Douluo Dalu I : Reborn as Tang San's Twin Brother

8 The Existence of Spirit Artifact Masters

"What the... who are you? Where did you appeared from?"

Tang Qing shouted, feeling slightly frightened, as he was not aware of what was going on around. Whilst, in his dazed state, comprehending the sword intent.

"Whoa! Whoa! There! I'm not goanna hurt. I sware under my dao that in no shape or form will I hurt you." The youth spoke gently, softly as possible, in a way to make himself appeared less frightening.

It didn't take long for Tang Qing to calm himself down, and regain his composure, but still, there is an ounce of anxiousness that could be seen reflected in Tang Qing's eyes.

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His palms starts to secrete sweat. Even rising in temperature. His hands visibly shakened because of Tang Qing's nervousness.

"I've see that you have gained a sliver of comprehension into the sword intent. Not bad for your age. It took people several years or even millennia to gain a sliver of sword intent, but you just got it in an instance... no, from the feeling of your sword dance. It's been roughly a few years since you've first raised a sword am I right?." The youth with lime green hair said, giving Tang Qing a stare, that sends chills running down his spine. As the youth guesses correctly.

Having saw Tang Qing's reaction, his body become somewhat stiff. The youth grins, feeling mischievous inside.

"What do you mean, mister?" Tang Qing hurriedly said, his voice quivering as we speak.

"There is no need to worry. I won't hurt you." The youth reassures him. As he draws near, and placed his hand on Tang Qing's back. A warmth sensation then permeates throughout his body, as the greenish yellow light enters from the youth's hand, and into his body.

His nervousness immediately dissipates, replaced with nothingness, but a calming relaxed feeling.

"This should calm you down a bit. Soothing isn't it... It's a martial art spirit technique, called essence extraction, in which the user infuse his aura with medicinal herb. Therefore gaining it's special medicinal effect. Most spirit doctors use this method to attain a specific skills and mastery over medicine." The youth spoke carefully sharing his wisdom with the boy.

"I see!" Tang Qing spoke, eyes with brimming with interest.

The youth then manipulate his spiritual power,forming an invisible hand, in which he used to grab a hold of Tang Qing's bamboo sword. Sending the bamboo sword flying towards his direction, floating just a few couple of inches away from his head.

"The name is Yan He. I'm a Spirit Artifact Master. Regarding the matter why I'm here, I'm just resting, biding my time by the countryside, and enjoying a cup (gourd) of alcohol." The youth formally introduces himself. Whilst, taking his time inspecting the quality of the bamboo sword.

"Spirit Artifact Master? What are Spirit Artifact Masters?" Tang Qing said so with a quizzical look. As if saying how come I've never heard of the existence of Spirit Artifact Masters before.

As if to answer Tang Qing's question, Yan He spoke almost immediately, as if he known what Tang Qing was about to say.

"Spirit Artifact Masters are indeed a rare occupations that appears in one every thousands people. You could find them mostly everywhere in major metropolitan cities. Like it's name implies, Spirit Artifact Master craft and refine Spirit Artifact, from ordinary items, materials, and metal to weaponised hidden weapons. This is done by inscribing inscriptions and formations upon the artifact giving it specific special abilities."

Spirit Artifacts are in actuality the remnants of the technology that is used to forge Spirit Essence Tool, that has essentially been lost through the passage of time, but through reverse engineering mankind has managed to recover a substantial amount of techniques, otherwise would have been lost or left forgotten.

Spirit artifact predates the existence of Spirit Device, as the current day technology improves, the process of creating spirit artifacts would become complex, with added structural designs, cores, and sigils, etc...

Yan He then proceeded to pull out a bamboo flute, it's main body releases a faint glimmer of lustre, as the red string jade pendant dangling at the other end.

"This is my Spirit Artifact: Flowing Autumn Leave Flute." Yan He spoke with tremendous charisma, giving off an otherworldly presence.

Yan He twisted his spirit artifact the flowing autumn leave flute in his hand, as if in a sword thrusting motion.

The flowing autumn leave flute within Yan He's hand began to glow, emitting light, as numerous sigils and symbols appeared on the surface of the flute, forming a complex structural design.

With a click, the hidden mechanism of the flute activates. Suddenly, the flute underwent a transformation, as a sword blade formed at the end of the flute. The length of the blade extend outwards.

The sword blade completely metallic blue in colour. Sheens. The light reflected of the surface of the blade, causes the ocean wave pattern on the blade to move, becoming semi realistic, as if it were a real tidal wave.

"This is someone who has mastered sword intent to the fullest. The sword intent can be melded with any sword techniques the user has in theur arsenal making it stronger and more powerful. Sword intent is basically the essence of a swordsman, like spirit power to spirit master."

Yan He then proceeded to get into a sword stance position, pointing his sword upwards towards the sky, as if in a slashing motion.

Spiritual power then surged out from his body, travelling down his arms and hands, and into the blade. The flowing autumn leave blade then exploded in strength, his spiritual power ignited becoming an ethereal white silver flame, that which is razor sharp, in its mere presence the air gave way, producing a soft whistling sound.

The sword intent slowly melded with the spiritual power of the flowing autumn leave blade.

The shape of the sword intent rapidly began to change, underwent a major transformation, becoming droplets of water, coalescence around the flowing autumn leave blade.

Yan He swung his blade downwards, forcing the coalescence river like sword aura, to form a bluish arc of light, that ascend towards the sky.

The bluish crescent arc of light then graduallytransforms into a tidal wave, increasing in size and width the more distance it gains. Eventually, the tidal wave has grown to such great length and size, that it starts to resemble more that of a flood dragon. As it tears through the sky, ripping the clouds apart.

All of this, the amazing display of power, and control over mastered swird intent, it left Tang Qing to be in a state of stupor.

As he gazed at the broad back of Yan He, who seemingly has become a overwhelming large mountain in front of him. His eyes burning with passion, burning much brighter than before. Even when he first heard of the existence of Spirit Masters, he became extremely excited.

Unknowingly, Yan He has now become someone who is an extremely important core figure in Tang Qing's life, similar to Xing Qinghou.

As they both become figure worthy of admiration and adoration in Tang Qing's life. Whilst, one show a great display of love and affection, seemingly a father figure, in which Tang Qing never had.

The other is an outstanding Spirit Artifact Master with great heights, and a promising future, who he dreams of one day becoming.

'I will do it... I will become a Spirit Artifact Master. With the help of Spirit Artifacts, it would make my dream of reaching the pinnacle of the Spirit Master realm much smoother.'

It was from this day on, that Tang Qing's admiration for Spirit Artifact Master has grown, opening up a new paths for his future.

Yan He calms his excited breathing, and slowly let the flowing sword intent dissipates by itself, as he deactivates his spirit artifact the flowing autumn leave blade. It's metallic long blade retracted, as the glowing golden veins on the flowing autumn leaves flute vanishes.

It returns to it's normal state. The same appearance, form, and shape as it once was, before Yan He brought it out from his interspacial storage ring.

Once the flowing autumn leave flute return to its original state. Yan He stores it inside his interspacial storage ring.

Yan He turns his body around, he was met with the excited gaze of Tang Qing, like an excited child, he was giddy and extremely energetic.

He couldn't help it, but laugh happily alongside him. He too experience the same thing first hand, when he first lay his eyes on the existence of Spirit Artifact Masters, like him he dreams one day becoming a spirit artifact master as well.

Yan He smiled mischievously as he thought of something.

'Maybe I could gain something out of this. Kids are more easily influence as a child than grownups. If things don't work as well for him becoming a Spirit Master, he could become a Spirit Artifact Master as an alternative.'

"Well, little boy! Why don't I show you something amazing..." Yan He spoke excitedly, pulling something out from his interspacial storage ring.

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