Somewhere on the outskirts of Holy Spirit Village, hidden amongst the trees in the wilderness, stood the figure of a lone six years old boy.

This lone six years old boy is none other than Tang Qing.

His messy black hair flutters against the wind. His blue eyes remains still, cold and unfazed, like ice.

His usual calm and nonchalant demeanor immediately underwent 180 degrees change. As Tang Qing brought his bamboo staff upwards, with a shriek, he unsheathes his sword in quick motion.

Seemingly, the sword that is made of bamboo wood, drawn in quick motion, relying on its speed alone, arcs across the field. Cutting against nothing but thin air.

The wind provided with some resistance, obstructing path of the bamboo sword's trajectory, but with enough time and effort, training with the sword, anyone can get used to it. And improve the handling of the sword.

The bamboo sword is made of the skeletal leg remains of a ten years old Bamboo Thride Spider, that was found to have accidentally wandered into the outskirts of Holy Spirit Village.

In a state of an emergency, the village gathered up all of their hunters, when the Bamboo Thride Spider spirit beast was first spotted, within the facility.

With some difficulty, the hunters were able to subdue the straggling spirit beast. Without incurring much loss, but there were some serious injuries amongst the surviving hunters. Nothing life threatening, their fingers have gone numb. Some have lost all sensation in their fingers, pulling on the bow string too hard and too many times, that it even cut through their skin, and completely severed the tendons.

Those that suffer from these sought of injuries, would no longer be able to continue on their life as hunters. And be forced to retire earlier than usual.

For an ordinary human to go up against a spirit beast is nothing more than heaven defying.

The level of strength and ability that is required for a human to go tow and tow with a spirit beast is astronomical.

It was fortunately enough, that the spirit beast was only low level; a mere 10 years old Bamboo Thride Spider, who has wandered accidentally outside of the Star Dou Forest by accident.

Under the constant barrage of hundredths of arrows shot and fired at it. The 10 years old Bamboo Thride Spider has no way to evade, and dodge countless arrows, much less even retaliate.

Even a strong body like the Bamboo Thride Spider, that possesses innate spirit power since birth, could not stand up to the numerous injuries inflicted on its body. And eventually die because of blood loss.

By accident, Tang Qing was able to stumble across a severed leg, nearly half a meter in length. Whilst, he was out searching for wild herbs, under the request of his teacher Xing Qinghou.

The Bamboo Thride Spider in its origin and own biology was originally ordinary silver cane bamboo. But under the effects of dense spiritual power accumulated withinside it's body. It evolved to become a plant type spirit beast.

However, a mutation has occurred in which it absorbs the blood essence of a dying arachnid type spirit beast. The mutation changes the plant typing to the beast/plant hybrid spirit beast, similar to the Poison vine Romanti Snake.

So Tang Qing decided to pick up the severed limb of the 10 years old Bamboo Thride Spider, and have it forge into a wooden sword by himself.

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Tang Qing retained some memories from his previous life. Though it is fragmented, and lacks consistency and order. With his common sense and intelligence, he could easily separate facts from fantasy.

However, one thing that always stoke him, is none other than the existence of Xianxia/Wuxia stories.

The wildest existence of Immortals and Martial Artist has shone a light on him. Something that he could no longer fraught away from.

The ability to create miracles and healing from daoist magic. Eternal youth, never aging, and healthy body. Who wouldn't be enticed into wanting to become an Immortal.

An Immortal can fly aimlessly through the sky on a sword. Able to travel through space without breathing...

With Tang Qing knowledge from his previous life, and being the son of a blacksmith. He has access to the required tools to sculpture his blade.

Tang Qing managed to sculpture a crude faintly shaped Longquan blade. Though his skill in sculpting is amateur at best. Nevertheless, with a low grade whetstone, made from a broken piece of marble. He found on the edge of the river bank.

He was able to smooth out the rough edges, and straighten the length of the blade, without much struggle.

Though it was extremely tiring and repetitive. Constantly, sifting the blade back and forth, in repetitive motion. Tell me who wouldn't get bored and tired of it. But with his determination, dreams, and excitement. He put up with it.

The sheath of the bamboo sword is made from ordinary bamboo shoots he found in the forest. Chopped up, and hollowed out, to fit the bamboo sword's length.

Tang Qing continues to practice his swordsmanship, from evening until sun down. Maneuvering through the forest. His foot step and sword stance slowly improves, as he gets used to handling the sword.

The autumn leaves fall. Tang Qing's blade cuts through the air, changing the air current, wildly, causing the fallen leaves to sway feverishly.

Tang Qing practice his sword everyday, until sundown, or when his body tires out. In which he then sat down, crosslegged, and meditate in order to recover his strength.

Though initially meditation serve to have no purpose, and no effect on Tang Qing's training, since he has no spiritual power residing withinside his body.

But with time and effort, through his intensive sword training, over the span of 2 years. Tang Qing began to slowly unravelled the spiritual power in his body, otherwise would have been sealed off thanks to his slumbering martial spirit, in which he would need to awaken thanks to the spirit awakening ceremony.

However, what Tang Qing didnt expect, and has no prior knowledge to this. It was presumably that the Tang twins; Tang San and Tang Qing were spirit beast human hybrids. Therefore possessing both the strength and benefits of a spirit beast, but with no draw backs.

Added to the fact, that his bamboo sword, contains faint traces of spiritual power from the Bamboo Thride Spider.

Through his intensive sword training, the Bamboo Thride Spider faint trace of spiritual power, travels through his hands and arms into his spirit

Tang Qing developed an acute sense of sensitivity towards spirit power, and his control over his spirit power is excellent. Though not compare to his older brother Tang San who has practice with the Heavenly Method since young.

Though the amount of spiritual power exuding outwards from his body, is only but a mere fraction of what is not sealed withinside his body, thanks to his dormant sleeping martial spirit.

Tang Qing exercise precise control over what little amount of spiritual power he has in his possession.

The thin thread of spiritual power spread across the surface of the bamboo sword, coating it in a layer of spirit power. The coated spiritual power melded with the residue of spirit power coming from the bamboo sword. Therefore strengthening it even further.

Time flies by as Tang Qing continues on with his sword training, when all of a sudden, a faint trace, a sliver of a silver sword aura began to emit from Tang Qing's bamboo sword.

The sliver of a sword aura melded with Tang Qing's spiritual power, therefore becoming sword intent.

A white silvery light began to emit off from the bamboo sword. The sword intent is so sharp that whizzed through the air, producing a sharp whistling noise.

Tang Qing's eyes glisten in the same colour as the sword intent. An Otherworldly feeling began to assail him. As his eyes gaze intensely at the little sliver of sword intent before him, immersed in his comprehension of the sword.

Whilst, from a couple of distance away, not far Tang Qing's training spot. Hidden amongst trees, a youth in his late teens, with long flowing lime hair, dressed in a white robe with silver interlining.

He was sitting peacefully on top of the tree branch, drinking whole gourd of silver spirit wine.

His eyes were half closed, when he was drinking from the gourd, but when he suddenly sense the existence of a sliver of sword intent. His eyes open wide, revealing green insect like pupils, with a bright yellow inner sclera.

'To think that a boy who has yet to underwent the spirit awakening ceremony has managed to gain a sliver of comprehension into sword intent.'

The youth thought, as he looks over towards the direction of the now dazed Tang Qing. He smiled. Without a word, dissappears from his spot above the tree, and managed to reappear just a couple of steps in front of Tang Qing.

It immediately caught him by surprise, snapping Tang Qing out of his dazed state, interrupting his moment of enlightenment.

"What the..." Tang Qing shouted, falling into a state of confusion, accidentally dropping his bamboo sword.

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