"What a desolate feeling..."

From the moment he stepped into the ancient city, Lingmo felt cold from his feet to his head, and his whole body felt cold.

This feeling was too depressing. It was unimaginable that so many people died in such an ancient city.

What exactly is this place?

Lingmo didn't know, but there was always an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if it was very similar to the imperial city in his memory...

After walking for a long time, on the desolate land, Lingmo suddenly saw seven huge stone statues appearing in the distance.

The moment he saw the stone statues, Lingmo had a splitting headache and felt cold all over.

"What a strong pressure, even if it is just a stone statue, can it have such a strong power?"

Lingmo was shocked. This shocking pressure came from the seven big stone statues, which gave Lingmo a suffocating feeling of death even thousands of meters away.

69 Book Bar → 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕

"Border Wasteland... Seven Kings?"

Lingmo was shocked, his eyes resting on the last stone statue.

Lingmo could clearly see that on the last stone statue, there was a mark exactly like his own between the eyebrows.

The mark called the Sin Blood Mark...

"What... is going on?"

Lingmo was panicking, he vaguely guessed something, but he was not sure.

According to the previous clues, if someone has the same mark as himself, there is no doubt that he is a member of his bloodline.

And the last stone statue obviously also has a Sin Blood Mark, so...he should be a member of the Sin Blood clan like Lingmo.

But Lingmo didn't know whether he was the descendant of the Sin Blood or the origin of the Sin Blood?

Judging from the specifications of the stone statue, his strength was definitely not something Lingmo could look up to, it was out of reach.

Just one thought can make Lingmo die invisibly, which is very terrifying.

"Sin blood, hehe... This endless cause and effect has really entangled me!

The seven kings of the borderland? Or another sin blood clan in another world?"

Lingmo smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't know what these seven stone statues represented.

But since he came here, his heart seemed to sense some kind of call.

It was a call from the stone statue. He seemed to want to tell Lingmo something, but he never spoke.

No, he didn't have the ability to speak. Although he had many secrets to tell Lingmo, he couldn't say it, and couldn't say it...

The white mist covered the seven stone statues. They seemed to have completely disappeared from Lingmo's sight, but Lingmo could feel that they had always existed.

Why did these seven stone statues appear in another part of the other world?

Lingmo didn't know. He really wanted to know what kind of cause and effect was hidden in it, but unfortunately no one told him.

Pain and suffering broke out in silence...

At this moment, Lingmo's double pupils shot out a strong light ray and began to sweep along the entire ancient city.

Wherever the strong light rays passed, all the city walls and ancient houses were cut apart. For a moment, the entire ancient city was in a mess and completely turned into a ruin.

Lingmo couldn't control his emotions. All of this started with a mystery and ended with a mystery.

Until now, he still didn't know what he meant.

Too many things were related to him, but he didn't know what these things were related to him.

The double pupils seemed to be completely activated, deriving three thousand phantoms. Those three thousand phantoms were like Lingmo in different time and space and different worlds.

Evolving three thousand Taoisms, entering the realm of heaven and man in one step...

Deep in this wonderful world, Lingmo wanted to find his lost self.

Finally... his eyes fell on the last cold and ruthless supreme pupil who was bloodthirsty by nature.

At this moment, Lingmo seemed to have become a different person. Not only did his temperament change, but his appearance also changed slightly.

Cold and deep, decisive in killing...

Originally, the black hair, with the cloak falling, began to turn into a deep blue, the double pupils emitted bursts of blue light, and the blood mark of sin between the eyebrows added the last bit of murderous aura.

Overall, it was completely different from the original delicate appearance, and became more profound.

The blue shirt and white clothes, with the long blue hair, cold eyes, and full of hostility.

This is the most real side of Lingmo that he saw in the three thousand illusions.

The double pupils are bloodthirsty, with hostility as the most important, and unsmiling is the standard.

After the appearance changed, Lingmo's state of mind was also improved, and the three Dao fetuses in his body began to change slowly.

From three Dao fetuses, they became three flowers...

Yes, three flowers, three similar flowers...

"So, is all this just me deceiving myself?"

Lingmo watched all this, and it seemed that he had cleared himself and found his true self.

The Three-Life Dao Flower, one step into the realm of heaven and man, at this moment, Lingmo's martial soul began to merge, all into the Three-Life Dao Flower.

That's right, it's all gone, Lingmo has nothing.

This seems to be the gift given to Lingmo when the stone statue disappeared, wishing him to create a perfect immortal body.

Under the nourishment of the Three-Life Dao Flower, Lingmo felt that his body had undergone tremendous changes, not only his appearance had changed, but also his physique.

The martial soul no longer existed, leaving only a double pupil feature, and the peacock that Lingmo had practiced hard before also disappeared at this moment.

But... this does not mean that Lingmo is completely useless, but that he has achieved transcendence, entered the heavenly realm in one step, and truly reached the realm of immortals.

No, in this world, there are no immortals, only gods.

In other words, Lingmo now is what this world calls a god.

The disappearance of the martial soul does not mean that all of Lingmo's previous practice has been in vain.

He can use all the soul skills he practiced before, and the five-color divine light still exists.

As for the peacock, it has been integrated into the Three Lives Dao Flower, and through spiritual power, it has fed back to Lingmo, allowing him to reach the realm of heaven.

This so-called heaven is not the realm of heaven that Lingmo forced to enter last time with the help of special methods.

Now he is in the realm of heaven, and he does not need to use such methods to enter.

In other words, Lingmo does not need to practice martial souls in the future, because all his practice in Douluo has ended.

When entering the realm of heaven, Lingmo is the god of this world, a god without a god position, but with divine power...

As for how strong is it? Lingmo can feel that it is not inferior to the main god, or even superior to the main god.

Moreover... he was not restricted by the position of God. After leaving the Wuhun, the Three Lives Dao Flower became the core of Lingmo's practice.

In the future... he only needs to focus on the Three Lives Dao Flower.

The upper limit of the Wuhun is to become a God, and the Three Lives Dao Flower can be extended further. As for which level it can be extended to?

Lingmo didn't know. The profound meaning here was too profound and difficult to understand in a short time.

"Is this... the gift you gave me?"

Lingmo looked at the disappearing stone statue. All the changes in Lingmo now were given by him.

Lingmo didn't know why he did this. It seemed that the connection in the blood made him do this.

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