Of course, this is only theoretically feasible. When it is really put into practice, many unexpected events may occur.

Therefore... Lingmo cannot take some risks, and he cannot afford such risks.

"Has there been any strange things in the Bulao Mountain recently?"

Looking at the mountain, Lingmo raised doubts.

Hercules thought carefully, and then said: "It has only been a few days since the outbreak of the disaster. Except for the gods from all walks of life coming to watch at the beginning, there have been no strange things for the time being.

Oh, right! When the God of Life came before, the Bulao Mountain, that is, the area covered by the black fog.

There was a slight fluctuation of power, and the whole mountain seemed to explode, releasing many strange creatures.

But those creatures were killed by us. Apart from this, there was no other strange thing..."

Hercules answered honestly. He didn't know why Lingmo asked about the disaster.

Having the same doubts as Mu Qi, Hercules would not ask Lingmo why he investigated the disaster.

Since he came into contact with Lingmo, he felt that the young man in front of him had too many secrets.

He couldn't ask all the secrets, so he didn't go back to ask, just focus on doing his own things.

Moreover, Lingmo had said before that he shouldn't ask about things that he shouldn't ask, and as an honest man, he would definitely follow it.

"Well! Do you know where the God of Life is now?"

Hearing this name several times, Lingmo couldn't help but wonder, who is this God of Life, is she pretty?

Hearing what they said, it seems that this God of Life is also a goddess, but I don't know if she is pretty...

Ahem... Don't get me wrong, I just mentioned it casually, I don't have any other malicious intentions...

"I don't know! These gods come and go without a trace, who knows where they are hiding.

Maybe they are watching us in a corner now...

I think you should not ask about these gods, although you are very strong.

But I think you are only a little stronger than me, and you should not be able to beat those gods..."

Lingmo suddenly felt that this guy was so straightforward, and he had to emphasize that you can't beat those gods.

Don't you know how to say it more tactfully?

Although this kind of simple personality is likable, it can sometimes be annoying.

"Oh, by the way, I have a gossip, do you want to hear it? About the God of Life..."

Hercules suddenly whispered, as if he was guilty of a thief. He looked around first and made sure that there was no one around before saying this.

"Gossip? I don't like to listen to other people's gossip..."

Lingmo has no hobby of listening to gossip, not to mention that he doesn't even know who the God of Life is.

"Oh, what a pity! This gossip is about the love, hatred and hatred between the God of Life and the God of Destruction, which is very interesting.

But since you don't want to listen, forget it!"

Hercules just felt it was a pity and shook his head and gave up.

When Lingmo heard that this guy was related to another great god, he immediately regretted it. If he had known earlier, he would have listened first and then pretended to be cool.

Now he wants to listen, isn't this a slap in his face?

"Huh? The love, hatred and hatred between the God of Life and the God of Destruction? Ah... What a pity, what a pity..."

Lingmo looked depressed. He just said that he didn't like to listen to gossip.

Unfortunately, Lingmo's expression was not visible to Hercules, so he simply gave up.

However, Lingmo did know a little about the story of the God of Life and the God of Destruction.

The details were not very clear, and he wanted to hear the more detailed process from the natives of the God Realm.

Now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

In fact, Lingmo knew very little about the God of Life and the God of Destruction.

These two should be a couple, and they are one of the five seeds sown by the God of Creation when he created the God Realm.

These five seeds are the five main gods who control the God Realm.

The God of Destruction and the God of Life are the two seeds that merged into the God of Creation.

One exists for destruction, and the other exists for life. They are two completely extreme gods, but they are forcibly tied together by the God of Creation.

In other words, without the God of Life, the God of Destruction would not live alone, because his life has no meaning.

It was his wife who gave him the color of life and the courage to live.

Later, after Tang San became the Asura God, he controlled the God Realm and became one of the five main gods.

However... the God of Destruction obviously did not obey Tang San. He was a very ambitious god. How could he submit to Tang San's control?

The two main gods had different political views, which had been accumulated for many years...

Later, the God of Destruction launched a rebellion and fought Tang San to the death.

However, he could not beat the Shura God Tang San. In terms of combat power alone, the Shura God should be at the pyramid level of the God Realm.

Although the God of Destruction was powerful, he still could not defeat Tang San. In the end, it was the God of Life who saved him.

This rebellion was stopped, and the God of Destruction also paid a heavy price for this rebellion.

Lingmo knew so much, but these were all things that happened later. Lingmo really didn't know the story of the two people in front.

And now Tang San has not become a god, so these plots have not happened.

But looking at what Hercules meant, he didn't want to say it!

Lingmo had to give up, but he still had a doubt...

Since the five main gods are the real controllers of the God Realm, what kind of existence are those gods behind them?

What is the purpose of their secret manipulation?

Lingmo asked Mu Qi, but Mu Qi didn't know these people at all and didn't know the existence of this group of people.

In other words, these people have always existed in the past period of time in the God Realm, but they have never shown up.

Lingmo doesn't believe such behavior if it is not for other purposes.

Moreover... these people are very powerful. Unless the God of Creation is resurrected, the five gods have no ability to fight against them.

You know, after the God of Creation created the God Realm, he theoretically disappeared, and the God of Creation, which was formed by the fusion of the God of Destruction and the God of Life, is just a shell.

Perhaps they have not reached the true strength of the God of Creation...

Of course, these are just Lingmo's personal guesses, and the specific situation depends on actual combat.

In general, the God Realm is very complicated, very complicated!

It is mixed with dark creatures, evil soul masters, and the pushers behind the scenes, as well as the five main gods.

No, now there are only two main gods in theory, Tang San hasn't come back yet, and the Dragon God has also run away.

Therefore, Lingmo doesn't know how deep the water in the God Realm is, and he can't figure it out...

"Let's go to the ruins you mentioned..."

Lingmo still hasn't forgotten the ruins that Hercules mentioned before.

At the moment, let's dig some treasures and take them back first, and the rest... who cares.

No matter how deep the water in the God Realm is, it has nothing to do with Lingmo, and he doesn't plan to take charge of the God Realm.

If he wants, the entire Douluo time will be under his control, but unfortunately he has given up...

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