Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 371 Nine-leaf Clover Sword Technique?

"Oh my god, he's crazy..."

Everyone looked at Lingmo in shock, watching him eat the Chaos Green Lotus bite by bite.

"Sister Snow Girl, let's go! It's too dangerous here, he... I'm afraid he's going to die..."

Xiao Qi, who witnessed all this, has begun to back off.

"Go? Where to? If he loses, will you and I still have a chance to survive?"

Snow Girl replied coldly, a very direct fact.

If Lingmo fails, all of them present will not survive, not to mention them, the people outside, the soul beasts will not survive either.

Who can be safe and sound under such a monstrous blood karma?

Looking back to the sky, under the rolling thunder, Lingmo ate the Chaos Green Lotus bite by bite.

This longevity medicine is the highest level one in the small tower, and it is the same source as the one in the spirit bead.

Lingmo is at the end of his rope, there is no way out, the only chance is to gamble.

Betting that the power generated by the Chaos Green Lotus he ate can produce an effect.


The surging power entered Lingmo's body, and blood immediately flowed, and his whole body was dyed red by blood.

There is no doubt that all this blood is his.

Under the strong suppression, the power in the body began to boil, and a huge collision occurred.


Under this impact, Lingmo was completely unable to resist, retaining the last bit of consciousness and pushing the spirit bead.

In an instant, the spirit bead began to emit a strong light, wrapping Lingmo's whole body.

Then, above the sky, the branches of the green lotus began to emit dazzling light.

In an instant, the blood-colored sky began to turn green, and the moon began to return to normal.


"This... is incredible..."

Everyone watched the changes in the sky excitedly, especially after the green lotus began to counterattack, their moods fluctuated greatly.

"No! There is another change..."

The careful Snow Girl found that Lingmo never appeared again after being wrapped by the green lotus.

However... after the first round of counterattack, although the sky returned to normal, the monster did not suffer any fatal blow.

He was always fighting against the will of heaven, and ignored the resistance of Qinglian.


The tragic roar came, and everyone heard it.

No one knew what kind of pain Lingmo was enduring at this moment.

Everyone gritted their teeth, looking forward to seeing a miracle in their hearts.

After eating the Chaos Qinglian, Lingmo's whole body was boiling, as if it was about to explode.

After the surging power entered the body, it was completely out of control and began to rage wildly.

At this time... Lingzhu finally reacted, and the Qinglian stretched out from the surface of the Lingzhu, wrapping Lingmo's whole body in it.

Then came a terrifying suction force, absorbing all the power in Lingmo's body into the Lingzhu.

It further alleviated Lingmo's pain, and... the power that entered the Lingzhu began to explode.

Attacked the monster in the sky from all directions, and vines appeared all over the sky, trapping the monster tightly above the abyss, constantly absorbing his power.

Trying to strangle him above the abyss, accompanied by thunder in the sky, the monster was beaten back step by step.


A roar broke out, and the terrifying impact swept across the entire northern land. All the soul beasts and soul masters were affected, and those with weak strength were shocked to death on the spot.

"Everyone abandon the defense line and move closer to the central army!

Don't be alone, this force cannot be resisted by individual strength alone!"

On the north shore, led by the Haotian Sect and the Xingluo Empire army, commanded the battlefield.

When he found that the other side of the coast had a huge impact, as the first commander in the north, Tang Xiao made the most correct decision.

Under this impact, those with soul power below level 50 could not bear it at all.

Even if they were separated by a million miles, they could feel the destructive force.

Under the leadership of Tang Xiao, everyone began to concentrate and work together to resist this force.

The situation gradually stabilized. Human soul masters were still in such a difficult situation, let alone the soul beasts in the sea.

They don't have this kind of consciousness of banding together. At this time, they have already entered a state of madness, so how can they resist.

Looking back at the other side of the coast, the monster locked tightly by the green lotus began to become impatient and violent.


Wrapped in the green lotus, Lingmo was also shocked by the pain all over his body. If it weren't for the green lotus blocking the power, I'm afraid he would have been directly shaken into powder.

"My body... seems to be unable to bear it! Really... am I going to die?"

In despair, Lingmo looked at his body that was already riddled with holes and said weakly.

At this time, a burst of green light suddenly appeared and completely exploded. It seemed that after being supplemented by the power of the chaotic green lotus, the power of the spirit pearl completely exploded.

And Lingmo was also wrapped up by this light, and his body... seemed to be relieved.

After being swallowed by the green light, Lingmo saw the world inside the spirit pearl. It was a vast world on the desolate land.

There were gluttonous beasts that walked out of mythology, such as real dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other mythical beasts.

They lived in a world and had fought countless wars, but... their wars seemed to have always been a struggle against darkness.

In the dark chaos, Lingmo saw the green lotus, which was the one in his hand.

A green lotus that has been through the ages soared into the sky with amazing talent, knocking on the darkness that has been silent for many years.

"Hmm? That is..."

Suddenly, in the world of consciousness, Lingmo clearly saw that under the chaos, there was a grass growing.

A very strange grass, with nine leaves, standing in the wind.

A gust of wind blew, and the grass emitted thousands of sword qi, breaking the wall of the void.

"What a terrifying sword qi! This destructive power, can only be possessed by a grass?"

Lingmo was shocked, staring at the grass, in the world, the sharp sword intent was revolving, very terrifying.

He had an illusion that... he had seen this kind of sword intent before, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Grass and trees can all be swords, such power, can it really be emitted by a grass?"

Lingmo was puzzled, the sharp sword qi passed by, the momentum was like a rainbow, and it was extremely turbulent.

Invisibly, Lingmo saw a vague set of sword techniques from the nine-leaf grass, which seemed to be teaching Lingmo some kind of sword technique.

Lingmo's double pupils opened, and he tried his best to make himself see the sword technique more clearly.

Time slipped away bit by bit, and Lingmo didn't know how long he had been in this illusion.

In the chaos, Lingmo memorized all the sword techniques and began to comprehend them slowly.

However, although this sword technique was extremely powerful, it was obscure and difficult to understand. Lingmo couldn't comprehend it all in a short time.

It took an unknown amount of time, but Lingmo barely comprehended one sword.

Although it was only one sword, the power of that sword should not be underestimated.

The sword technique of the nine-leaf grass was very powerful, and each sword was a fatal killing move, the kind that went straight to the vital point.

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