontally, and the puppet once again sends out hundreds of steel needles. The opponent can only passively take the beating and cannot fight back at all.

"Snow dances in the sun!"

A cold shout came from the side. Lingmo looked over and found that the Snow Girl had fought with the opponent for more than a hundred rounds and directly used the domain magic.

That is, the Emperor Sword: Ice Extreme Unparalleled.

The Xuanbing Sword in his hand froze the deep sea for a hundred miles, restricting the six people in the waves of the endless sea.

Looking at Gui Ye's side, with a huge sword in his hand, he was like entering an empty space, and his moves were very simple.

Raise the sword, slap hard, raise the sword, slap hard.

Just two simple moves, and the opponent had no room to fight back.

It can only be said that Gui Ye's strength is too domineering. Even facing three extreme Douluo, he can't let him use the second move.

Lingmo vaguely remembers that he has a sword technique that falls from the sky, which is very domineering, but it's a pity that he is too lazy to use it.

"The one with double pupils, do you really want to fight to the death? What good will it do you to stop us..."

The two evil soul masters panicked and shouted angrily as they pressed on step by step.

"Benefits? The cause and effect between us will be resolved eventually, so why bother talking?"

Lingmo sneered.

He was definitely not a righteous man who fought for justice.

He and darkness had a great cause and effect, a cause and effect that existed in both past and present lives.

Therefore, he would never allow the word darkness to appear in his sight.

"What? You have recovered your memories of your past life?"

Lingmo's words shocked the two evil soul masters. They seemed to know Lingmo's origins very well, so they said.

"Is this important?"

Lingmo asked back. Whether he recovered his memories or not, it would not prevent him from killing the two.

The divine punishment field was opened, and Lingmo did not continue to talk nonsense and killed again.

The entire endless sea was shrouded in divine punishment, and rolling divine thunder attacked, forcing the two to retreat to the edge of the infinite sea cliff.

"What a terrifying suppression power! What other special skills does he have?"

On the other side, the focus of the Snow Girl who was fighting fiercely never left Lingmo.

She was paying attention to Lingmo every moment, fearing that he would be in danger.

With her strength, it was almost a crushing style to deal with the five people in front of her, so...she paid more attention to Lingmo.

The two dazzling red soul rings on his body shocked the Snow Girl. She didn't expect Lingmo to have two red soul rings.

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Go..."

The two people persuaded in vain and began to launch a counterattack. They had been suppressed by Lingmo before because they were afraid.

Now...there is no way back, so they can only go all out.

I saw a black fog covering the two people, and it was the familiar corpse poison again. Lingmo had seen it last time.

In an instant, the corpse poison came overwhelming and directly covered Lingmo.


In the endless sea not far away, the Snow Girl found that Lingmo was swallowed by the corpse poison, and her emotions were a little out of control. She shouted and wanted to copy and kill this side.

But she didn't expect that the other six people would stop her and not let her leave.

She knew the power of the corpse poison very well. She was poisoned by it last time.

Seeing that she couldn't go back to help, the Snow Girl was angry. She went all out and began to crush the six people in all directions, beating them back step by step.

However, she didn't take the opportunity to kill the six people. She was always thinking about rushing into the poisonous fog and saving Lingmo.

"Don't be in trouble!"

As soon as the six people retreated, the Snow Girl rushed across the coast regardless of the pursuit behind her.

At this time, a beam of divine light burst out from the poisonous fog. Slowly, the poisonous fog was swallowed up. The clouds and mist were peeled off to see the blue sky, and Lingmo's figure appeared in the Snow Girl's sight again.


"How is this possible!"

Everyone was shocked. Lingmo could ignore the corpse poison, and not only was he immune to the poison, but he also swallowed the corpse poison.

"Don't you have any other special skills? Has no one told you that I am... immune to poison?"

With a cold shout, Lingmo's double pupils opened instantly, and at this moment... the eye of death appeared again.

Under the illumination of the eye of death, the two were shot to death on the coast.

"Oh no, he is going to use his double pupils!"

Double pupils are the nemesis of these evil spirits, which Lingmo discovered as he slowly fought.

And the moment he used his double pupils, everyone panicked!

The reason why they dared to be so unscrupulous was because Lingmo had never used his double pupils.

Under the illumination of the double pupils, the evil spirit was forced out of the evil soul master's body, and in an instant... the eye of death exploded instantly.

Shoot the two evil spirits to death in the endless sea, and then... the two evil soul masters who lost their evil spirits are about to face a stronger offensive.

Lingmo's wings suddenly expanded behind him, and he flew forward in an instant, gathering terrifying power in his hands and grabbing them suddenly.

He grabbed one person's head with one hand and exerted force suddenly... Under the powerful defense-breaking effect of the palm thunder, he directly crushed the evil soul master's head.

That's right, it's so violent! Unreasonable massacre.

He crushed the head of an evil soul master with just one hand.

The remaining person was terrified and panicked...

"You... don't come over!"

The evil soul master said in a trembling voice, completely shocked by Lingmo's terrifying power, and stood there at a loss.

Lingmo sneered, and his figure disappeared again. When he appeared again, he had appeared behind the evil soul master.

They who lost their evil spirits not only suffered a great backlash, but also greatly weakened their strength, and even stood a little unsteady.

Lingmo grabbed one of his arms fiercely, and pulled it off with a sudden tug.


In the terrible pain, the evil soul master was panicked, but at this moment, no one could save him.

"You two want to stop me? I tell you clearly, under the gods... I am invincible..."

After saying that, Lingmo suddenly slapped his palm and hit the opponent's head directly. In an instant... powerful soul power was injected, and the opponent's body was torn into pieces, and he died.

Such a simple and rough fighting method shocked everyone around.

Even Xue Nu was shocked and said a little absent-mindedly: "This is... too fierce! It's worthy of being my man, hehe..."

The fighting power shown by Lingmo shocked Xue Nu, and made her more certain that her previous gamble was not wrong.

With Lingmo's current potential, she can definitely give her a bright future.

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