Under Qian Renxue's speech, everyone felt as if they were getting drunk.

Since the monster appeared a few days ago, the defense line has been torn apart several times. They have been losing more and more every day in the past few days.

By the end of the battle, almost half of the hundreds of thousands of troops had been lost.

In the entire Tiandou Empire area, whether they were food-type soul masters or healing-type soul masters, they all came to the rear to do logistics.

In front of them are hundreds of thousands of combat-type soul masters. This is a life-or-death battle for the soul masters in the entire continent.

This is not a power game war for those in power. This is a battle they cannot afford to lose. Once they lose, this continent will no longer have a place for them to live.

The tombs of their ancestors are at the back, can they give in?

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No, they can't give in...

On this side of the Sunset Forest, inspired by Qian Renxue's generosity, everyone burst out with a strong will and began to organize a counterattack.

Compared to the Sunset Forest side, the Star Dou Forest side was much calmer.

"Your Majesty, look, the figure in the sky is that boy?"

In front of the Chinese army's tent, Bibi Dong and Yueguan stood in front.

Gui Mei has already returned to Wuhun Palace to mobilize troops. As for how many they can mobilize, we don’t know yet.

"It's really him! I didn't expect that he has grown to this point, and has reached a point where he can save the world..."

Bibi Dong's eyes were blank, a little regretful. In the past few decades, in her eyes, Ling Mo was undoubtedly the most outstanding one.

Such an amazing and talented person did not live in the same era as her, otherwise... her fate might have changed.

"What kind of sword is that sword in his hand? It can actually compete with that monster?"

Yue Guan said with a solemn expression, already admiring Ling Mo in his heart.

"I don't know! He... now concerns everyone's fate. We can only pray that he can win this battle."

Bibi Dong said solemnly.

She was right. Ling Mo is now concerned with the fate of the entire continent. If he loses, there will never be anyone in the entire continent who can fight against that monster.

This riot may be the most united time in the history of the mainland where everyone has truly become united.

How can I say that I have no clothes and share the same robe with you?


In the past, everyone disliked each other, but when it came to this critical moment of life and death, everyone chose to give up their previous grievances.

Even the Haotian Sect has come out, which is enough to prove everything.

"The report...is not good. A large number of soul beasts poured out from the north, and the situation began to get out of control..."

At this time, a Wuhun Palace soldier ran quickly not far away and shouted.

"Huh? North?"

Bibi Dong's face was cold, her eyes fixed on Ling Mo in the sky, and then she looked back.

"The Ghost Sect has even managed to bring the sect master to the front line, how can we, the Spirit Hall, lag behind others.

As the word spread, the officers and soldiers of the three armies lined up in a row! I am personally in charge..."

After saying that, Bibi Dongfoyi left and went straight to the battlefield in the north.

She had to be strong all her life, so how could she give in?

Even Ling Mo was at the forefront of everyone, stabilizing the morale of the army.

At this time, she was still sitting in the rear. Wasn't she telling everyone that she was timid?

It can be said that Ling Mo's appearance played a very good role in stabilizing the morale of the military.

Previously, no one knew who was blocking the darkness for them or who was entangled with that monster.

Therefore, they don't know whether they should persist or not.

Now they know that Lingmo has been at the forefront of the battlefield, escorting them in the most dangerous places.

After this change, everyone was full of confidence and high morale, and began to organize a counterattack.

Bibi Dong went to the battlefield in person, and Yue Guan naturally followed. As for the other titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace, they were all arranged in different battle zones.

Every war zone must have a titled Douluo in charge to prevent the situation from getting out of control due to the emergence of a hundred thousand year spirit beast.

"Your Majesty! These soul beasts are coming with great force. With our current strength, we cannot resist it for long..."

Yue Guan said with a serious expression.

"How long has the ghost elder been there?"

Bibi Dong turned around and asked, not caring at all about the coming soul beast.

"It's been about three days!"

"Three days? Go...ask someone to go directly to the temporary defense zone and drag everyone to the Star Dou Forest."

Bibi Dong thought about it and made a bold decision.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Yue Guan said in disbelief. It was difficult for him to understand how the Pope, who always puts the overall situation first, could make such a decision?

"Your Majesty, if you pull everyone here, won't you cut off our escape route?"

Although Yue Guan was afraid of Bibi Dong, he still expressed his doubts for the sake of this large army.

"A way out? It's already this time, and you're still thinking about a way out? In the current situation, the only option is to fight to the bitter end.

Only by retreating all retreats can all soldiers be inspired to fight and survive...

Do you still need me to teach you this truth? So what if we retreat to the second line of defense.

Once the soul beast is completely out of control, not to mention the second line of defense, even the third line of defense will be torn apart in an instant..."

Bibi Dong replied coldly. After hearing her words, Yue Guan fell silent.

Yes! Bibi Dong was not confused, on the contrary, she was more sober than anyone else.

Do they have any way out?

In fact, everyone knew that they had no way out after coming here.

Even if they could escape this riot, they would still die when the situation got completely out of control.

The only chance was to fight to the death...

After Yueguan went down to make arrangements, Bibi Dong looked around and found that after two months of hard fighting, everyone's fighting spirit had been hit.

In this state, how could they hold the line of defense!

Bibi Dong did not want the battlefield where she was stationed to be the first battlefield to be breached, and shouted loudly:

"Soldiers of the Spirit Hall! I... am with you. For our homeland, for our family, can we give in?"

"No, no, no..."

The impassioned voice rang out, and under the night sky, the whole forest was echoing with excited voices.

"Now, everyone, block the defense line for me. For our homeland, for our family, fight to the death, never retreat..."

Bibi Dong's impassioned voice echoed in the forest, and everyone was shocked after hearing it.

"Fight to the death, fight to the death, fight to the death..."

It must be said that in terms of battlefield indignation and fighting spirit, Qian Renxue must have learned from Bibi Dong, and the words of the two mother and daughter are similar.

After a fierce speech, Bibi Dong sat in the battlefield, and all the soldiers of the Wuhun Hall burst out with a strong will to fight.

The first round of exchange of fire collided with each other in an instant, and the whole forest became colorful as the gorgeous soul skills intersected, like a feast of fireworks in the prosperous era, which was very beautiful.

However, under this beautiful brilliance, there are countless fallen lives, among these lives, there are people and soul beasts...

However...none of them is wrong, they are all innocent...

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