Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 369: The catastrophe of world destruction?

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"Trouble? Senior, you mean?"

Qian Renxue's face didn't look good. What she was most worried about had happened?

What you least want to see has finally come?

No, she didn't believe anything would happen to Ling Mo. He had promised herself that he would come back alive and well, so how could something happen to him?

Qian Renxue was a little out of control emotionally, but... things seemed to have happened, and she could only think in the best direction.

"We have no way of knowing what happened on the sect leader's side! Now we can only pray that everything goes well on his side.

Now that changes have occurred again, the only thing we can do is to protect this line of defense.

Once these soul beasts enter the human city, I canโ€™t imagine what will happen next..."

Dugu Bo said seriously. At this time, bad news came to his ears one after another.

"Oops, the soul beasts started rioting again..."

"Northern border defense line, please support, hurry, I can't hold it anymore..."

"There is a fire in the south, and a hole has been torn in the defense line. Please support, please support..."

Suddenly, the forest changed again, and everyone was caught off guard. They lost their sense in the panic and were caught off guard by the spirit beast.

Under this sudden change, the soul master camp once again suffered a bloody blow.

Fortunately, Qian Renxue had the foresight not to withdraw everyone, so the west side was still under control.

As for the defense lines in other areas, such as the Qibao Glazed Sect side, a hole has been torn open.

In the end, it was Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and the three of them, Ken Dao Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong, who managed to suppress it.

"Quick! Everyone returns to their positions and goes to support immediately. We can't let the spirit beast rush out of the forest..."

Seeing that the riot was getting more intense, Dugubo gave the order directly, and then went to the battlefield in person to seal the torn hole.

More than 40,000 disciples of the Ghost Sect pressed forward at the same time, barely blocking this wave of attacks.

Fortunately, this change happened quickly, otherwise by the time all these people had evacuated, it would have been irreversible.

"Your Highness, what should we do now?"

The limping imperial soldiers came to the front. They had experienced a heavy blow in the previous encounter.

"Go, order all the soldiers who can be mobilized to block the defense line for me, and not let a soul beast pass through the defense line.

Remember, fight to the death and never retreat. If you die, the empire will give you the highest honorable funeral. If you are alive, no one will be promoted to the third level.

Also, send people back immediately to bring all the soldiers in the empire who can be ordered to the frontline battlefield without any shirk..."

"Got the order!"

After receiving the order, the imperial soldiers turned back and conveyed all Qian Renxue's orders.

The situation in Sunset Forest is not out of control yet and can be restored.

At the same time, on the other side of the Star Dou Forest, the Wuhun Palace also received a violent attack.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong made proper arrangements earlier and did not withdraw first, so he did not suffer any fatal damage.

It has to be said that in terms of strategic vision, Dugu Bo is indeed inferior to Bibi Dong. It is as if she can predict in advance that another change will occur.

"Oh my god! What the hell is going on..."

In front of the Wuhun Palace tent, Bibi Dong looked at the blood-red sky. She no longer had her original composure, and her face became panicked.

After so many years of living, this was the first time she saw such a scene, which refreshed all her knowledge.

"Your Majesty, the soul beast has launched another attack. The first wave of offensive is extremely fierce. The soldiers at the front may not be able to sustain it..."

Someone came to report below. After Bibi Dong heard this, his expression changed drastically.

"Go and bring all the people I can mobilize to the front line. In addition...send a few people back to Wuhun City, and then mobilize 30,000 troops for me.

Everyone is holding on, we, Wuhun Palace, cannot be the first breached breach. "

"Got the order!"

In a hurry, Bibi Dong even pulled out his boss to fight. After this battle, he didn't know how many would survive.

Not only Wuhun Palace, but all the sects have pulled out Lao Di. At this time, who will leave a way out for him?

"The sky has changed! Everything is in chaos now..."

Yue Guan looked at the red-haired phantom monster above the abyss in panic, fighting with Qing Lian.

Even a figure of his level would be frightened to see him. Fighting at this level was rare in ancient times and modern times.

"Northland, what happened? Why do such strange phenomena appear one after another? Is this still the continent we are familiar with?"

Some people questioned that this kind of change was beyond the understanding of the soul master, and no one could understand it.

"I really don't know what that kid is going to do! Now...the hope of the entire continent rests on him alone.

This is tantamount to seeking death. It would be fine if he wins. Our war is worth fighting.

But if he loses, I'm afraid this continent is completely over..."

Ghost said through gritted teeth, feeling aggrieved for his own incompetence for the first time in his life.

Faced with this level of confrontation, he didn't even dare to raise his head, let alone contend.

"Your Majesty, it seems we must make two plans..."

Yue Guan suggested.

"Hmm? What's your plan?"

Bibi Dong was puzzled and looked away, looking at Yueguan in confusion.

"First, put all the troops on the battlefield and fight the soul beasts to the death.

Second, the troops transferred from the rear will set up defenses along the way, set up defenses in each city, and set up defense lines in each city as a backup plan.

When the riot is completely out of control, we will fight and retreat, withdraw to nearby cities, and set up a backup defense line..."

Yue Guan explained.

After hearing his words, Bibi Dong felt a little incredible. He... became smarter?

"Okay! Now, this is the only way... Our Wuhun Hall is weak, and the Xingdou Great Forest is the largest forest.

With our strength, it is like an ant trying to shake a tree, and we can't stop the surging soul beast riot.

Besides, we have no advantage in fighting in the wild.

Now, there is only this one way.

Ghost Elder, you run fast!

Go and make arrangements, find a suitable city, and then send the transferred troops to assist in defense, and wait for the large army to retreat and provide cover when it can't hold on..."

Bibi Dong ordered, and Gui Mei immediately took the order to do it, not daring to delay for a moment.

At this moment of critical survival of Wuhun Hall, no one dared to relax.

After making arrangements, Bibi Dong looked at the bloody darkness again, with fear on her face.

This kind of scene was the first time she saw it, and it was really shocking.

At the same time, in the northern waters, the people of Xingluo Empire and Haotian Sect were not doing well, but they were lucky.

Most of the soul beasts in the north are sea beasts, and many of them cannot land, so they only need to guard the few soul beasts that can land.

However, the number of soul beasts in the north is too large, and the coverage area is wide. It is really difficult to guard them all.

They are limited in number, and even if all of them are pulled up, they may not be able to block a coastline.

They can only guard a few important gaps and areas that are easy to land. The rest can only be left to fate.

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