Lingmo wanted to find the missing stone statue and ask him why he did that.

But... when he appeared above the ancient city, the seven stone statues that were standing there had disappeared.

After the seven stone statues disappeared, the entire ancient city also changed.

The ancient city that was destroyed by Lingmo began to return to its original state, as if nothing had happened, which was very strange...

"Real and fake, true and false! It's just a dream. When will the fog in front of us dissipate?"

Lingmo looked at the other end of the ancient city and said to himself. Since the change, his voice has become a little colder.

He is no longer the shameless young man.

❻❾Book Bar

Looking at the restored ancient city, after the seven stone statues left, the ghosts in the ancient city began to act recklessly and even had the ability to attack.

They were fighting each other. I don't know why they fought each other without any signs.

Judging from the situation, they seemed to be robbing some treasure and became violent and crazy.


Lingmo glanced coldly, and waved his right hand lightly. In an instant, a powerful force slapped down, and the earth trembled violently. This seemingly light blow actually had such power?

Lingmo was also amazed at his own strength. It turned out that... this was the real realm of heaven and man, the realm beyond order.

Under Lingmo's blow, those ghosts began to become frightened and uneasy...

They were afraid of Lingmo's shock and dared not take another step forward, but the greed in their eyes never disappeared.

Lingmo looked at the area they were looking at in confusion and found an extraordinary thing.

"Is this... the nine-legged tripod?"

Lingmo looked and found that there was a faint light in the ruins of the ancient city. It was emitted from a strange-looking tripod in the mist.

This tripod has nine legs and is also called the Nine Tripods. Various ancient beasts are carved on the Nine Tripods, which is very strange.

Lingmo disappeared in the sky, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of the Nine Cauldrons.

Through observation, he found that the source of this ancient city's oppressive feeling was actually because of this tripod.

The mirror maze in the black forest exists specifically to protect the Nine Cauldrons?

"Ancient saying: Yu brought down the Nine Cauldrons to control the flood, so as to shock the nine states. Isn't this so-called Nine Cauldrons nine tripods, but a tripod with nine legs?"

Lingmo was puzzled, and his eyes were always fixed on the Nine Cauldrons. He couldn't figure out what power this tripod had that could produce such an oppressive feeling.

What made him even more curious was that if this tripod was the one used to control the flood, why was it here?

Moreover, why was there only one? Could it be that the so-called Nine Cauldrons was just a name, and there were no nine tripods, but because this one had nine legs?

No... This explanation is a bit far-fetched. I can only say... This is just one of them, and the other eight are scattered in various worlds.

But since there is one here, then... If Lingmo finds the other eight in the future, can he make up the Nine Cauldrons?

What will be the effect after gathering enough?

By observing the Nine Cauldrons, Lingmo can clearly feel that the Nine Cauldrons have the power to shock the Nine Provinces and stabilize the peace of the world.

It also has the power to destroy the world, which is definitely not a joke.

Just one statue is so terrifying. If it is nine statues combined, it is unimaginable.

"Could it be that this is a hint for me?"

Lingmo had lost his way, and suddenly felt... the road ahead was smooth.

According to Lingmo's previous idea, after he cultivated into a god and eliminated the disaster, he didn't know where to go.

He originally wanted to stay in the God Realm and accompany Zhu Zhuqing and others for life, but the appearance of the Nine Cauldrons broke Lingmo's plan.

He has another goal, which is... to find all the Nine Cauldrons.

That's right, from the documents recorded on the Nine Cauldrons, we can know one thing, which also gives Lingmo a motivation to move forward.

There are Nine Provinces in the world, and the Nine Provinces represent the universe! And in a certain era of disaster, the Nine Provinces were scattered.

Since the separation of the Nine Provinces, it has become thousands of worlds, and the Nine Cauldrons have also been separated and placed in various worlds.

Their whereabouts are still unknown, and no one can find them all...

According to this record, does it mean that as long as the Nine Cauldrons are found, the Nine Provinces can be re-condensed, and all three thousand worlds can be merged into the land of the Nine Provinces, and completely pulled into one world?

This is really a crazy idea. Lingmo has no idea how many crazy things he has done.

"It seems! A new journey has begun..."

Lingmo whispered coldly, and gently placed one hand on the Nine Cauldron, trying to move it.

However, the Nine Cauldrons are very heavy. According to the Nine Cauldrons, it represents a world.

So Lingmo wants to shake it, just to shake this world.

This statement sounds outrageous, but the Nine Cauldrons are so outrageous that there is no reason at all.

"Can't move it?"

After trying several times, Lingmo gave up directly.

He originally wanted to try the weight of the Nine Cauldrons, but he didn't expect that the Nine Cauldrons were too heavy and he couldn't shake it at all.

Such a tripod cannot be moved by divine power. Perhaps only a true Immortal King or even an Immortal Emperor can move it.

These nine tripods are too strange. To move them, one must not only be strong, but also have a pious heart and a heart that is willing to sacrifice for the world.

Only the emperor of the time can move it!

Of course, being an emperor is not enough, as mentioned earlier.

The Nine Cauldrons are the heaven and earth, and what they represent is too heavy. It is normal that Lingmo cannot move it.

Maybe this is the meaning of "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, right?"

Since it cannot be moved, Lingmo will not force it, and directly take out the small tower and put it into the small tower.

After taking away the Nine Cauldrons, those ghosts went completely crazy, but unfortunately... in Lingmo's eyes, they are just a group of rabble.

Just a cold glance, hundreds of thousands of ghosts all dissipated in front of Lingmo. Lingmo knew that there was no need to attack them, and they could not bear Lingmo's double pupils...

Without the martial soul, Lingmo did not know how to practice in the future, and could only follow the Three Worlds Scripture.

Continue to temper the Three Lives Dao Flower, just to reach another realm, and go to other worlds to find the Nine Cauldrons.

Now there is only this way.

The disappearance of the martial soul is not a bad thing, but a good thing for Lingmo.

He can't be imprisoned in a small martial soul forever. His path is far beyond the reach of gods.

If he wants to fight in a higher level world, this is something he must give up.

Lingmo's body is now the most perfect immortal body, several times stronger than before in terms of talent and strength.

Lingmo doesn't need to fear the God of Life and the God of Destruction who merge into the God of Creation.

Because Lingmo has broken free from this world, how can they restrict Lingmo?

They can't restrict things outside the sky, and it's impossible to restrict them...

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