Douluo Dalu System

Chapter 24 - Miraculous Pills

After hearing the uses of these pills some of them were really tempted to take them right there itself, but they knew that if they took this pill they would never be able to repay him for all he did. But despite knowing that no one spoke anything or reject these pills as they all knew that in order to keep up with this monster called Tang San they have to use all such means.

Fatty who then noticed something asked up,

"Brother San, what does your pill do??"

Tang San just gave a slight smile and said,

"This pill which I have is called Golden Spiritual Pill, this pill will focus on the brain of a person and enhance his reflexes and five senses. Due to the Red God's Eye which I practice this pill may even push me to the borders of the second stage. It will slightly enhance my Samsara Eye but nothing great at that. I have to focus on my reflexes and movement so this pill will be of great use to me but for others, it will only be an improvement in combat capabilities"

Hearing that they all gave out a sigh, they had expected some heaven-defying pill but only a reflex enhancement. This way they still had space to catch up to him so they finally decided to take their own pills.

Zhuqing was the first to take her pill, she felt a cool sensation passing through her body, her hair had a slightly started to glow white but noticing that the cooling sensation stopped the glow also stopped, her previously pitch black hair, now had some white mixed among them.

"These pills can't be easily absorbed and will need you to slowly absorb them, though you can speed up the process with Grandmaster's next training so don't worry about it. It looks like your spirit is slowly starting to change into the Hell Moon Civet as expected and due to that your hair is also slowly starting to change into a white shade but no other side effects are there"

He was now only a little chubby but slight amounts of fat still remained on his body, Tang San knew that after refining the pill completely he would surely lose all his weight and would have a greater effect when he takes the Heavenly Herb to purify his fire.

His hair which was previously brown in color now had a slight red shade onto it. Hongjun then released his flames and they all felt that it was much hotter than before.

"It looks like your flames have gotten five times hotter than before and you've lost your fat as a side effect along with your hair turning slightly red. It looks like there was an unexpected benefit and your Spirit has slightly changed into a phoenix after you refine the pill completely your spirit will change into a phoenix by 20 - 30% congrats Hongjun"

When he heard that he started to laugh and hug Tang San,

"Brother San, you're truly great, your pill finally made me more handsome and lose that fat. I won't need to go to brothels to relieve my Evil Fire anymore, hahaha"

"Unfortunately for you Fatt-.... Hongjun it looks like Grandmaster wants you to train your body to get rid of the evil fire so you'll have to forget about going to brothels I guess"

Tang San's unexpected words broke Fatt-.... Hongjun's heart and put him in despair at Grandmaster's training and the others started laughing looking at this situation.

Oscar and Mubai were the ones to take their pills next.

Boss Dai had a white light wrap around his body along with a golden layer on top of it. Oscar, on the other hand, had no changes or lights and just sat on the ground continuing to meditate while trying to absorb the pill.

Mubai activated his White Tiger spirit and say that his previous black stripes now had a golden on them. While Oscar put his hand front and a sausage appeared in front of him after that he said his perverted chant and another sausage appeared in front of him.

Mubai then turned back into his normal form and saw that his previous golden hair now had a slight black to it, Oscar didn't have any changes to his body but Tang San saw that his muscles were now slightly bulkier and were much well defined than his previous thin self.

Tang San went up and ate the sausage with no chant and saw that it was similar to his normal sausages and then ate the one with the chant and saw that it was enhanced by 10%. He was a little shocked and then said,

"Boss Dai, it looks like your spirit is now slowly improving its light attribute and as a side effect your hair is slowly changing from golden to black but on the other hand, your spirit form has its black stripes change from black to golden.

Oscar you, on the other hand, have a much better physique and like I said comparable to Boss Dai's before grandmaster's training in his spirit form and your sausages can now be produced without a chant and on using a chant it improves their capabilities by 10%. It also looks like the cost to make them have also reduced which means you can now produce more amount of food at the same rank"

"Haha, Little San, it looks like you were right, I feel that my Evil Eyed White Tiger has it light attributes slowly enhanced and also the fur became much glossier when I use my spirit"

"Brother San, it looks like my body won't lose to any normal spirit master anymore and I can also make more food without any perverted chants, hahaha"

Seeing such good results Rongrong and Xiao Wu also took their pills.

Xiao Wu's body started to glow red from the inside like some red liquid flowing through it, Rongrong had a white and black glow in the form of a yin-yang symbol around her spirit, this symbol was slowly spinning and was merging with her body. Xiao Wu's body started to glow red and was slightly starting to dim and the symbol was also almost fused with her body.

When the process was over they saw that nothing had changed much within their body. But when they saw their spirits they were surprised, Xiao Wu's spirit now had a slight change with it being pinker and a tiara on top of her head and Rongrong's Seven Treasured Glazed Glass Pagoda now was glowing with nine different colors - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, and White.

Though Rongrong's spirit had no change there was still a great boost to it and her hair now had some rainbow colored parts but Xiao Wu's spirit had indeed undergone a second awakening and had become Soft Bone Rabbit Queen but it looks like there were only internal changes and nothing external except her body being a little fairer than before.

"It looks like Xiao Wu's spirit has indeed undergone a second awakening and transformed into a Soft Bone Rabbit Queen and Rongrong's spirit even I have no idea what changes it has but it looks like her hair has started to change slightly into a rainbow colored one"

Rongrong then activated her spirit and said,

"All my spirit abilities have been improved by 2% and it looks like after I completely absorb the pill they will be improved to a total of 20%. This also applies to the future rings that I will get and my Spirit...nine colors!!!!"

When she saw that her spirit had nine colors she was shocked, it was an unconceivable pill. In her clan, there was the legendary spirit of Nine Treasures Glazed Glass Pagoda which had nine tiles and nine colors, though her spirit didn't have nine tiles, but for it to have nine colors it was almost close to the legendary spirit in her clan.

"Brother San, can you make more such pills??"

Looking at her surprised and anxious expression he knew that she was thinking of her clan but unfortunately he had to wait a while before he could get the herbs for such a pill so he could only shake his head, he had bought top quality Thousand year herbs from the auctions and had grown them in the magical space due to which they were able to reach the ten thousand year level, but to do this he had spent nearly five years of his life. To make such a pill again he was truly not confident.

"Unfortunately Rongrong, I can't the materials for such pills are extremely rare and even if I do have the materials it is really tough to make such a pill. I may be able to make one in the future but only if I have the materials and taking another such pill won't help you much either and may only give you a slight boost of rank that's all"

"Brother San, if in the future if you are able to get the materials for this pill then please make it. I can assure you that the Seven Treasured Clan will not let you down on this matter, I want a pill for my father that is the reason I'm asking for you to make one so don't worry I won't use it"

"Sure, If I get the materials then I will surely make one but that would be my limit and I can't make any more than one, If you want then I can give you the formula in the future but that would cost you and I will do so only when I am strong enough to protect myself"

Hearing that she had a slight smile on her face, she knew that there was no need for him to give the formula but he still did so because of her.

Tang San then turned towards Xiao Wu and asked her about her spirit and she said,

"My spirit essentially changed to a Soft Bone Rabbit Queen, though I know that there is another stage which is the Soft Bone Demon Empress but I guess even after refining your pill I won't be able to reach that stage.

My new spirit effectively enhances all my spirit abilities and give me domination over all rabbit type spirits and beasts, though it isn't much even my rank slightly improved to by two ranks making me reach rank 37. But it looks like only after absorbing the entire pill will I truly complete my awakening and I won't receive any more boosts in rank"

He was happy for her, he knew that with this she won't be lacking in combat power anymore and even her rank had caught up with the rest of them placing her at the fifth with Rongrong and Oscar behind her by only one rank.

He was now genuinely happy, with this they had essentially reached a stage similar to the time before the Continental Spirit Master Competition and after absorbing the Heavenly Herbs reaching the Spirit King rank also won't be tough. 13 - 14 years old Spirit Kings, such a team would surely have great potential and even all of them reaching the First Class God and even God King ranks won't be impossible.

Soon the vacation period which Grandmaster had given them was over and they were heading towards Suotuo City. After reaching there they went towards an inn close to the Spirit Colosseum and booked rooms for each of them. They had a good lunch and were waiting for grandmaster's instructions regarding the next stage of his training.

"As you all know, I had allowed Tang San to make you those pills not to improve your Spirit Ranks or combat power but instead your talents, the previous stage of training was staged to improve your foundations while this stage has two goals, your fighting techniques, and teamwork being the first while your talent due to the pills being the second.

You are all to never reveal your name and age, you also cannot use Hidden Weapons including Tang San, you have to fight at least two fights an individually and one fight as a team of seven every day.

As for your other teams which you all have formed, that will be for your own choice as to how you do it. Tang San also will start from scratch as his previous name of Blue Silver had reached Gold Class rank in individual fights you will take a new name.

As for all your names, Dai Mubai will be Evil Eye White Tiger, Oscar will be Sausage Monopoly and Tang San you will use the identity when you registered with Xiao Wu and the rest instead of your Tang Yin one and will be called Thousand Hands Silver Grass"

Xiao Wu then butted in and said,

"Master that name doesn't sound nice, and what do you mean by Tang Yin?? And Blue Silver??"

"Tang Yin was the name he had registered previously when he earned the Gold Rank fighter badge. He used the name Blue Silver as his stage name, he had used his illusion ability to alter his age so no one was able to find out including the Spirit Colosseum. As for his new name, what do you all suggest??"

Mubai then said,

"How about Thousand Hands Asura?? As in the Asura being the Devil of massacre?? We know how he changes when one of his friends or close ones are in danger so I think Asura is a fitting name"

Grandmaster then turned towards Tang San and asked for his opinion, to that he just told he would follow whatever he decides,

"Well in that case Tang San will be Thousand Hands Asura, as for Ma Hongjun we'll call you Evil Fire Phoenix, Xiao Wu will be called Soft Bone Demon Rabbit Queen, Zhu Zhuqing will be Hell Moon Civet and finally Ning Rongrong with Nine Treasured Glazed Tile with how you have nine colors instead of seven and as for your team name lets call you Shreks Seven Devils"

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai,

Sausage Monopoly Oscar,

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San,

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun,

Soft Bone Demon Rabbit Queen Xiao Wu,

Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong,

Hell Moon Civet Zhu Zhuqing.

These were the Shreks Seven Devils, they had also formed a few internal teams to earn more points and due to Oscar and Rongrong being support type.

The first was Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing being the Nine Hells Combination (WN: I liked this better than the original Seven Treasures Civet so I'm using this instead), the second being Oscar and Dai Mubai being the Dual Winged White Tiger Combination, the third being Tang San and Xiao Wu with the Three-Five Combination though Xiao Wu was a little pissed at the name Tang San had thought up, the fourth being Tang San and Ma Hongjun, he wanted to train his Samsara Eye as a support and control spirit so he teamed up with Hongjun who had a pretty good attack and to also prevent him from lazing around they named their team Ice Phoenix Combination.

He was allowed to use his Samsara Eye but he still had to hide his Ice Jade Empress Scorpion so he still had to use the name Ice Eye for his spirit.

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