Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 362 A cute and fierce handsome guy

"Seven-Colored Cloud Swallowing Beast! Space-type soul beast, about 300,000 years old.

Although it is powerful, it is very timid, quirky, and very cute...

Haven't you seen it? Why are you asking me..."

Snow Girl said.

"Oh, it's it! Wait, 300,000 years?"

After hearing this, Lingmo was obviously stunned. He initially thought that it was only 100,000 years old.

The last time Lingmo wanted to catch it, but he gave up after failing to catch up.

When Lingmo first came here, he was looking for its trace, because it was related to his eighth soul ring, which was very important.

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Now that he heard that it has already reached 300,000 years, Lingmo was also scared.

"According to the time calculation, it should be 300,000 years! The first time I saw it was 300,000 years ago.

I have probably seen anyone with some strength in the North. Except for Bing'er, this guy is the most difficult to deal with.

Its combat power is not strong, but its space teleportation skill is very terrifying.

Space teleportation can travel infinitely and appear at any node.

If you want to catch it, it is not realistic unless it is willing to show up automatically."

The Snow Girl explained that not many people have seen this seven-colored swallowing cloud beast, because it is too timid and has been hiding.

Unless it wants to show up, no matter who it is, it can't catch it.

The Snow Girl tried it many years ago, but unfortunately...even her instant frost freeze did not control the opponent.

"Huh...Why did it come back suddenly?"

Lingmo couldn't help but wonder, did it also feel something wrong?

From the battle to now, the surrounding black air has become more and more intense, and it can be clearly seen that there have been major changes inside.

This sense of crisis is very strong, and the seven-colored swallowing cloud beast has obviously felt it, so it reappeared.

So, what is it going to do?

A halo flashed, and a little elf appeared in front of Lingmo and Xuenu.

This little elf was very small, with a pair of small wings behind him, and looked fierce and aggressive, like a little kid.

But... don't look at him as fierce and aggressive, in fact, his actual age has reached more than 300,000 years.

"Xiaoqi, long time no see!"

The moment the little elf appeared, Xuenu smiled gently.

"Hello, sister Xuenu!"

The fierce little elf responded, and it was obvious that he was familiar with Xuenu.

"Ah, you little thing, why do you look like a friend of mine..."

Lingmo felt a little out of place at first glance, and couldn't help laughing.

"Friend? Who?"

The colorful swallowing cloud beast Xiaoqi raised his head and asked in confusion, and his little appearance was quite cute.

"Yeah! You don't know him even if I tell you, but people who know him call him beast milk handsome boy...

As for why he is called beast milk handsome boy, it's because he loves to drink beast milk the most..."

Ahem... I don't know if he says bad things about him here, will he come from the void with a sword and beat Lingmo to death here.

"Beast milk?"

When the elf Xiao Qi heard about beast milk, his eyes lit up. Oh my god, does he like to drink beast milk?

Is beast milk the favorite of the strong?

In fact, Lingmo also survived by relying on beast milk when he was a child, because he suddenly came to Daoxiang Village without a father or a mother.

Ultraman Village Chief had to find beast milk for him all over the mountain, and Lingmo didn't stop drinking beast milk until he was one year old.

Now think about it carefully, it seems that if you want to become stronger, you really have to drink beast milk, and that beast milk handsome boy is the best explanation.

"That's right! My friend, because he often drank beast milk when he was a child, he is now invincible! Do you want to drink it?"


"Really! Why would I lie to you..."

Lingmo lied, and the elf Xiao Qi's eyes gradually became obsessed, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, but...why did he keep looking at the snow girl?


When Lingmo found out, his face turned black!

"Hehe, I want to drink sister Snow Girl's..."

"Get lost!"

Lingmo's face turned black, and he was murderous. Xiao Qi was so scared that he hid back in the clouds.

"Pfft... Why are you getting mad at a kid!" Snow Girl laughed.

"Is this a kid? He's already 300,000 years old..."

Lingmo's face was dark and ugly. If he was a kid, then wouldn't he be a tadpole?


"Don't look at his age. In fact, his mind is always that of a kid of a few years old. Because he often hides in the clouds, he was struck by lightning when he was young.

Therefore, there is a little problem with his intelligence. He always maintains his original innocence. He is completely a kid..."

Snow Girl explained with a smile.

"So that's why I said he was so timid!"

Lingmo was relieved, so he scared him and immediately hid back in the clouds.

"Xiao Qi, come down! He won't hurt you..."

Snow Girl shouted immediately, and suddenly found these two guys interesting.

"Hehe, Sister Snow Girl is still good. Unlike this guy, he is fierce! He wanted to catch me last time. If I hadn't been smart, he would have caught me..."

Seeing the Snow Girl calling, Xiao Qi finally showed his head. If it was usual, he would not appear even if the Snow Girl called him.

But today was different, so he came out anyway.

"Little guy! You are very naughty, believe it or not, I will beat you up..."

Lingmo threatened, and Xiaoqi quickly shrank behind the Snow Girl.

"Lululu, you caught me! If it weren't for Sister Snow Girl, you wouldn't even be able to see my shadow..."

Xiao Qi said disdainfully, thinking that he was also a tsundere.

"Okay! You two, stop arguing..."

Xue Nu calmed down the atmosphere, and then said: "Xiao Qi, why did you show up today? Did you discover something?"

Logically speaking, he usually wouldn't show up even if you called him, so why did he take the initiative to show up today?

Xue Nu was very confused. She knew Xiao Qi quite well. If something went wrong, there must be a demon. He must have something going on.

"Ah, I almost forgot! It's all this damn guy's fault, it almost ruined something big..."

When he mentioned it, Xiao Qi's expression changed drastically and he complained to Ling Mo.

"It's such a big deal, don't be impatient and tell it slowly!"

The snow girl also felt that something was not right, and then asked.

Ling Mo stopped interjecting, but he also felt that something was not right.

"That's it, Sister Xue Nu! Two months ago, a group of people came to this island.

They seemed to have opened a certain taboo, amplifying the poisonous mist over the island and spreading it to the entire Northland.

In the past two months, I have been observing this island and found that they seem to want to open a door..."

"What door?"

Upon hearing this, Ling Mo suddenly became anxious and asked directly.

"I don't know! I went in and took another look just now. The door seemed to have been opened, and an evil breath seeped out from the door. It was very scary.

Listening to what those people said, it seemed to be called Luo Menmen, which sounded very scary.

The taboos on the door have not all been opened, but some of them have been opened..."

Xiao Qi explained hurriedly.

"What gate is Rashomon? Is it Rashomon?"

When Ling Mo heard this, he frowned and said a word.

"Yes, yes, it's Rashomon!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Mo fell silent, and Master Gui also looked in this direction.

"Huh? What's wrong, what is Rashomon?"

The snow girl was puzzled because she had never heard of Rashomon.

Looking at Lingmo like this, it seems that this Rashomon is very scary.

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