
Ling Mo and Hu Liena appeared above Wuhun City, immediately attracting the attention of countless people.

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After seeing Ling Mo's appearance clearly, everyone panicked.

"It's Ling Mo, the leader of the Ghost Sect!"

"Hurry, go and report to the Pope that the leader of the Ghost Sect, Ling Mo, has arrived at Wuhun City..."

The moment Ling Mo appeared, Wuhun City went into chaos. Bibi Dong, who had just received the letter, had no time to consider the meaning of the invitation. Ling Mo had already arrived.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Pope, Ling Mo, the leader of the Ghost Sect, has appeared in the city and is on his way to the Pope's Palace..."


The faces of Zuoxiayueguanguimei changed drastically. Just now they were discussing the meaning of this invitation letter to the ghost gate, but in the blink of an eye, Lingmo came to the door.

"Ling Mo!!!"

When Bibi Dong heard the name again, she looked a little surprised. She couldn't figure out what Ling Mo meant by coming to her door...

"Yes, it is Ling Mo, the leader of the Ghost Sect, and the saint, the saint has also returned with him..."


Hearing this, Bibi Dong's face turned cold, thinking that Hu Liena had betrayed her, and a strong murderous intention emerged in her heart.

But she quickly suppressed it, because she knew that something big would definitely happen when Ling Mo came this time...

"Let's go! Come with me to meet this famous leader of the Ghost Sect..."

Bibi Dong stood up from the papal throne, her brows furrowed, but she was surprisingly beautiful.

This cool style of beauty, and extraordinarily mature sexiness, is particularly attractive.

It’s hard to imagine that a woman of her age could take care of herself so well...

Her skin is very tender, like that of a flowery girl, but even though she is beautiful, not many people dare to admire her.

Mainly because I’m afraid of death! This is a rose with thorns, the kind that can kill you at any time.

Coming to Wuhun City again, Ling Mo felt extremely emotional. The last time she came here seemed to be only a few months, but in fact more than three years had passed.

Times have changed, and the past has disappeared. Lingmo doesn't miss anything too much.

As soon as I reached the steps of the Pope's Palace, I saw Bibi Dong appearing on the platform above with seven titled Douluo.

"Good guy! Are you so enthusiastic? Are you welcoming me with seven titled Douluo?"

Ling Mo smiled and continued walking forward with Hu Liena regardless.

Finally, after walking onto the platform, Hu Liena hurriedly went to explain to Bibi Dong because she was afraid that Bibi Dong would be angry with her.

After learning all the ins and outs, Bibi Dong's expression finally relaxed a little.

She didn't object to the matter between Hu Liena and Ling Mo, because she had had such an experience before, and she didn't want Hu Liena to experience the same thing as herself, so she didn't say anything.

"Tsk tsk, what a grand ceremony! Are you here to welcome me?"

Ling Mo came to the platform above the Pope's Palace alone, looked at it coldly, and found that these seven titled Douluo looked very familiar.

Apparently, it should be the same group of people as last time.

If Ling Mo had seen this scene before, he would have run away, but it was different now.

Just these seven miscellaneous hairs, Lingmo can wipe them out with one finger...

"Master Ling came here uninvited, what are you doing?"

Bibi Dong's cold voice came, carrying deep doubts and worries.

Ling Mo dared to come here alone. He must have someone to rely on, otherwise he would not dare to take risks alone.

Especially during the last disaster, they had seen Ling Mo's strength with their own eyes. They couldn't afford to offend such a terrifying existence.

In just three years, when she met Ling Mo again, Bibi Dong found that she could not understand Ling Mo more and more.

Not only did his appearance undergo some subtle changes, but his breath also underwent a huge change.

The whole body exudes a pure aura, which is incompatible with heaven and earth, and feels completely transcendent.

"I can't talk to you! But there are indeed a few things that I would like to discuss with His Majesty the Pope..."

Ling Mo smiled and said, I have to say that the hospitality of this Wuhun Palace is really not good.

He was a respectable person no matter what, but it was really rude for Wuhundian to entertain him in the square.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Bibi Dong was in no mood to chat with Ling Mo. She just wanted to know the purpose of Ling Mo's trip.

Besides, since when did Ling Mo become a guest of Wuhun Palace? He had blackmailed Wuhun Palace twice before, so it was fine not to settle the score with him, but he still entertained him, which was a nice thought...

"Simple! The first thing is that in half a month, the Eight Directions Council of the North Earth Absolute Temple and the Wuhun Temple must attend.

Moreover, this time... I hope His Holiness the Pope will not be absent, otherwise you will bear the consequences..."

"Consequences? What a big statement. Could it be that you still want to destroy our Spirit Hall?"

Before Bibi Dong could speak, Yue Guan shouted angrily from the side.


Ling Mo looked at it coldly, and instantly a sword energy shot out. Looking at Yueguan, he was directly knocked out and hit the stone pillar hard.

"What a terrifying sword energy! Just one sword?"

That sword contains the righteousness of heaven and earth, and its momentum is like a rainbow.

Bibi Dong also felt a hint of danger. If the sword just now was aimed at her, she would never survive a round.

Has this guy grown to this point in just three years?

It's really terrible! If he hadn't grown up, Bibi Dong would have killed him, but unfortunately... she no longer has this opportunity.

It can only be said that Lingmo's progress is too fast, so fast that before they could make a decision, Lingmo had already exceeded their control.

"I hope that no irrelevant people will interrupt me when I speak. This is a warning.

You are not qualified to bar your teeth in front of me.

If I give you face, I can call you Ju Douluo. If I don't give you face, you are just an ant in front of me.

Don't doubt whether I have the strength to destroy the Spirit Hall. As long as I want, I only need one sword, and the inheritance of the Spirit Hall for hundreds of years will be destroyed in an instant..."

Lingmo said coldly, he was already very polite.

Since he came to the Spirit City, he has given the other party enough respect, but he didn't expect... they dared to be so rude.

Just like the last time, when the leaders of the two major forces spoke, there were always some ignorant things who wanted to get involved and die.

"The second thing, what is it?"

Faced with Lingmo's strength, Bibi Dong had no ability to resist and could only passively bear it.

She didn't care about Yueguan's life or death...

"The second thing! I want to see your Spirit Hall's chief worshiper, Qian Daoliu..."


"He actually knew the chief worshiper..."

For a moment, the whole place was quiet, and everyone looked at Lingmo in surprise.

She was very curious, how did Lingmo know that there was another chief worshiper in their Spirit Hall?

You know, the Spirit Hall has been hiding its strength for their plans over the years, and no one knows about Qian Daoliu.

"You want to see my Spirit Hall's chief worshiper?"

Bibi Dong looked at him with disbelief. She really wanted to know how Lingmo knew about Qian Daoliu's existence?

"That's right! I came here to find the Spirit Hall's chief worshiper, Qian Daoliu..."

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