Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 358: Ghost Master Shows His Power

Simply and roughly, after killing the two evil soul masters, Lingmo set his sights on the others.

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With a flap of wings, Gui Ye did not need support, he alone was enough to deal with the three evil soul masters, and his methods were simpler and more brutal than Lingmo's.

"Gui Ye, don't delay! Deal with them..."

Lingmo shouted from a distance, and Gui Ye heard the words and instantly made a move with the giant sword in his hand.

In an instant, a giant sword slowly rose up, towering over the sky.

The moment the giant sword expanded, it enveloped the entire sea area, and under the shadow was a strong killing intent.

"What a powerful sword intent! Who is this person?"

The Snow Girl looked at Gui Ye with a dazed look, and after the giant sword was unleashed, even she quickly felt a hint of danger.

You know, her current strength is unmatched even by the Extreme Douluo.

Ghost Master could actually make her feel a sense of crisis, which shows how abnormal Ghost Master's strength is.

What Xue Nu couldn't understand was why Lingmo could always accept these strong men, whether it was Kunpeng Jiaolong or this Ghost Master.

No matter where they were placed, they would dominate one side, but... they were all willing to work for Lingmo.

She couldn't think of how Lingmo subdued them. Was it just his personality charm?

As soon as Ghost Master made a move, it was clear whether it was effective or not.

The moment the giant sword expanded, the sea water boiled, and the three evil soul masters were shrouded in a gloomy killing will, and they showed panic.


Ghost Master just waved his hand lightly, and the giant sword accumulated power and cut down instantly.

"Hold on!"

The three had nowhere to hide, and if they wanted to survive, they could only resist.

Who would have thought that the giant sword was so powerful that it only cut down with one sword, and their bodies and souls were scattered, turning into countless dust and falling into the deep sea.

"Instant Kill!!!"

The Snow Girl was shocked. She couldn't do this, but why was it so easy in the hands of the Ghost Master?

The seemingly casual sword actually killed the three evil soul masters of the other side in an instant.

After the three people died, the evil spirits in their bodies ran out and wanted to return to the restricted area.

"Want to run? Stay here..."

Lingmo shouted coldly, and the Eye of Death appeared again.

It instantly turned into three beams of light and shot out, shooting the three evil spirits above the sea.

The double pupils have a very strong mental attack effect and have direct damage to the spirit body.

This is why they have always been afraid of Lingmo, because Lingmo can force them out of the evil soul master's body.

After the Eye of Death, the three evil spirits were shot on the spot. Now... there are only eight evil soul masters left in the field.

Kunpeng and Jiaolong each faced one, and as the battlefield shifted, they were thousands of meters away from Lingmo.

But it seems that they have not been defeated yet, so Lingmo is not in a hurry to close the net.

As for the Snow Girl, she was not at a disadvantage against six people, but she had no means to kill the evil spirits, so she kept delaying time.

"Ghost Lord! There are still six here, get rid of them..."

Lingmo was the first to support the Snow Girl. After all, she was his wife, so how could he bear to let her suffer.

As for Kunpeng and Jiaolong, let them suffer a little more.

Lingmo pulled himself down, and Ghost Lord followed, and the two of them killed them.

One person against three at the same time! Relieved the pressure on the Snow Girl.

"Wife! You have just recovered from your old injury, which is not conducive to a long battle. Watch from the back, leave this to me..."

Lingmo said with a smile, and pulled the Snow Girl back and stood in front of her.

"So considerate? You didn't say that just now..."

The Snow Girl said teasingly, with a playful tone.

Just now, when Lingmo was alone against more than ten people, he was not so gentle.

He kept shouting at her to act quickly, otherwise she would be a widow.

Hearing her teasing, Lingmo's face darkened and he said, "I've always been very considerate! It's just that you didn't notice it.

Okay, let's go to the back to adjust our state first. After I deal with these guys, we have to enter the restricted area later..."

"Oh! Okay, I'll listen to you..."

The Snow Girl had no objection. She was not good at rejecting Lingmo's words. As long as Lingmo said something, she basically obeyed.

Although she was arrogant, but... once she identified a person, no matter what the other party said, she would obey 100%.

Therefore, she did not resist and retreated casually, leaving the battlefield to Lingmo and Guiye.

Lingmo liked her character very much. Although sometimes she had the dark side of Qian Renxue, at least she was obedient.

Unlike Qian Renxue, she would feel uncomfortable if she didn't go against him for a day, and always liked to find ways to mess with him.

What a good girl, she has the beauty of sinking fish and falling geese, and the beauty of hiding the moon and shame flowers, and she is also very obedient and well-behaved!

To others, she is even more cold and aloof, keeping people at a distance. She is simply the standard of a perfect daughter-in-law. Do you want to have one too?


"Ghost Master, three per person! Is that okay?"

Lingmo said as he looked at the panicked six people in front of him. At this time, they had no way out.

They wanted to run, but... they could run, but they couldn't run in the restricted area.

When they came out, the high priest gave a death order to stop Lingmo at all costs.

Escape means death, and not escaping also means death! So he might as well fight...

In response to Lingmo's question, Guiye gave him a professional fake smile, and the row of teeth on his holey face grinned, and the smile was very funny.

Guiye was a man with a very strange temper. When Lingmo first met him, he was beaten by him.

Whenever he showed this professional fake smile, Lingmo knew! He was going to get serious...

As expected, in just a second, Guiye put away his smile and instantly showed his big sword.

The giant sword exuded a strong murderous intent and was majestic.

Lingmo had spied on the giant sword many times. In terms of quality, although the sword was not as good as the immortal sword, it was a rare immortal sword.

Among the three thousand soldiers and armors, each puppet had a sword. Although the quality of the sword was different as the strength progressed.

Guiye's sword was the most terrifying, followed by number one, followed by numbers two, three, four, five, six, and seven.

The Ghost Gate giant sword was used to separate the six people. One person took on three evil soul masters and killed them with absolute crushing force.

The remaining three people looked at Lingmo with panic.

"Hehe, it has come to this point. There is no need for me to waste time with you..."

As he said that, Lingmo's pupils changed again.

After discovering the secret of the evil soul master, he no longer wasted his soul power on this kind of battle.

The simplest and most direct method is to force the opponent's evil spirit out and kill it with the double pupil.

After this battle, Lingmo has found the opponent's weakness, so... he has 100% confidence that he can win this battle.

The double pupil has a suppressive effect on them. If it weren't for the soul power, Lingmo would not even bother to move. If he used the double pupil directly, it would probably solve the battle faster.

The double pupil opened, and the eye of death began to emerge, accompanied by the reverse of yin and yang, and three more rays of light shot out.


The three people obviously also knew about Lingmo's unreasonable attack and avoided the irradiation of the double pupil.

Sure enough, the first attempt failed. While Lingmo was trying to find their weaknesses, they were also observing Lingmo.

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