"What's going on? There are spirit rings in this Heavenly Road Trial?"

"Oh my God, what happened? Why are there spirit rings here?

Does it mean that we don't need to hunt spirit beasts in the future to absorb spirit rings?"

"Moreover, absorbing spirit rings here does not pose any life-threatening danger. As long as we absorb within the limit, we can completely avoid the impact of spirit rings..."

"Damn! It's a miracle, so magical..."

"Long live the Sect Master, long live the Sect Master..."

The moment the Heavenly Road was transformed, the entire Heavenly Road went crazy.

No one could stay calm. The impact of the spirit rings was too strong.

69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘡

With these spirit rings, they don't even have to worry about where to find the spirit rings in the future...

Faced with the cheers of the crowd, Lingmo didn't care too much. This was just part of his plan.

After transforming the Heavenly Road, Lingmo went directly to the Dark Forbidden Zone and put the spirit beads back.

"Hmm! It seems... these dark creatures have found a way to conquer the light array, or... they are adapting to this light.

It seems... I don't have much time left. At most three years, something must happen..."

Looking at the depths of darkness with lingering fear, Lingmo hesitated...

Now all the plans are still on the way. Can three years really be done?

Lingmo is not sure, after all, there are too many variables.

Time is tight, it seems that we have to hurry up.

Having made up his mind, Lingmo went straight back to the Heavenly Road and pulled Hu Liena out of the Heavenly Road.

"What are you doing? I haven't passed the level yet..."

Hu Liena was pulled out by Lingmo reluctantly, feeling a little aggrieved.

She almost passed the fifteenth level just now. It took her three days to reach the fifteenth level. She was finally about to pass the level, but who knew that Lingmo pulled her out.

This... is too infuriating!

"There will be plenty of opportunities to break through in the future. Come with me now. There are more important things to do..."

Hu Liena's complaints were ignored by Lingmo. The Heavenly Road can be broken through at any time, but not at this time.

"Where are you going?"

Hu Liena was stunned. She couldn't figure out Lingmo's thoughts. He had been running around these days, and she didn't know what he was busy with.

"Spirit Hall!"

"What? You want to go to the Spirit Hall? Do you want to attack the Spirit Hall?"

Now it was Hu Liena's turn to be confused. Why would he go to the Spirit Hall for no reason?

You know, Lingmo blackmailed the Spirit Hall last time. Is he going there now to attack the Spirit Hall?

"Why are you so surprised? I'm not going to the Spirit Hall to fight this time. Let's go. I'll tell you on the way..."

Lingmo was embarrassed. What was this girl thinking? Was he the kind of unreasonable person? He wanted to fight and kill at every turn?

How could it be possible? Lingmo has always been very reasonable, a good young man in the new era, law-abiding, conscientious, humble and polite.

There are countless advantages...

Whether Hu Liena is willing or not, she has to go with Lingmo.

Before leaving Jueshen Island, Lingmo found Dugubo and told him to proceed according to the original plan and not to stay in the North for too long...

Dugubo also understood the seriousness of the matter and returned to Guimen on the same day to deal with the next matter.

On the day Dugubo returned, Kunpeng brought another group of disciples from Guimen. During this period of time, Guimen almost came out in full force and all went to the North for trials.

Zhu Zhuqing was also among them, but Lingmo did not meet her. Before she arrived, Lingmo had already left the North.

Fortunately, she did not meet, otherwise if she saw Hu Liena, she would probably whip Lingmo to death.

Luckily, Lingmo saved his life.

At the same time, the Haotian Sect also sent out news that the once number one sect in the world reappeared in the eyes of the world.

This time, the appearance of the Haotian Sect and the big move of Guimen made some major sects panic.

Although they didn't know what happened, judging from the strange behavior of the two major sects, something big must happen next...

On the day Lingmo went to the north, the army of the Xingluo Empire also set out. They were not here to reinforce the defense.

Because the defense line chosen by Guimen belonged to the territory of the Xingluo Empire, they sent a large army to come and suppress it, wanting to see what happened.

Why did Guimen make such a big move? Could it be that they wanted to disintegrate the Xingluo Empire from the inside and annex them?

Regarding this point, whether Guimen had this intention or not, they had to investigate it clearly.

Because, there is a time bomb next to the pillow at all times, who can sleep with this?

During this period of time, the Xingluo Empire has suffered a lot, and they are worried every day, fearing that Guimen will suddenly attack and destroy them directly...

After the Xingluo Empire army arrived at the northern defense line, they saw the tall and heavy city walls and were all stunned.

"Oh my god! What on earth do these guys want to do?"

"Are they trying to surround our Xingluo Empire?"

The commander of the army, Xingluo noble Fu Yan, was in charge of the army. After seeing this tall and mighty wall, he immediately sent an urgent report to the Xingluo Palace.

All of a sudden, the situation behind the whole place became tense. There was the Ghost Gate on the outer periphery of the North, and the Xingluo Empire on the inner periphery.

They just looked at each other from a distance, but there was no conflict. The Ghost Gate didn't want to deal with them, and the Xingluo Empire didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke.

This is not over yet. Just when the Xingluo Empire army thought they could continue to maintain such a stalemate.

The people of Haotian Sect are here!

More than 10,000 tough guys suddenly descended on the Northland, each holding a sledgehammer and joining the Ghost Gate camp.

The disciples of Haotian Sect who came this time were all elite disciples, and there were three Titled Douluo leading the team.

All of a sudden, the entire Xingluo Empire was in chaos.

"What do this Ghost Gate, Haotian Sect, want to do?"

An angry roar came from the Xingluo Palace. Everyone knew that the emperor in the palace was angry...

At this time, no one dared to offend him or speak up.

The two most powerful sects in the world today have appeared in the Northland. How can this not make them anxious?

You know, the Tiandou Empire over there has been watching. Once there is a chance, their army will definitely come over.

There was a fierce tiger in front and a wolf behind, which pushed the Xingluo Empire into a dead end...

However, within three days after this incident, a person came to the Xingluo Palace with Lingmo's letter and released an important message.

Half a month later, an eight-party council was held in the Absolute God Temple, and the Xingluo royal family must be asked to send core leaders to participate in this meeting.

As for the location of the meeting, Lingmo originally chose the Zhaixing Tower of Guimen, but after arriving in the north, he found that the Absolute God Temple was almost completed, so he temporarily changed it to the Absolute God Temple...

In the past few days, not only the Xingluo Empire received the invitation letter from Guimen, but also the Tiandou Empire and the seven major sects.

All received the invitation letter from Guimen, and... when the invitation letter was sent, it was accompanied by a sentence from Lingmo.

"If you don't come! You will bear the consequences..."

In just eight words, Lingmo's determination has been seen!

Now that Guimen is the only one in power, who dares to take this risk? The sects that received the invitation letter dare not show off at all...

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