The Ghost Sect is now the only one, and it also has the support of Haotian Sect, Qibao Glazed Sect, and Elephant Armor Sect.

No one dares to go against the will of the ghost sect. This invitation is more like a post from the King of Hell.

Even if there is a pit here, you have to come.

"The Eight-Party Meeting! What is Xiaomo doing? When did he come back?"

In Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi frowned and was extremely worried after receiving the invitation letter.

He was very puzzled by Ling Mo's behavior. What was the purpose of this council?

"Feng Zhi, we have found out! One day ago, the last disciples of the Ghost Sect were secretly transferred away, leaving only a few people to guard the house.

All the remaining people were secretly transferred to the north, and they didn't know what they were doing. "

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Outside the door, Kendo Chenxin walked in with a serious face. It was incredible that the Ghost Sect could transfer so many people away silently.

If he hadn't gone to the ghost gate just now to check, he really wouldn't have discovered this problem.

"It seems that Guimen is making big moves! But I don't know who he is targeting this time?"

Ning Fengzhi said worriedly. He only wanted to pay attention to the Qibao Glazed Sect. Although he had a good relationship with the Ghost Sect, he still had to be on guard against others.

"No matter who you are targeting, they will not target us! Fengzhi, this time go to the Northland and take Rongrong with you..."

Gu Rong on the side said that their only support now is Ning Rongrong.

Because Lingmo grew up so fast that they were already out of reach.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Ling Mo.

"Well! This trip to the North, Uncle Jian, please accompany me..."

"No, no, no, the old sword head of Wuhun City has already gone out once before, this time it's my turn..."

How could Gu Rong give up on such a lively matter? He had to go there himself no matter what.

The last time I heard Chen Xin come back, he said that there was a fierce battle in Wuhun City. It was a pity that he was looking after the house at the time, so it was a pity that he was not present.

This time, he has to go no matter what...

"Coward! This time when we go to the Northland, something big is obviously going to happen. With your meager moral skills, what can you do there?"

Of course, Chen Xin didn't want to stay at home and take care of the house. Guimen's big move this time seemed like something big was going to happen, so how could he be absent.

"Mad! Old guy, are you looking for a beating? Come and have a fight if you have the ability to see who is the coward..."

The two of them have been bickering for decades, and they have always disagreed with each other. How could Gu Rong endure such a tone...

"Just fight! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? My soul power is one level better than yours. In the past, I just gave in to you because I was afraid of hitting you. If we really fight, you can't even take one of my swords..."

"Damn, it's so arrogant! Feng Zhi, don't stop me today. No matter what, I have to fight to the death with this old guy..."

As he said that, the two were about to start a fight. Ning Fengzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He said helplessly: "Okay! Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, you are already old, so you can't just stop and stop."

Ning Fengzhi was helpless. These two old guys had been arguing since childhood and never stopped.

But it also indirectly proves that the two of them have a very good relationship,'s the three of them, which can be said to be the golden triangle.

According to the original description, in the final scene, in order to save Tang San, Ken Dao Chen Xin and Gu Rong used martial soul fusion skills, with the assistance of Ning Fengzhi.

The sword that was struck by Bibi Dong's sickle was broken into pieces. Ning Fengzhi picked up bones all over the ground and fragments of the Seven Kills Sword.

The sad picture of growing old overnight and dying alone is really deplorable.

However, their tragic fate may not happen this time.

Of course, it’s just a possibility! With Ling Mo here, they can avoid being killed by Bibi Dong, but this time, even Ling Mo is not sure about the dark chaos.'s hard to say who will survive to the end. All Lingmo can do is try not to have too many tragic things happen.

“Since the entire Gui Sect has been mobilized, there must be something very important to worry about.

And this invitation letter is obviously not just sent to us, other sects must have also received it.

It's not easy to accept the invitation from the Ghost Sect. Even if they don't want to go, they still have to go.

So... masters from the entire continent have gathered in the North, and we don't need to hide anything.

Eight-party conference, strong people speak! We, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, only have two titled Douluo, so it is obviously difficult for them to talk.

If you only go to one, it will be impossible to talk, can go with me..."

After careful consideration, Ning Fengzhi decided to take both of them with him. This time... he didn't plan to hold back.

It would be difficult to speak in an eight-party meeting or a meeting between all the giants. If he wanted to have the right to speak and fight for the interests of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he must bring Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo with him.

It can be said that there is nothing wrong with Ning Fengzhi's analysis. It can be said that it is very thorough, and there is a secret in the language.

"I understand! Now the Ghost Sect is still our ally on the surface, so we will not be too passive. I wonder what Wuhun Palace has in mind this time?"

Chen Xin suddenly mentioned Wuhun Palace, and everyone was on guard against Wuhun Palace.

It can be said that apart from the Ghost Sect, the Wuhun Palace is the only force that can shake up the entire continent. No one dares to look down upon them.

"Since the invitation letter from Ghost Gate was sent to all the major forces and sects around the world, the Spirit Hall would certainly not be left out.

Even the two empires could not avoid it, let alone the Spirit Hall. They would definitely go. Maybe the one who went this time was the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong..."

Ning Fengzhi continued to analyze.

It can be said that the invitation letter from Ghost Gate made the entire Douluo tremble at once.

Not only the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, but even the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family far away in the Xingluo Empire also received the invitation letter from Ghost Gate.

For this reason, this third sect that had never appeared on the mainland finally made some movements.

"Ghost Gate invitation letter? Haotian Sect re-emerged? What happened in these few short years?"

Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, old dragon Yu Zhenyuan looked at the invitation letter in his hand and said in a low voice.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family has been resting for so many years and has never participated in worldly disputes. Unexpectedly, this time the invitation letter from Ghost Gate directly led them into the game.

What kind of secret is hidden behind this invitation letter? No one knows.

Some smart people vaguely guessed that this Eight-Directions Council was very likely related to the last dark disaster.

As the protagonist of the last disaster, Guimen inexplicably sent out a meeting invitation this time, which must be to consult with other sects to protect the peace of the continent.

It must be said that although this part of people is a minority, they are rare wise men...

It can be seen that there is no shortage of smart people in the continent, but there is no good space for them to play.

When everyone was considering the specific meaning of this invitation letter, Lingmo had already brought Hu Liena to Wuhun City.

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