Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 378 How can you say you have no clothes?

Holding the spirit bead, Lingmo appeared on the battlefield above the vortex again, looking at the monster with a sharp gaze.

With the previous blessing of the power of the Chaos Green Lotus, he had been locked in a corner of the void, and was constantly struck by the thunder in the sky, and he couldn't get out of his way to deal with Lingmo.

"Good guy, he was struck for a whole day, but nothing happened..."

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Lingmo came up and observed carefully, and found that the thunder did not cause any harm to him.

Instead, it aroused his anger, and he kept roaring, shaking the entire sea surface.

The evil spirit he emitted kept hitting the other side of the north land, and the people on that side were having a very hard time at this time.

Fortunately, with the purification of the green lotus, most of the evil spirits between heaven and earth were swallowed up, otherwise... let alone soul beasts, even human soul masters would be infected.

The reason why this evil spirit can affect soul beasts is mostly because most soul beasts have low intelligence, and a large part of them need to reach the ten thousand year level to have intelligence.

Therefore, they are easily affected by the evil spirit, become impatient and out of control.

In addition to this, the sea water also contains a lot of poisonous poison, so... these soul beasts have become a breakthrough and a weapon in their hands.

Lingmo has probably guessed the cause and effect now. If he wants to solve this riot, the direct way is to kill this monster.

Once this monster dies, all the sins will disappear.

He is said to be a monster, but in fact he is just a drop of blood, a drop of dark blood that has flowed on the continent.

The monster in front of him is just a phantom evolved from black blood, and it is the phantom of the master behind black blood.


Just when Lingmo was still thinking about how to solve this monster, he completely lost his temper.

After a day and a night of torture, this arrogant true master let out a long roar.

In an instant, the green lotus was shattered, and the monster gradually broke free.

"Not good! Get out of here quickly..."

Ling Mo shouted loudly after finding out that something was wrong, and shouted to Xue Nu, Gui Ye and others...

Once this monster gets out of control, with his strength, he can destroy this area in an instant.

Xue Nu and Gui Ye looked at each other, and both left the island in tacit understanding.

However, he just didn't believe in the evil of the Dark High Priest.

"Allah has shown his power, and you are ready to die!"

He didn't leave, and his inner faith told him that the Allah he spoke of would not hurt him.

Who would have thought that as soon as the voice fell, the terrifying power was instantly released and slashed at him fiercely.


There was only a loud bang, and the Dark High Priest was directly beaten into powder by this impact force, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

The entire island was instantly reduced to ruins. Except for the Rashomon tied with iron chains, the entire island, including several affiliated islands, was directly reduced to ruins.

"What a terrifying power! Is this the power of the Dark Giant?"

This attack was just a force he created when he attacked the Heavenly Will, and it was not his real target at all.

However, it was just a casual attack from Torture that turned the entire sea into a ruin. How terrifying it was.

"You want to stop me? Prepare to bear my wrath..."

The monster roared to the sky and cursed the Heavenly Will.

It was the first time Lingmo heard him speak. This was the first sentence he spoke since he appeared.

The vicissitudes of life opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the originally clear sky became extremely dark.

Here, it was completely plunged into darkness. Originally, under the protection of the Green Lotus, the light had revived.

However, after he went crazy, the light disappeared again.

"Damn! This guy is simply a pervert. How can we fight him? The Green Lotus Protection Net that I worked hard to weave for several days was destroyed in an instant..."

Lingmo looked at everything in front of him in despair. The Green Lotus Protection Net that he carefully woven had protected the continent for several days.

However... just at that moment, the Green Lotus Protective Net was broken.

The evil spirit floating between heaven and earth instantly entered the continent, and the situation was out of control again.

The situation couldn't get any worse, it had already reached a peak.

"Damn, let's fight... If you don't let me live, then you don't want to live either..."

In the darkness, Lingmo's heart seemed to be ignited, and he sacrificed a sword from the small tower.

This sword was the emperor's weapon, the Immortal Sword...

The moment the Immortal Sword appeared, the world suddenly changed again...

"What's going on, it's dark!"

"Everyone, look, what is that?"

On the north bank, everyone looked at the changes in front of them in panic, panicking.

However, at this moment, under the gaze of everyone, another figure appeared behind the infinite phantom.

The figure appeared on the wall of the void with a huge sword in his hand, fighting against the monster...

Some people looked carefully and recognized the figure.



"Master of Guimen, Lingmo..."

"Is it really him?"

Everyone saw the huge shadow appear on the Wulianghai Cliff, covering the entire sky.

In different spatial forms, it was shown to everyone, and they finally saw the person who had been escorting everyone on the other side.

It was the Ghost Gate Sect Master who had disappeared for more than two months, Lingmo...

"He's not dead!"

"It's really him..."

At this time, above the Sunset Forest, Zhu Zhuqing, Qian Renxue and others looked at the sky with tears in their eyes and were very excited.

The figure they had been thinking about for a long time appeared in their sight again.

Lingmo is not dead, he has been fighting for everyone, fighting for a glimmer of life.

"If you say you have no clothes, I will share the same clothes with you!

Don't panic! Hit them all, press on!

The Sect Master is escorting us in front, we can't let him down.

Everyone, hold the line of defense for me..."

The moment he saw Lingmo, Dugu Bo seemed to have taken a reassurance pill and found the backbone.

After two months of perseverance, he pulled out all the combat power that Ghost Gate could pull out. The whole sect worked together, and no one could stay out of it.

Three thousand soldiers from Guimen, Yama Palace, Tianji Pavilion, Cangfeng Valley, and Beishan, all of them, all pressed on.

This is a battle that gambles on the fate of human soul masters, and they cannot lose.

Because there is another person in front of them to escort them. If they lose, everything Lingmo does will be meaningless.

"Soldiers of the Tiandi Empire! At this critical moment of life and death, I am with you...

Stop the gap for me, and never let a soul beast break through the defense line..."

After Dugu Bo, Qian Renxue came out, and a shout resounded throughout the forest. Everyone in the Tiandou Empire Legion heard it clearly.

"Damn, the prince is so noble, and he fights side by side with us. I am not afraid of anything!

Brothers, the opportunity to defend our country and make achievements has come.

Even if I die, I will be a hero again in 18 years! Take my place..."

After an impassioned speech, everyone was like chicken blood, desperately blocking the defense line.

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