Wu Zhangkong's expression was sour. After he had left the room with Xie Xie, Yue Zhengyu and the others, they had to wait for Yuanen Yehui. As their teacher, he couldn't leave her alone, especially not with a Titled Douluo from another organisation, who's agenda he didn't know.

Just a few moments afer he left, the door opened again and the unknown young man who sat next to She Meixiao this whole time came out as well. Huang Jialong ignored Wu Zhangkong and the Shrek students and just stood before them, right next to the door.

Wu Zhangkong didn't know what She Meixiao was trying to do by shooing her own companion out, but the fact that she wanted to remain inside, alone with Yuanen Yehui and Sheng Feilong, was already enough for him to inform Elder Cai that She Meixiao was trying to recruit one of their students.

He had hoped not to have to do that, as he originally only overheard the students talking about meeting up with She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong because they wanted to know what happened to Tang Wulin. After confronting them about the meeting, he insisted to come with them, but his students had him promise not to involve Elder Cai as they were aware that she and She Meixiao were on bad terms.

Excusing himself for a moment, Wu Zhangkong walked over to a quiet corner and called Elder Cai on his Soul Communicator, explaining the situation. "She dares to try to poach Yuanen Yehui again?! Where are you exactly?" Elder Cai's voice was cold, but her anger resulted in her nearly screaming at Wu Zhangkong.

Wu Zhangkong told her about the restaurant they were staying at, prompting the latter to end the call shortly after. "Stay where you are, I'm coming over." From her voice alone, Wu Zhangkong was already sure that the situation would escalte, but he wasn't afraid of that; He also wasn't going to let someone else poach his students, but was unable to do anything in front of She Meixiao.

Meanwhile, Xie Xie and the others had mostly calmed down from what they had heard from She Meixiao. Though, the air around them was still tense, as all signs lead to Gu Yue, one of their own, being involved in Tang Wulin's misfortune, but none of them dared to speak of their doubts.

"She's been distant lately, hasn't she..? Ever since we came to the Star Luo Continent, even Captain didn't get-" Xu Xiaoyan muttered after a long silence. Her voice was shaky, but Ye Xinglan stopped her from continuing. "Xiaoyan. Gu Yue is one of us. Even if she had a hard time lately, she would never do anything to hurt Wulin."

"Ye Xinglan is right, Gu Yue would never hurt him. I don't trust that She Meixiao." Xie Xie added with a frown. The others didn't answer him, but they had their doubts about this unknown, powerful Titled Douluo, so Xie Xie continued. "First she miraculously rescued Sheng Feilong, then Gu Yue supposedly attacked them and now Big Brother is gone. Isn't she just trying to push a wedge between us?"

"Xie Xie, Feilong trusts her and I don't believe a Titled Douluo would do something like that; We're only outer court students." Xu Lizhi chimed in. Among them, he and Ye Xinglan knew Sheng Feilong the best, so he didn't believe Sheng Feilong would help her if She Meixiao really was evil.

However, Yue Zhengyu seemed to be of another opinion. "She's still an outsider. I've heard about this Daedalus from my Clan before; They're all evil Soul Master, that think of themselves as good. Moreover, this trip to the Star Luo Empire is a trial to see if we're fit to become members of Shrek's Seven Monsters. What if she's just trying to take preemptive measures?"

As a descendant of the Holy Angel Clan, Yue Zhengyu was naturally somewhat biased against Soul Master with evil and dark Spirit Essences, though he wasn't as radical as his Clan by a long shot. And the others didn't think he was wrong per se.

Xie Xie scowled as well and crossed his arms in front of his chest in an upset manner. "What are they talking to Yuanen about, anyways? Why did she call Sheng Feilong in the first place..."

"Can you think of anyone else who we could've contacted that has a close relationship with a Titled Douluo and that might have information about happening here, on the Star Luo Continent?" Yue Zhengyu shot back at him; He didn't particularly like Daedalus or She Meixiao, but Sheng Feilong was another matter, though this second Spirit Essence of his made things more complicated...

In a breeze, more than half an hour had passed since they were shooed out of the room and Wu Zhangkong was returning to their side, though now surprisingly with Elder Cai next to him, who had an angered expression on her face. The students flinched, thinking them meeting up with Sheng Feilong was the reason for Elder Cai's expression, but the latter just walked past them towards the room.

Huang Jialong, who still stood by the door, opened his eyes and saw Elder Cai, an unfamiliar face for him, walk over and heading straight for the door. He took a step to the side, now standing directly in front of the door, blocking it. "Ma'am, this is a private room."

Elder Cai looked at him with a frown, but still stopped. He was unfamiliar, but she had heard from Wu Zhangkong that this young man was associated with She Meixiao, so she wasn't very fond of him, much less bother to explain herself. "Move."

"Ma'am, again, this is a private room. Please don't cause a disturbance." Huang Jialong replied again with a stoic voice, not budging from his place in front of the door, but frowned when he felt Elder Cai releasing her Soul Power. He could clearly feel that she was stronger than him; Much, much stronger, to the point where we couldn't possibly put up a fight.

"Ma'am, for the last time, this-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Elder Cai had already flashed in front of him, aggressively pushing him to the side. He didn't dare retaliate considering the amount of killing intent that Elder Cai was radiating. "Out of my way."

She pushed passed Huang Jialong, grabbing for the doorknob and pushing the door open. Inside, She Meixia, Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui were already looking back at her; The latter two with surprise, while the former had a cold, but calm expression. Yuanen Yehui was the first to speak up, mostly due to surprise as they had an agreement with Wu Zhangkong that Elder Cai wouldn't be involved. "Elder Cai..?"

Ignoring Yuanen Yehui, Elder Cai stared at She Meixiao with unconcealed anger and killing intent. "She Meixiao, you dare to try to poach my Shrek Academy's students again? Was my last warning not clear enough?"

"Elder Cai, I've told you before that I will talk to whomever I please, whenever I please. You are not in any position to stop me from doing that." She Meixiao's reply was firm and her voice filled with a cold, steel like resolution.

While Yuanen Yehui and Sheng Feilong were still shocked from her sudden emergence, Elder Cai's Soul Power suddenly surged and she stared at She Meixiao with an icy expression. "Get lost immediately. And don't you dare approach any of my students ever again."

Sheng Feilong had regained his calm again, but knew better then to butt in on their argument. He glanced past Elder Cai, at Huang Jialong and the Shrek students, though seeing the former was okay, he didn't think too much of it. Yuanen Yehui also only seemed more surprised then anything, but looked at Wu Zhangkong with a frown afterwards.

She Meixiao calmly stared back at Elder Cai, ignoring the rising Soul Power pressure of the latter and replied in a similarly cold tone. "Cai Yue'er, retrieve your Soul Power. I'd rather not we cause a scene in the middle of the city." The expression in her eyes grew a tinge fiercer as she spat out another sentence. "Don't force my hand."

"Force your hand? Don't you think that's bit to late already?" Elder Cai said coldly before turning to Yuanen Yehui. "Get up. We're returning to the hotel. Right now." Yuanen Yehui was taken aback and didn't know how to answer, when Sheng Feilong suddenly spoke up for her. "Elder Cai, you don't have the authority to order Daedalus' people around."

For the first time, Elder Cai stopped. She stared at Sheng Feilong for half a second in disbelieve before her Soul Power suddenly kicked up a storm through the room and she struck out towards Sheng Feilong. "A little rat like you dares to speak to me like that?!"

She Meixiao moved in the same instant, appearing in front of Sheng Feilong and blocking the attack, coldly staring at Elder Cai without saying a word before both of them vanished from within the room. Not even two seconds later, the earth shook and the patrons of the restaurant panicked.

Lead by Wu Zhangkong, the students of Shrek Academy run out on the streets, closely followed by Jhuang Jialong, Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui. The shaking stopped as abruptly as it started, only to be replaced by an ever more dramatic scene.

Sheng Feilong stared upwards; Where the once was a bright, sunny day, was now replaced by the darkness of the dead of the night with a brilliant, silver moon hanging in the sky. The people on the streets gawked at the scene in awe before gasps of disbelieve and terror painted their faces and a colossal, two-headed monstrosity of a black snake appeared hundreds of metres above the ground.

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