After moving the Tianmen out of the dark restricted area, Ling Mo went directly to the sky above Jueshen Island and placed the Tianmen on the top of the mountain...

There are many soul beasts near Jueshen Island. Since the poison was removed, most of the soul beasts in the sea have regained their consciousness.

Moreover, more than 10,000 soul beasts that Ling Mo captured earlier are stationed here, so it is relatively safe.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Lan..."

Ling Mo appeared above Jueshen Island. After lowering the Tianmen, he directly called Kunpeng and Jiaolong.

As soon as Ling Mo finished speaking, he saw the bottom of the sea churning, and a dragon rose up from the waves, rushing towards Ling Mo.

In the clouds not far away, Kunpeng spread his wings and flew high. In less than a moment, he came directly to Lingmo.

"Master, you are finally back!"

The moment he saw Ling Mo, Kunpeng said excitedly.

Since Ling Mo entered the dark restricted area, they have been stationed near Jueshen Island. After waiting for three years, Ling Mo finally returned.

"Has anything big happened in the mainland recently?"

Ling Mo sat on Kunpeng's back and asked, "It has been almost three years since he left. He has no idea what happened in these three years."

"Report to the Master! Since the chaos was put down three years ago, nothing major has happened in the mainland in the past three years.

Both soul beasts and humans need some time to rest and recuperate, so they are relatively peaceful..."

Jiaolong replied. Ling Mo nodded silently when he heard this. It seemed that nothing major happened when he went to heaven this time.

Everything is developing for the better, and there are no changes.

"Well! Xiaohei, now I give you a task..."

Ling Mo thought for a while and realized that he needed to go back now. He had not been back to the Ghost Gate for three years, and he didn't know what was going on with the Ghost Gate now.

As the leader of a sect, it was Ling Mo's dereliction of duty that he was absent from the sect for a long time.

"Master, please give me your instructions. As long as I can do it, I will do it even if it costs me my life..."

Jiaolong admired Ling Mo immensely in his heart. Ling Mo's ability to quell the chaos had already confirmed his status in Douluo Continent.

Following such a master, are you afraid that you will never get ahead in the future?

"Listen, there is a door on Jueshen Island, and this door is the door to heaven.

During my absence, no one is allowed to come near the Heavenly Gate.

In addition...the army of more than 10,000 soul beasts needs to be expanded. With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to control those wandering soul beasts, right?

I need you to do two things. The first is to guard Tianmen and wait for me to come back!

The second is to recruit the soul beast army to expand it. There will be a tough battle to fight in the future.

This war is related to the life and death pattern of the entire continent, and neither human soul masters nor soul beasts can avoid it. "

Ling Mo gave the final order. When he came back this time, he had a lot of things to do. He had to solve everything before the real disaster broke out.

Only in this way can we have a chance to win this war...

"I understand..."

Jiaolong took the order and glanced at the heavenly gate on Jueshen Island with admiration.

It didn’t know how Ling Mo got Tianmen back, but it knew that it would do whatever Ling Mo told it to do.

After arranging things on Jueshen Island, Ling Mo got on Kunpeng and prepared to go find Xue Nu.

He needs the help of Snow Girl to mobilize all the spirit beasts in the North to prepare for this future war.

As the empress of the ice world, Snow Girl, in the entire North, there is no other soul beast with such ability except her.

Sitting on the Kunpeng, Ling Mo came to the hiding place of the Ice Bear King Xiaobai, and sure enough, she discovered that the breath of the Snow Girl had stayed here...

I continued to search following the scent, and finally saw the snow girl on an iceberg.

Ling Mo sat on Kunpeng's back and instantly reached the top of the iceberg, looking at the snow girl from a distance.

At this moment, Ling Mo saw the dim sadness in Xue Nu's eyes, and felt a sting deep in her heart.

Ling Mo didn't see Ice Bear King Xiaobai and was very confused. Could it be that Ice Bear King Xiaobai was dead?

Ling Mo didn't know what she had gone through, and she was so depressed...

"You're back……"

The moment she saw Ling Mo, Xue Nu lost control of her emotions, with a trace of tears in her eyes.

Although Ling Mo's appearance had changed greatly, she still recognized him at first sight.

She could feel the aura on Ling Mo's body, as well as Ling Mo's iconic eyes and the mark on his forehead.

These are all signs that Ling Mo cannot conceal his identity. Just like his identity, it cannot be erased...

"Yes! I'm back and I'm stronger..."

A gentle smile appeared on Ling Mo's cold face, and she held Xue Nu tightly in her arms.

In the past three years, Ling Mo could feel the changes in Xue Nu's heart. She seemed to be getting more and more sad...

"Didn't you find Xiaobai?"

After the hug, Ling Mo immediately asked. He didn't see Xiaobai when he came here, so he was very confused.

"Found it! But Xiaobai was poisoned. In order to survive, he chose to seal himself...

By the time I found it, the poison had already taken hold and it was too late to detoxify it.

He sealed himself under the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Cave, and he doesn’t know how long it will take to unblock him. All of this... he can only rely on himself..."

Snow Girl felt sad that she could not help Ice Bear King Xiaobai. When she found Xiaobai, she was already helpless.

"Toxic? It seems that it was also poisoned by Gu... In this case, you don't have to worry.

Xiaobai will be fine! It is very smart. It sealed all its blood and suppressed the poison with the power of the cold air of Xuanbing.

After ten thousand years, it will still revive again..."

Lingmo thought about it and soon figured out the mystery.

The Ice Bear King's approach was very smart. If it had met Lingmo before it sealed itself, it would not have wasted ten thousand years.

Unfortunately... Lingmo had already gone to the heaven at that time, and it had no choice but to choose to seal itself.

Now even if Lingmo wanted to save it, it couldn't, because once the seal was formed, it had to wait until ten thousand years later before it could be lifted.

But it's also good this way. When it revives, the disaster will no longer exist. For it, isn't it a good thing?

"What are your plans for coming back this time?"

Xue Nu had already known about Xiaobai's affairs, so she didn't dwell on this issue too much.

Nestling in Lingmo's arms, looking at Lingmo with expectant eyes, she enjoyed the time alone with Lingmo.

But she knew that this kind of time was very luxurious, Lingmo couldn't stay with her all the time, he had more important things to do...

"I'll leave soon! I need to go back, before the next disaster breaks out, I must be fully prepared.

Otherwise... this world will be completely plunged into darkness.

I'm sorry, I may have to break my promise! I can't stay here with you all the time..."

Lingmo felt extremely guilty, he had promised Xue Nu before that he would accompany her in the north.

Unfortunately, plans can't keep up with changes, the dark disaster is about to break out, Lingmo can't delay any longer...

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