Lingmo really wanted to find the source of the Tianhe River upstream, but... one day in heaven is one year below.

He had been in heaven for half a day, and half a year had passed below.

He couldn't stay here for too long, otherwise something would happen below.

69 Book Bar → 69𝓈𝒽𝓊𝓍.𝓃ℯ𝓉

He had a hunch that this Tianhe River must have a lot of secrets, but now was not the time to reveal them.

He could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​exploration and dig up the mysterious ruins mentioned by Hercules to see if he could find any treasures.

Finally, he would observe the disaster of the Bulao Mountain and return directly to the mortal world.

Lingmo would not directly attack the disaster of the God Realm, because there was no need...

He didn't need to fight for these gods. They didn't care about it themselves, so why would Lingmo bother to stick to their cold butts.

"Let's go! Let's go to Bulao Mountain first..."

Giving up the idea of ​​exploring the Tianhe River, Lingmo directly asked Hercules to continue leading the way.

According to what Mu Qi said before, it won't take long to reach the Bulao Mountain after crossing the Tianhe River.

When leaving the Tianhe River, Lingmo suddenly felt a strange breath, as if calling him.

But Lingmo ignored it. No matter what it was, it was not the time to solve it now.

Hercules led the way in front, chattering: "I admire you more and more now. You are not afraid of the water of the Tianhe River.

By the way, are you really a human? You are simply a pervert..."

Lingmo wanted to hit him, but seeing his admiration, he didn't dare to do it.

It is said that you should not hit a smiling person, although I don't understand whether he is praising Lingmo or scolding Lingmo.

"You know, the water of the Tianhe River, even for us gods, will be devoured by the soul power once it touches it, and the body will become exhausted. In more serious cases, it is very likely to die directly.

I saw you actually put your hand into the Tianhe River just now. I have to say that you are really brave. I admire you completely..."

Hercules is outspoken, open-minded, and speaks his mind.

He really admired Lingmo, and he was so impressed.

If he was reluctant to work for Lingmo at first, it was because he didn't really obey Lingmo.

For a god of his level to surrender to a little brat in the mortal world was undoubtedly a slap in his face, and he wouldn't have to see anyone in the future.

But after seeing the horror of Lingmo, he was completely convinced, and no longer felt that kind of shame, but was a little proud.

In his words...

You laugh at me for being a slave?

Do you dare to touch the water of Tianhe? I dare, isn't it awesome?

To be honest, Lingmo has always had a good impression of such people with open personalities.

Such people generally don't have any bad intentions, and won't frame you.

He is a very strong-willed person, and he is very principled in his conduct.

"Since you admire me, why don't you just follow me in the future, I promise you will have a good life..."

Lingmo also found it funny to see him boasting so much about himself.

"Hehe, let's talk about it later! I still want to live a carefree life for a few years.

But... I am completely convinced today. If you have anything to say in the future, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will never hesitate..."

Hercules smiled innocently and touched his head, looking quite funny.

Just imagine, a big man nearly three meters tall, doing such a move, it's funny to think about it.

"Big brother? Don't call me big brother, it will shorten your life..."

Lingmo was embarrassed, this guy must be at least tens of thousands of years old, right? Even longer...

How old is Lingmo? At most, he is only sixteen this year, at most seventeen...

Calling him big brother, isn't this shortening his life?

"If not big brother, what should I call you?"

Hercules asked innocently, he was not good at socializing, and he said what he wanted to say.

Lingmo thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was only one way to call him, Xiaomo? It felt like it would lower his status.

Call Lingmo? Too unfamiliar...

And since Hercules refused to join Lingmo's Ghost Gate, it was naturally impossible to call him the leader, so after thinking about it, it was more appropriate to call him Big Brother.

"Forget it, call me whatever you like..."

As they said, the two came to a mountain. This mountain was very high...

The real Tongtian Mountain was like a pillar supporting the sky, piercing the sky and out of reach.

"Is this the Bulao Mountain?"

Lingmo's expression was a little unnatural. The name of the Bulao Mountain sounded like a mountain full of life.

And from Mu Qi's description, the Bulao Mountain does have a breath of life, which is very powerful.

But the question is, why is this mountain bald?

That's right, this mountain is bald, without a single tree, and it is completely a dead mountain without any vitality.

This contrast is too big, isn't it?

Lingmo was a little at a loss. The name of the Bulao Mountain sounded like a name full of vitality.

However, this mountain is actually bald, which is really puzzling.

"That's right! This is the Bu Lao Mountain. It has remained the same for millions of years. However... ever since the disaster broke out, a layer of black fog has covered the top of the mountain...

Look over there, that's the black fog that covers half of the mountain. It looks very creepy..."

Hercules explained, and Lingmo followed the direction he pointed and saw the black fog at the other end of the mountain.

Same as the following situation, this corrupt evil spirit also appeared, and it also came from the breath of darkness.

I just don’t know if there is a drop of dark blood in the God Realm?

The only way to know whether there is a drop of blood in the God Realm is to go in and find out.

If there is, it will be troublesome!

You know, the reason why Lingmo won last time was entirely because the five-colored divine light caught him by surprise.

If there is also a drop of black blood in the God Realm, then the opponent must have known all of Lingmo’s methods.

It will not be so easy to clean up again.

However, Lingmo does not need to fight with the opponent for the time being, and the safety of the God Realm is not within his consideration for the time being.

And... it is not so easy to enter the Immortal Mountain.

According to Mu Qi’s previous description, although there is a breath of life in the Immortal Mountain, if someone from outside goes in.

This breath of life will not only not give you any supplements, but will devour your vitality until your life is exhausted and you die.

This bald mountain at the moment is a good proof of this point. All the creatures and plants in it have been devoured completely.

You can imagine how terrifying this mountain is...

Regarding the exhaustion of life, Lingmo also has such an ability, which is to use the method of time flow speed to accelerate the growth of people trapped in the time field.

Until the lifespan is exhausted and the life is exhausted and dead.

However, Lingmo's ability must be assisted by time.

I just don't know if this Immortal Mountain is also based on this principle? Lingmo doesn't know the details yet.

If it is really this principle, it is also easy to solve. Lingmo directly activates the ninth soul skill and develops in the opposite time field in reverse.

One speeds up the flow of time, and the other extends in the opposite direction, which can completely avoid this risk...

If not, it will be quite troublesome.

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