Enhance the atmosphere!

"Oh my god! So awesome..."


In his direct consciousness, Lingmo stared at the nine-leaf grass in the dark. The sword energy emitted from it was like a sharp sword piercing his heart.

"Where did this nine-leaf grass come from?"

Lingmo was extremely shocked. In a fierce reverberation, he was shaken out of the world of consciousness and returned to reality.

At this time, the full effect of the Chaos Green Lotus had been successfully exerted, and Lingmo's body was also swollen by this surging power.

If the impact of this power is not resolved as soon as possible, Lingmo will explode and die in less than half an hour.

"To survive in a desperate situation! What a desperate choice. If I hadn't had to, why would I try..."

Sighing in his heart, Lingmo used the Three Worlds Scripture with all his strength and began to devour this medicinal power crazily.

How could the power of the best longevity medicine be absorbed so easily?

Fortunately, Lingmo had the help of the spirit bead, which could absorb the power of the medicine very well, and then transform it into the purest soul power and return it to Lingmo's body.

After half an hour of torture, Lingmo's soul power began to increase rapidly.


The speed of the soul power growth completely shocked Lingmo.

This is as fast as flying, rising straight up.






It hasn't stopped yet. After five levels of continuous upgrading, the soul power in the body has not been completely absorbed. There is still a huge room for improvement.

Lingmo was completely immersed in this joy. The Chaos Green Lotus, plus the filling of the spirit bead, completely supported Lingmo's body.

The soul power increased rapidly, and soon... from the original seventy-five, it was upgraded again.






Another five-level jump, Lingmo was completely surprised by this speed of improvement, and was obviously in self-doubt.

"Is this speed really reasonable?"

In fact, there are too many unreasonable things in the world. In comparison, Lingmo's situation is more reasonable.


How can the Chaos Green Lotus be compared with ordinary immortal medicine?

The power of the Chaos Green Lotus has long exceeded the limit that soul masters can accept.

Even if a Titled Douluo eats this medicine, he will definitely die.

Not to mention Lingmo!

If it weren't for the assistance of the Spirit Pearl, Lingmo would have exploded and died at this moment.

"Not good! The soul power has reached the upper limit. If there is no soul ring, all the soul power will be blocked in the meridians.

There is no suitable storage space. If it goes on like this... it will definitely die..."

After the soul power reached level 80, Lingmo was shocked.

The soul power was continuously fed back from the Spirit Pearl, but...at this time, his soul power had already reached a limit and could not accept any extra soul power.

Soul masters have a huge flaw, that is...every level 10, if they don't get a suitable soul ring, then this level will not be improved.

After Lingmo reached level 80, he did not find the spirit ring in time, so... he would be stuck at level 80 and could not move forward.

The most direct impact of this situation is that the spirit power that is constantly replenished from the spirit pearl will be blocked in the meridians.

In the long run, as more and more spirit power is integrated, Lingmo will definitely explode and die.

"Damn it! Xiaoqi, come and die for me..."

Lingmo shouted in pain.

"Huh? Xiaoqi?"

Above the sea below, the Snow Girl heard Lingmo's call and immediately set her sights on the seven-colored swallowing cloud beast Xiaoqi.

Everyone present heard it, and those evil soul masters were still wondering who Xiaoqi was?

"Sister Snow Girl, what are you going to do? You are not going to sacrifice me, are you? Damn..."

Now it was Xiaoqi's turn to panic. He had been mumbling about running away just now. He should have left, but he stayed to watch the fun.

Who knew that the situation suddenly changed, and he, who was originally watching the fun, became the protagonist?

This is fucking! Looking at the battle, are you trying to sacrifice me?

"Xiao Qi, for the fate of the entire continent! You can only be sacrificed..."

The Snow Girl doesn't care about anything. Lingmo is dead, and no one wants to live.

If Lingmo can succeed, at least they still have a way to survive.

As soon as the voice fell, the Snow Girl took advantage of the situation to catch Xiao Qi, and he couldn't react for a while.

If it was before, he would definitely be far away, so the Snow Girl couldn't catch him.

But... now he has been following the Snow Girl, how could he escape.

"Damn, you are going to kill your relatives for the sake of justice! Please be a human being..."

In Xiao Qi's desperate screams, the Snow Girl took advantage of the situation and threw him into the vortex.

Before he was pushed over, the Snow Girl replied, "I'm not a human being..."

Xiao Qi was pushed back into the vortex, and the high priest on the other side immediately became anxious.

"Stop him!"

"Yes, stop me quickly..."

As if he saw a savior, Xiao Qi looked at the evil soul masters in despair.

He had never felt that these people could be so cute.

But...will Snow Girl and Ghost Master let them succeed?

Obviously not...

At the moment when the high priest made a move, Guiye's giant sword slashed over in an instant, slashing fiercely on the scepter of the dark high priest.

"Old thing! I have tolerated you for a long time..."

The high priest was also a hot-tempered man. He was blocked by Guiye again and again, and he could not tolerate it anymore.

The staff pushed forward, and a powerful force rushed out, colliding violently with Guiye's giant sword.

In an instant, the two fought fiercely again, and the powerful impact raged around, and the sea was churning.

Guiye was very direct, and only gave a professional fake smile, as if he was very happy to see the other party angry.

According to Lingmo's words, I like the way you are unhappy with me, but you can't do anything about me.

Are you very angry?

"Stop him for me! You bunch of trash, did you grow up eating shit?"

Being entangled by Guiye, the high priest was completely angry for a while.

He roared at the seven evil soul masters who were still stupid on the other side. He, who has always been civilized, burst into swear words for the first time.

The seven people also realized that something was wrong, and immediately took action, flying towards Xiao Qi in seven directions.

"Don't you take me seriously?"

A cold and beautiful voice came, and the Snow Girl said with a cold face and murderous intent.

Unknowingly, she appeared in front of the seven people, and stopped the seven people under the whirlpool with her own strength.

"Stinky woman! You have repeatedly ruined our good things. Today... Either you die or I die..."

The seven people were repeatedly stopped by the Snow Girl, and they were also furious and were about to take action.

"Damn, why are you entangled with her, a bunch of ** things, stop that little thing for me..."

At this time, the voice of the high priest cursing came from a distance, and he cursed with *. It seems that this guy is collapsed.

A bunch of pig teammates! I can't lead at all...

Such a simple truth, do I still need him to teach? Damn... What a bunch of ** things!

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