"Oh my God! Is it really God's will to kill me in this unprecedented disaster?"

The sky was blood red, and the ghosts and wolves howling hidden in the night broke out in the cold and violent atmosphere.

In this oppressive environment, everyone was desperate. How could they survive this disaster?

"Damn it! The beast tide is getting more and more intense. If it continues like this, the defense line will be torn apart..."

"Damn it, who can tell me what happened and why it turned out like this?"

In despair and anger, countless people looked towards the north, praying that a hero who could save the people from the water and fire would appear.

However, this hero did not appear until the end, and above the abyss, rolling thunder flashed.

The sky has completely changed!

On the blue lotus, blood and energy continued to enter the continent. Although most of them were stopped, but...the monsters above the abyss were simply invincible.


Even though the Green Lotus was powerful, it could not compete with it, until the end, it was almost broken.

This natural disaster made the sky angry, and it sent down thunders to punish the monsters that violated the order.

The entire Tianyuan was in chaos. The collision of the three giants produced a shocking shock like a rolling river. Whether it was a soul beast or a soul master, it was difficult to resist this force.

At this time, the Northland was wrapped in a ball of blood.

Above the altar, Lingmo stood on the top of the mountain holding the spirit bead, staring coldly at the shadow in front of him.

The green lotus in the sky was emitted by the spirit bead. This innate spirit bead seemed to be the incarnation of the green lotus. It was not until it came into contact with the disaster that it began to reveal its true face.

"A miracle, it's simply a miracle..."

"The devil in ancient mythology has revived! Allah is about to descend on this land..."

In the void, the high priest who had fought with Ghost for hundreds of rounds looked at the monster in the void with respect.

It seemed that everything they did was to summon this monster.

Ghost stopped attacking and looked at Lingmo in the air with lifeless eyes.

The same was true for Snow Girl. Everyone stopped and stared at Lingmo intently.

Some people wanted to stop him, but...under that layer of halo, any living creature approaching within a hundred meters would be killed.

An evil soul master wanted to stop Lingmo before, but...he was beaten into powder by that layer of halo before he could get close.

The battle here is no longer important. Everyone focuses on Lingmo and the monster in the sky.

"This...is incredible! Even God doesn't have such a big hand. Can he...hold on?"

The Snow Girl looked panicked and stared at Lingmo intently, very worried.

At this point, everyone's breathing became tight. If one survives, the other will live. The battle of life and death for both sides has been handed over to Lingmo and the monster.

Lingmo represents this world, while the monster represents the evil power of another world.

"The spirit pearl... seems to have drained the body! Where does this dark power come from?"

Lingmo stood above the abyss holding the spirit pearl, looking at the monster with a sharp gaze.

He did not expect such a situation.

Previously, he wanted to try to use the spirit pearl to devour the drop of dark blood, but he accidentally woke up the monster from the ancient seal.

This monster is just a shadow, and his real body is not in this world.

However, even if he is just a shadow, he can easily destroy Douluo Continent. It is conceivable what will happen if his real body comes.

Lingmo is puzzled, why would the laws of the world tolerate his existence?

To be precise, why would they tolerate his arrival instead of rejecting it from the beginning.

Isn't it too late to make a move until now?

Pushing the spirit pearl with one hand, the green lotus trembled, and countless vines flew out, locking the monster in the void.

From the beginning, Lingmo has been suppressing him, but... no matter how hard Lingmo tried, he couldn't suppress him directly.

Moreover, after he appeared, the evil aura swirling around became stronger and stronger, and the violent aura in the sky made it difficult for everyone to breathe.

The soul beasts in the sea were completely boiling, and waves of impacts were generated in the billowing smoke.

"Is this monster really immortal?"

Lingmo looked at the monster with a serious look. From the beginning to now, he has been at a disadvantage.

Although the opponent could not break free from the restraints of the green lotus, Lingmo could not do anything to him.

The reason why the green lotus can restrain him is because of its own suppression effect.

This is, this situation will eventually be broken, and Lingmo's soul power can't support it for so long.

Is this still the Douluo Continent I know?

Lingmo once fell into self-doubt. In fact, since the appearance of the evil soul master, this Douluo Continent is no longer a simple Douluo Continent.

All the patterns have been broken, and the so-called balance no longer exists.

Soul master?

For such a monster, it is simply vulnerable. How can you compete with it?

In another fierce collision, Lingmo was shaken and bleeding profusely.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out, and Lingmo almost fell from the sky. If it weren't for Qinglian's last breath, Lingmo would have fainted directly.

The green lotus in this spirit bead is very powerful! It seems that Lingmo is fighting against the opponent.

In fact, it is the spirit bead in his hand that is really exerting the strength.

"The soul power is about to be exhausted! If it goes on like this, there is really no room for recovery..."

Having supported this step, Lingmo has been desperate. When his soul power is exhausted, the spirit bead will completely lose its effect.

By then, the monster will definitely escape from the cage and successfully enter the Douluo Continent.

Once he is allowed to leave, there will be no chance to catch him in the future.

Moreover, his existence is definitely a devastating blow to this world.

The turbulent sea water and the crazy soul beast are the best proof.

"It has come to this point, it can only be like this!"

Seeing that the soul power is about to be exhausted, Lingmo's eyes are determined, and he is ready to die.

With a burst of light, a broken tower with only three floors appeared in front of everyone...

"What's going on?"

"Why is that small tower so familiar..."

The moment he saw the small tower appear, the dark high priest looked puzzled and puzzled.

At this time, a floating Chaos Green Lotus appeared in front of Lingmo.

"Oh my God, this... elixir..."

"What is he going to do? Is he crazy?"

As soon as the elixir appeared, both the Dark High Priest and the Snow Girl and others could not sit still.

What is Lingmo going to do?

That elixir is not an ordinary elixir, but the legendary Chaos Green Lotus.

Its efficacy is very abnormal. If he eats it, he will definitely explode and die.

Even the Snow Girl and others dare not eat it. As long as they eat it, they will definitely die.

What is Lingmo going to do? Is he really not afraid of death?

"He is gambling with the sky for luck..."

Recently, the Dark High Priest gave a reasonable answer. He seemed to see Lingmo's thoughts.

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