"I don't blame you! Although I don't know what you are carrying, I only know one thing.

The only thing I can do is to support you silently from behind..."

Xue Nu did not blame Ling Mo, but said softly.

She suddenly felt that Ling Mo had changed a lot after returning from the darkness.

Not only did his personality change drastically, but his appearance also changed drastically. Xue Nu could not imagine what Ling Mo had experienced in the darkness.


If she knew that Ling Mo didn't experience anything big this time and just treated it as a trip, she would probably be furious.

"I need your help!"

Ling Mo looked at Xue Nu sincerely and said that before he left, he must arrange all the plans for the Northland, and Xue Nu was the most critical part of it.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Previously, I set up a barrier in the darkness. This barrier couldn't last long, and the things inside came out quickly.

Therefore... in the future, this place will completely become a battlefield, a war that no one can avoid.

I need you to do one thing for me, and that is... to summon all the fighting power that can be mobilized in the North.

Be prepared for this war in the future. If we lose this war, the world will turn black and no one will be able to stay away. "

Ling Mo expressed his worries. He needed Xue Nu's help. The spirit beads were now used to suppress the chaos.

He was unable to recruit more soul beast legions, so... the only person who could mobilize the Northland soul beasts was Yuki Onu.

Xue Nu was stunned when she heard the words. She understood the meaning of Ling Mo's words.

Ling Mo's request was not too much and she could do it, but she was even more surprised when Ling Mo said that this place would become a battlefield.

For so many years, the Northland has always been a quiet and elegant place that is uncontested by the world. Now it seems that this place will become the first battlefield for dark creatures to break through the Douluo Continent...

"I understand! Don't worry, just do whatever you want to do. I'm here in the Northland..."

The snow girl understood and knew what to do.

As one of the three kings of the North, Snow Girl felt that she needed to do something.


Ling Mo said something sincerely, and Xue Nu suddenly laughed angrily.

"Are you still polite to me? Have you forgotten who I am?"

Xue Nu said angrily, why did she feel that Ling Mo suddenly became unfamiliar this time when she went to the restricted area.

"Hehe, of course I know, you are my wife..."

Ling Mo smiled slightly, hugged Xue Nu over, and squeezed her hand dishonestly. If Kunpeng hadn't been here, he would have wanted to have a big fight.

But now is not the time to do this. Let’s wait until next time when I come back...

"Knowing that, he said, okay, you go quickly, don't worry about things in the North..."

Yuki Ono said angrily.

After bidding farewell to Snow Girl, Ling Mo finally embarked on the journey back to the ghost gate.

He just rode Kun Peng through the city in a swagger, entering the territory of the Star Luo Empire from the north, and even flew over the Star Luo Palace, and no one dared to say anything.

"Look, everyone, isn't that Ling Mo, the leader of the Ghost Sect?"

Ling Mo rode Kunpeng to land from the north bank and was recognized when passing by Xingluo City.

You must know that the last battle between Ling Mo and the dark giant was a scene that shocked the whole world.

Is there anyone in the entire continent who doesn't know him...

Ling Mo is now the most famous figure in the Douluo Continent, the leader of the Ghost Sect, and the youngest titled Douluo in the mainland. He once refreshed Tang Hao's record.

His strength is at the top of the pyramid in the mainland. It is difficult for others to know such a person.

"Yes, that's him! Where has he been in the past three years?"

"After the riot three years ago, he seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. There was no news at all for three years. Unexpectedly, he appeared again today.

Could it be that there has been something strange happening in Northland recently? "

Some people speculated that Ling Mo's identity was too special now, and his appearance would have a great impact on this city-state.

For a time, the news of Ling Mo's return spread throughout the streets, and he himself had already entered the territory of the Tiandou Empire.

Kunpeng's speed was very fast. In less than half a day, he had crossed half the continent. Except for Ling Mo's teleportation, no one could match this speed...

"It seems that after these three years of recuperation, the mainland has almost recovered..."

Ling Mo walked and looked around, and found that after the last riot, the continent that had been turned into a wasteland began to glow with life again.

The city defenses between the various cities have been strengthened a lot, and it seems that they were all frightened to death by the last riot.

To prevent problems before they happen, to prevent this situation from happening again, we need to strengthen the city defense first...

Ling Mo walked directly through Wuhun City and swaggered through Wuhun City. No one dared to say a word.

No need to think about it, he did it on purpose! In a few days, he will find someone to invite the Pope to the Ghost Gate for tea...

Kunpeng passed by, and a strong wind suddenly came in. The entire Wuhun City was shaken by the wind, and everyone inside was alarmed.

"what happened?"

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong said with a gloomy face. She thought someone was attacking the Wuhun Palace and hurriedly came out of the Pope's Palace.

Unexpectedly, Kunpeng had already left, and the sky was clear, as if nothing had happened.

"Report to His Holiness, Ghost Gate Sect Master Lingmo just flew over Wuhun City, and there was a Kunpeng under his seat, which was very strange!

He just breathed towards us, and the whole Wuhun City was shaking. It seems that he did it on purpose..."

"What? Lingmo!!!"

Hearing this name again, Bibi Dong looked a little dazed, as if she remembered what happened three years ago.

"He has disappeared for three years, and now he is out again! What on earth does he want to do?"

Bibi Dong was puzzled. Lingmo had disappeared for three years. In the past three years, Bibi Dong had been guessing Lingmo's whereabouts.

But no matter how she guessed, even sending people to inquire, she could not find out Lingmo's whereabouts.

I didn't expect him to suddenly appear today. Could it be that her judgment three years ago came true?

Three years ago, Bibi Dong had a hunch that there would be another war on the continent in the future.

Therefore, she ordered everyone in the Wuhun Hall to return to Wuhun City, start to retreat and rest, and wait for the war to come.

Now that Lingmo appeared, Bibi Dong's premonition became stronger. He passed by Wuhun City so recklessly. Did he want to remind them?

Lingmo didn't know Bibi Dong's guess. He just suddenly had a bad taste and deliberately asked Kunpeng to tease them. He didn't think too much.

At this time, Lingmo had appeared above the Sunset Forest. He could see the Zhaixing Tower on the mountain from dozens of miles away.

Seeing the Ghost Gate, he thought about his home day and night...

"Finally back! I've been away for three years. I don't know how Zhuqing and the others are doing..."

Lingmo appeared above the Ghost Gate, feeling very emotional. Zhu Zhuqing, Qian Renxue, Ning Rongrong, Shui Bing'er, Xuewu, and Duguyan appeared in his mind, and he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Adding Xue Nu and himself, there are enough for two mahjong tables...

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