"Rashomon, according to legend, is the gate of hell! The gate of evil, or in other words, the gate of death, has many names.

But no matter how many names it has, there is only one explanation, and that is...catastrophe.

Whenever Rashomon opens, there will be a great disaster!

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Because Rashomon is connected to the underworld of death, there are many undead souls in it, and they are cruel by nature and take pleasure in killing.

However, this gate may be different from the legendary Rashomon! Because it could come from..."

Ling Mo didn't say the last word, and there was a trace of fear on his face.

If this door is connected to the world of your first life, then...the creatures that come out of it are the so-called dark creatures! ! !

It's hard to say which world Rashomon is connected to. If it's the underworld of death under the Sunset Forest, things won't be too difficult.

If it were to connect to a world of darkness and chaos, things would be much more difficult.

"Master Ghost! Do you have any way to seal Rashomon?"

Before Ling Mo finished speaking, she directly spoke to Master Gui.

One issue must be considered now, and that is to seal Rashomon, otherwise the world will not be able to continue.

Once those things come out, it will definitely be a huge disaster.

Master Gui didn't say anything, just shook his head, and then pointed at Ling Mo.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Ling Mo was confused as to why Master Gui was referring to him. Is there anything else in his body that could seal Rashomon?

Master Gui did not give Lingmo an accurate answer, and his meaning was very clear. He could only rely on himself for everything.

"What's wrong? Why this expression? Is this Rashomon really so scary?"

The snow girl was puzzled that she had never heard of Rashomon in all her life.

"Not horror, but disaster!"

Ling Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly, then looked at Xiao Qi and said, "Did you see clearly? Are you sure it's opened?"

Ling Mo asked, if it has not been fully opened, there is still a chance to remedy it. If it has been opened, there will be no hope.

"It shouldn't be open! Although the door has been opened, there are a few chains on the door, like some kind of taboo, blocking the door.

But I have already felt that the evil energy coming out from behind the door is very permeable..."

Xiao Qi was not sure, he just glanced at it from a distance and did not dare to get closer.

Because those people were very powerful, he was scared to death.

"Chains? Chains of world order?"

Ling Mo guessed that every world has its own laws and order.

If you want to forcefully open a channel, you must pass the approval of the order, otherwise you cannot open a channel.

However, there are exceptions to everything, such as the bronze coffin of the third generation, which can travel through the void wall at will, regardless of any obstacles.

Unlike this Rashomon, the Bronze Coffin of the Third Generation is for stowaways. If you want to open Rashomon, you must break the shackles of order, otherwise you cannot pass through.

Lingmo didn't know much about these, most of them were recorded in the scriptures of the Three Generations.

"Xiao Qi, how many people are there?"

Xue Nu didn't know what Ling Mo was mumbling, and she couldn't understand what Ling Mo said.

Then he asked Xiao Qi.

"There should be eight more people! They are all very powerful, and the most powerful one is an old man. From a visual inspection... he should be above Sister Yuki-onna!"

Xiao Qi said uncertainly.

"What? Are you still stronger than me?"

The snow girl was stunned. Her current strength was enough to be proud of the world. Apart from the ghost master in front of her, she really couldn't think of anyone who was more powerful than her.

Didn't you expect that there is someone more powerful than yourself?

The last time she came, she didn't see the old man Xiao Qi mentioned at all. Why did another powerful old man appear this time?

Did he pop out of a crack in the stone?

"The old man you are talking about must be the priest who opened the altar, right? Based on his strength, it is reasonable..."

Ling Mo frowned and guessed.

"It seems so. They all call him the High Priest. He has a very strong aura of death, and you will feel dizzy when you are near him.

A very disgusting smell, not like a person at all, but like a dead corpse! It’s a hundred times more deadly than the one next to you..."

Xiao Qi glanced at Master Gui fearfully and said solemnly.

"But I feel that his strength should be similar to the one next to you!"

Xiao Qi thought for a while and finally added.

His sense of smell is very sensitive, much more sensitive than ordinary people, and he can easily see through the opponent's strength and weakness, and whether he is a threat to himself.

This is one of the reasons why he has been able to avoid disasters and stay safe and sound for so many years.

"What? As strong as Master Gui?"

Ling Mo was silent. If the other person was as strong as Gui Ye, he would definitely be a peerless strong man.

How strong is the ghost master? Even Ling Mo, who had opened the Supreme Realm, could not survive a few seconds in the hands of Master Gui.

He is a completely bug-like existence, immune to all kinds of awesomeness.

The hidden weapon in Ling Mo's hand, the poison, and the field had no effect on him.

The giant sword in his hand is even more powerful than all other weapons.

Anyway, it’s awesome.

But now, there is actually another person whose strength is comparable to Master Gui.

Although it was just Xiao Qi's one-sided words, Ling Mo had to be cautious!

"Master Gui, are you sure?"

Ling Mo asked seriously. The matter was so important that he had to ask Master Gui.

Master Gui remained silent and only gave Ling Mo a professional fake smile.

Seeing this professional fake smile, Ling Mo knew that it was safe.

Whenever the ghost master showed this kind of smile, it was basically an overwhelming abuse and beating without any suspense.

Even though he doesn't speak, he is actually very coquettish and doesn't talk much.

To put it simply, when the ghost master smiles, life or death is unpredictable!

"Let's forget about the high priest's affairs for now! What I'm most worried about now is the Rashomon issue..."

Ling Mo thought for a while, and the biggest problem at the moment was Rashomon. If Rashomon had been opened, even killing the high priest would not help.

According to Xiaoqi's previous description, the chains on Rashomon should be the chains of order in this world.

I’m not sure whether it’s Ling Mo or not, but this is the most likely possibility.

"If it is really the chain of order, there is still room for redemption! Let's go... we can't delay any longer..."

After saying that, Ling Mo was about to rush in first.

At this time, Master Gui stopped him!

Ling Mo was confused and saw Master Gui raising the giant sword in his hand and slashing forward.

"Holy shit!"

The soles of Ling Mo's feet felt cold in shock. With the sword from Master Gui, he split the black mist and almost split the island in half.

"Oh my god, if you have this kind of trick, why didn't you use it earlier..."

Ling Mo only felt his scalp numb. Sure enough, he still underestimated Master Gui. This guy is the only bug in the world.

With the power of that sword, Ling Mo didn't need to waste so much time before. He could kill those people by himself.

Damn it, I wasted half a day here, and finally found that he had a more direct method.

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