Douluo Dalu System

Chapter 23 - Tang San's Plan

When the others noticed that they were slightly shocked, no one expected these medical baths to have such great effects.

"Little San, does using these baths give such effects everytime??"

"Hahaha, you must be joking Boss Dai, how can they have such effects every time?? This type of effects would take at least a week and that too if you follow Grandmasters training you will shorten the time by a great amount.

Fatty, you should be prepared, with your bath Grandmaster will intensify you training much more compared to others"

"Why me!! Brother San, it's fine, though I like these baths very much I'd rather not do such intense training and follow you guys, so please tell grandmaster that extra training won't be necessary"

To Fatty's whining he just gave a gentle smile and patted his shoulder without saying anything else, Fatty was almost on the verge of crying after seeing that, Tang San knew that though he may cry now he would thank him later on as with such training he at least won't end up only as a 2nd rank god this time around.

But he still had many plans for both Oscar and Hongjun to take them to greater heights so they would mostly get used to it sooner or later.

Then Grandmaster got up and said,

"All of you have breakfast we have a busy day ahead of us, you all won't have much time to rest later on"

When they heard that they all had a shiver down their spine.

After Three months,

For nearly Three months Mubai and the rest knew what hell was, with a rigid routine they were all constantly improving their physical bodies and having medical baths by night, it wouldn't be wrong to say that they almost got no time to even sleep, they had many spars and physical training in the mornings and afternoons until the evening and at night they had a dip in the medical baths.

The only consolation was that they all were suffering, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhuqing, Mubai, and Fatty were the ones who had to suffer a lot as their training was much tougher than the rest being beast spirit masters.

Tang San in the night went to the Magical Space to practice all his side professions, he increased a rank in his alchemy so he continued to practice his Blacksmithing.

For blacksmithing he alway practiced with his Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer method, he also practiced with it in real life as this way he can save up on most of his time after graduating and go directly to Slaughter City.

He already completed his training with the Clear Sky Hammer in the Magical Space, though he can't cultivate he was still able to practice a few techniques which he had.

His Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step, Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon and his Hidden Weapons Hundred Separation had advanced to a great deal through the years and have reached complete mastery over these techniques.

He had limitations due to his cultivation for a few techniques but that would be solved soon so he wasn't too worried about them.

In these three months, he got even closer to Rongrong but they only reached as far as holding hands and that too alone when no one was present.

He had also surprisingly gotten close with even Zhu Zhuqing though it was mostly due to her showing 'emotions' towards him more than anyone else but she was still cold to all the others including Rongrong and Xiao Wu. Even he didn't know why though, but he would mostly find out at a later time.

Mubai was a little pissed with that but he soon cam to accept it and forget about her, he had no idea what happened but he felt a little sad that the timeline changed for them making them separated.

But he couldn't do anything about it and also felt that it was also not his fault for that since they were in Star Luo Empire whereas he was in the Heavenly Dou Empire and even with his reincarnation he wouldn't be able to affect them no matter what at least for the first few years of his life.

He still couldn't figure out the reason for all these changes he knew that it was mostly due to his reincarnation but even he couldn't figure out why.

He mostly attributed Zhu Zhuqing's change to the special baths he had prepared for her, he knew that there was a slight misunderstanding but he didn't see the need to correct her. He tried calling her Zhu'er once and she blushed. He did that when they were alone so no one else knew about it but it shocked him a lot, and from then on whenever they were alone he called her Zhu'er.

He didn't lift up the courage to call her that in front of everybody so he didn't do that yet but he decided to do so pretty soon. Apart from that all of them had their cultivation sky rocket these past few months and they thanked Tang San for it.

Oscar - Rank 36

Tang San - Rank 39

Ma Hongjun - Rank 35

Xiao Wu - Rank 35

Zhu Zhuqing - Rank 38

Ning Rongrong - Rank 36

Tang San didn't focus much on cultivation and was focusing on his foundations and side occupations mainly his spirit doctor occupation, he was occasionally going to Suotuo Colosseum and set up a stall at the exit and started to heal Spirit Masters for one gold coin.

He earned a fortune despite the price he had set, Flender was a little shocked with the amount of money he had made in this short three months so he let him continue his side occupation even grandmaster was a little surprised at how effective his healing was, but the surprising thing was when the Colosseum offered him a great sum for working there.

He decided to get the third ring for the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion before he get the fourth ring for any of his spirits, though the Clear Sky Hammer was the exception as he wanted to still keep the fact that he could absorb higher aged rings still a secret, he knew that his father didn't interfere when he went to get any of his spirits rings to avoid any smarter beasts to attack them following his aura.

He was hoping for Dugu Bo's to help him to get the final ring for his Jade Empress, he was also saving up cash for his spirit ring boosts for the Blue Silver Grass' first spirit ring.

He had 990,000 gold coins from selling alchemy pills and from his spirit doctor occupations but he was unable to decide whether he should use it for the first ring or for the third ring of Ice Jade Empress Scorpion. With this, he could upgrade it to the 100,000-year mark and later onto the million-year mark but he decided that he would make it a million-year ring later after graduating.

He had also shown a few of his hidden weapons to the other Seven Devils and got Rongrong interested in them, she had told him that she wanted such weapons for her clan, but he refused saying that it was hard to make and that it was not something which was so easy to learn.

He compromised with her by telling her to first consult her dad and then contact him. Though he knew that her dad would accept but it was still better to first consult him before deciding as there were a lot of changes in the timeline and he wouldn't dare assume that people would still stay the same as from the canon.

Right now they were given a week's break before going to the next phase of training, he was in his smithy in the magical space and was making a few hidden weapons, he got news that Fatty was beaten up by someone in the brothel but he wasn't interested and let Xiao Wu go along with Dai Mubai and Oscar to get revenge for him.

The weapons, pills or tools he produces in the space could be retrieved once he goes outside so he was making a few weapons for all the Shrek's Seven Devil's. He already made the Godly Zhuge Crossbow and Flying God's Claw for each and every one of them.

Though he wasn't going to give it to them for free he was still going to give the first one for free, he knew that they won't like it if he gives it all for free so he decides to price them for a profitable price, if it was in the original novel then he wouldn't have bothered to give it for free he still needed the money for all his future plans and for his ring boosts and herbs.

He found a few heavenly herbs on the system shop but the price truly made him faint, the cheapest one was nearly a hundred billion gold coins and the costliest one was nearly thousand billion gold coins, he knew that this was almost an impossible amount to get so he gave up on that path.

He was currently making a few pills for the Seven Devils, he knew that with the recent training from grandmaster their bodies have improved a great deal and even Rongrong and Oscar who were support system masters have had their bodies improve to a deal comparable to that of a few mid level beast masters.

If anyone else knew this they would be shocked as support category spirit masters were known to have physical strength only slightly stronger than mortals, even the Seven Treasured Pagoda which is the number one support spirit was also no exception to this case.

Right now he finished making seven pills for all of them, this was the next process of improving the Seven Devils combat strength, each of these pills was made with at least 10,000-year-old herbs and the pills itself were godly.

If kept in an auction these pills would easily fetch him a few hundred million coins each. This was the second part of his plan, with the first stage being thousand-year herbs and going up to 7,000 - 9,000 years at the last stage of the three months training and the second stage involving these 10,000-year-old herbs and some herbs going up to even 50,000 years old. These pills would take quite a while to be absorbed and they would also need to be under slight pressure for this stage so his plan naturally involved the Spirit Colosseum for this part.

His final part was obviously the Heavenly Herbs which he would only be able to give after meeting with Dugu Bo, he had investigated about him recently and all the information he had gathered was similar to the actual story so he was 80% sure that he would have to cure him like in the story this was the main reason he was dependent on the heavenly herbs for the plan.

If there were any changes to the timeline then he would not mind 'borrowing' the herbs from Dugu Bo and eventually 'paying back' for them.

When he finished the final herb which was for Rongrong he got out of the Magical Space and slept on his bed for 72 hours straight, he had been refining the last pill for the last week in the space so he was really tired and only wanted to sleep. When he woke up he saw Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing near his bed with slightly worried expressions on their faces and only when they saw him waking up were they slightly relieved.

"Brother San, what happened?? You were asleep for nearly four entire days, everyone was worried about you, grandmaster told us that you were fine but didn't tell us what happened"

Rongrong asked with a worried voice, he saw slight red on the corner of all their eyes and understood that they had cried while waiting for him. He was a little happy about that but was also feeling guilty for worrying them so much.

He was still surprised to see tears on Zhu Zhuqing, he thought that she was only close to him due to how much he had helped her but it seems that she had genuinely cared for him.

He didn't know about this since he was asleep but even Zhu Zhuqing had only realised about the feelings she had for him after seeing him in such a state, previously she had felt that she was only having thoughts about him due to all the help he had given her and how much he had thought about her but after seeing Tang San in such a critical condition she had a sad feeling in her heart, so much that she had even cried. Only then did she know how much she had fell for this man, she didn't know when it had started but she had finally fallen in love.

"I'm sorry about worrying all of you, it was just that I was extremely busy making a few pills for all of you. I had already discussed with Grandmaster about it and he should have not told you about this since I myself had asked him not to do so"

"Big Brother, we were all worried about you even Boss Dai, Oscar and Fatty were taking turns to look after you when you slept. They just went back to their rooms so we took over. But don't ever scare us like that again, see Rongrong and Zhuqing had lost so much weight being worried about you"

"Sister Wu!! Brother San, it was Xiao Wu who was the first one to cry when you were sleeping but it is true that Zhuqing was the one who cried the most though"


While they were bickering amongst themselves, Tang San started laughing. He truly felt it funny that Zhuqing and Rongrong were crying for such a thing, they were the ones who had the most pride amongst the Seven Devils and seeing them crying for a man was truly funny.

"Sorry it was just too funny seeing you all fight like that, but don't worry the pills I have concocted for all of you was worth the effort. Let's go out and meet the rest, I have to give them their pills too"

"Brother San, I'll go and call them so you just rest"

Zhuqing said and as she was about to leave the room,

"Thanks, Zhu'er"

Her feet stopped and a slight blush appeared on her face before she ran out of the room. He noticed that he was still in his own room and that Oscar must have been sleeping in one of the other's rooms to let him rest. Soon Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun came into the room,

"Hahaha, you truly worried us there Little San. I thought you were going to sleep for another two days or so, hahaha"

"Little San, you have now beaten even Fatty for sleeping the longest in the academy. I have to respect you"

"It's true Brother San, even I've never slept for five day's straight, you set a new record in the academy and with me losing so much weight I don't think I'll ever be able to beat that record anymore"

"Haha, Fatty though you've lost some weight you still are a chicken so it doesn't matter"

"Boss Dai, I'm not a chicken, I'm a PHOENIX a phoenix!!!! And just you wait, once I lose more weight I'll have more chicks than you've ever had in your entire life in one bed"

When he said that all the girls just gave a cold look towards the two of them. Unable to bear this awkward atmosphere Tang San spoke up,

"Ahem! For the past few days, I've made you all a few weapons just like the one I showed you all a few days ago. I'm only giving the first one for free but for any extra weapons you'll have to pay and give me a prior notice of a month"

He then gave them all a Godly Zhuge Crossbow and a Flying God's Claw. He then explained them about the workings of the weapons and they were a little shocked about it, he had to explain about the various uses since at first, they felt it was a little useless and only support type spirit masters could use them.

He also made a few Spirit Tools too like some storage tools and gave it to them, he was currently a 6-Star Spirit Tool Designer so the storage tools he made were quite efficient, though they were incomparable to the Twenty Four Moonlight Bridge, they were still pretty good for spirit tools.

When they got to know that he was able to make Spirit Tools they were really surprised this time, as it was essentially a lost art and no one knew how to make such tools anymore and were only surviving on the preexisting tools which were still remaining. If anyone else knew that he had such knowledge he would either be respected or killed so as to not let him grow stronger.

These tools were in the form of rings or pendants so they were pretty easy to carry and each of them had 3 cubic space inside them. He had also gotten a Spirit Tool from the system but he had saved it for Qian Renxue as this was a really unique ring as it had space according to the cultivation of the user and was a soul bound item.

He had already given the necklace to Grandmaster so this was the last tool apart from the Space Expansion tool which he got during the random draw. He later bought a few space expansion tools to increase the space inside his Twenty Four Moonlight Bridge making it reach nearly a hundred cubic meters each totalling upto 2,400 cubic meters.

After giving all the weapons he then took out seven jade bottles, each having a different color, when they saw the colors - White, Brown, Golden, Crimson, Pink, Black and a Seven Coloured Jade Bottle they knew that it was in accordance to their own spirits and picked them accordingly.

"These pills are what will be required for the next stage of your training, you will have to refine then during this period of time and Grandmaster will explain to you about the training.

Boss Dai, the Pill in your bottle is called the Holy Light Pill, with your Evil Eyed Tiger essentially being of the Light attribute this pill will highly benefit all those of the light attribute. You can ask grandmaster as he too has taken a similar pill for his spirit though of a lower quality due to the limitations of his body it was still great nonetheless and the one in your hands have been made from the costliest herbs which I had on me so the effects will surely be miraculous so do expect great results.

Oscar, your pill is called the Five Elemental Pill, this is a pill which is formed from the union of all the Five Elements in nature and is essentially a neutral type pill which is a similar attribute to your spirit. This Pill can help you strengthen your body and may even make it similar to any Beast Master's Body. SO essentially your body will be similar to Boss Dai's before grandmasters training so you will have to worry less in battle this also widens your meridians and improves your Qi supply letting you make more food.

Fatty, your pill is called Hundred and Eight Fires Pill, this pill is mainly for fire type spirit masters and improves the temperature of your fire greatly but due to you Evil Fire you will have to work more so as to not die due to the excess amount of fires in your body. But if you work hard then there will be no fire on the planet which you cannot beat and you can also absorb other spirit masters fire to replenish your own.

Xiao Wu, your pill is called the Thousand Beast Pill, this is made from the blood essence of thousand different beasts and is the wish of any beast type spirit master as it has a chance of improving your spirit itself and inducing a second awakening.

Zhu'er, your pill is called 10,000 Moonlight Pill, this is a pill made from 10,000 different night type plants and will improve your spirit abilities but even I'm not sure how and will give your Qi an attribute change which may even cause a mutation to your spirit to a Hell Moon Civet.

Rongrong, your pill is called the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Pill, they are two different pills which have to be taken at the same time. These pills will give your Spirit a Yin-Yang baptism which will boost your spirit itself and also removes all bottlenecks you may face in the future.

These pills, if sold at an auction, will easily fetch a few hundred million gold coins at the least and since they are tailored to your spirits they are even more valuable to you all. I'll be honest, these pills can also help Douluo's to step into the Titled Douluo realm and the materials are really rare so you can expect only two or three pills to be found in three to four generations.

But due to the high power of these pills, you will all take a long time to absorb them so the results can only be found after completely absorbing them. But the only exception to this is Hongjun as his pill will need him to continuously work hard to refine and absorb it into his body"

When they heard the effects of these pills they were shocked that their jaws were dropping to the grounds, though some of them didn't completely understand the uses of their pills they knew that they were all great.

Improves attributes, provides a second awakening, Douluo to Titled Douluo, any of these descriptions can cause a war between kingdoms and having six such pills is a terrifying fact but an even more terrifying fact was the person who made these pills.

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