Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

165 A Clash That Split The Heavens

The spectators gasped in shock and searched for cover as the earth once again began to quake. Hundreds of metres above their heads, the colossal black snake fiercelyclashed with a wave of silver light released by the silver moon.

An explosion of bright silver and purplish black light filled the sky for a few seconds; The silver right growing dimmer and dimmer with each passing moment until both of them cancelled each other out.

Just after it faded, the black snake's second head shot forwards, widely opening its maw and spewing a wave of dark green acid towards the silver moon in the sky. Another flash of blinding silver light shot out, seemingly burning the acid away within a short moment.

Then, a brilliant silver arrow shot towards the back of the snake, only to be destroyed by a wave of its tail. Both of the snake's heads shot forward, biting down on the silver moon, which released another wave of brilliant silver light, forming a barrier that stopped the snake heads from advancing further.

For nothing more but a second, the snake heads and silver moon seemed in a deadlock, before the silver barrier cracked, shattering under the pressure of the snake's bite, but also forcing the latter back to their original places.

Elder Cai stared at She Meixiao, who calmly stood behind her Twin-Headed Poison Cobra Spirit Essence's True Avatar's back with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Until now, both of them had only released their True Avatar's, Elder Cai's being the silver moon illuminating the blackened sky, but Elder Cai was also aware that she was using up a lot more Soul Power than She Meixiao.

Both of them knew roughly how the other fights, thus Elder Cai knew that She Meixiao was still leisurely fighting her, as she didn't even move her arms to control the Twin-Headed Poison Cobra herself, but only mentally gave it commands. Meanwhile, Elder Cai herself also had to fuel her True avatar with Soul Power to not be suppressed.

Naturally, for both of them, this kind of fight was still nothing special and didn't need much energy, but the fact that Elder Cai was having to use more strength than She Meixiao still told much about their strength when compared to each other.

While Elder Cai's expression darkened somewhat, She Meixiao once again ordered the Twin-Headed Poison Cobra to attack; One charging at Elder Cai and the silver moon, the other coming from the side, its maw wide open and ready to spit out a wave of acid again.

Elder Cai frowned at the second attack. Normally, it wouldn't be hard for her to just block ,divert or outright dodge the attack, but she couldn't do so; If all of this acid landed on the city, who knows how many people would lose their lives or homes to it. Moreover, there was no one within the city that could possibly stop the attack instead of Elder Cai.

Once again fueling her True Avatar with her Soul Power, a silver barrier and wave of sundering light were released, blocked the bite of the first snake head and burning away the acid attack of the second.

However, this wasn't the end of She Meixiao's attack. The second snake head, the once that spit out acid, was already charging at Elder Cai with its maw wide open, forcing the latter to once again use more Soul Power to block it with another barrier. Both of them were in a deadlock again, only for She Meixiao to use a bit of Soul Power to strengthen her True Avatar, shattering the silver barrier in a split second.

Elder Cai had no other choice but to back off a bit to avoid the snake heads and shockwaves, causing She Meixiao to smile lightly. She lowered her arms to her side before her Soul Power surged slightly, her hands bathed in a faint purple glow. "This should suffice for a warm up. Shall we take this a bit more serious now?"

Of course, Elder Cai answered in turn, her Soul Power surging as well with the silver moon radiating an even more brilliant light. With their Spirit Essences True Avatars released, the surging Soul Power of two Titled Douluo's caused the air around them to shoot into motion, unleashing heavy winds and a rumbling pressure in the area.

On the ground, most people were struck with terror, staring at the sky in dread or hiding behind or beneath whatever cover they could find. Each clash of the silver moon and black snake caused shockwaves in the city that shook the earth brutally. People in their homes had their belongings and decorations break and crash down with each quake.

Soul Masters among the crowds stared at the whole spectacle in absolute awe, standing rooted in place and forgetting even their surroundings. They clearly understood that the figures fighting in the sky were absolute powerhouses of the continent clashing with each other and they didn't dare to miss even a second of it.

Wu Zhangkong, the Shrek Academy students, as well as Sheng Feilong, Yuanen Yehui and Huang Jialong stared at the battle in the sky for a while as well, but soon averted their eyes as the registered the chaos in the city around them. Wu Zhangkong stared at Sheng Feilong and the other two for a moment and frowned.

If it was just Yuanen Yehui, he could easily take her with him, retreating from the scene to appease Elder Cai, but with Sheng Feilong and, to him unknown, Huang Jialong present, he wasn't certain of success and failure would only make the situation worse.

He didn't know Huang Jialong's strength, but the fact that he could remain standing with relative ease even when Elder Cai pressured him in front of the restaurants door showed that he was no ordinary Soul Master. In fact, the latter's constantly calm gaze and steady and natural bearing left Wu Zhangkong with a hint of apprehension.

There was no doubt about Sheng Feilong's strength as well. Wu Zhangkong himself wasn't confident in beating Long Yue in a one against one scenario after seeing him fight in the tournament, especially after he fought seriously against Tang Wulin, but Sheng Feilong was in a league of his own, effortlessly playing and beating Long Yue down.

Thus, Wu Zhangkong could only ignore them and started to evacuate and help the citizens in his surroundings while the fight in the sky intensified again and again. Ye Xinglan and the other Shrek students followed their teacher and rescued as many civilians as possible on their own accord.

Sheng Feilong and Yuanen yehui looked around and were about to head out to help as well, but Huang Jialong stopped them as he had seen through Wu Zhangkong's idea from just the latter's gaze. "We need to stay together. Wu Zhangkong's primary goal is to end this conflict. He'll go after Yuanen and I'm not confident to stop him when all of us are on their own."

Yuanen Yehui frowned and looked around, only to see Wu Zhangkong busy earnestly helping as many people as he could, but still heeded Huang Jialong's advice. Sheng Feilong wasn't apprehensive of Wu Zhangkong, but, as Huang Jialong mentioned, it wasn't him who was the target, but Yuanen Yehui. Thus, he also remained with the other two. "Then let's head out together. Stay near each other and help the civilians."

"Got it." Huang Jialong nodded as all three of them went towards a direction with relatively many people near a rough looking building. Once again, Wu Zhangkong glanced at them, but gave up on taking Yuanen Yehui with him as he saw all three of them together.

Within the sky, the fight between She Meixiao and Elder Cai has intensified many times over; Even a single clash would send waves of crashing force outwards, oftentimes hitting the city below.

The black sky created by Elder Cai was completely illuminated by the bright silver light radiating from her Spirit Essence's True Avatar as the eighth and ninth Soul Rings behind her back were brightly glowing - One red and one black.

She Meixiao's situation was similar; She was controlling the now four heads of her True Avatar with her hands, while the Avatar itself was wrapped in a dark purple light, a single red Soul Ring glowing brightly behind her back.

Another black Soul Ring behind Elder Cai's back lit up and the silver light formed a brilliant, multiple metres tall silver arrow in front of her. Quickly completing the arrow, Elder Cai sent it shooting towards She Meixiao with a powerful wave of her arm.

The latter frowned, but still calmly reacted by activating a Soul Skill of her own. A black Soul Ring behind her back lit up as well and the scales of the four snake heads became more lustrous and defined. Then, two of the heads shot forward, directly behind each other, on She Meixiao's command.

The arrow collided fiercely with the first snake head, a powerful booming sound causing the air in the surroundings to churn and sending crushing shockwaves downwards. Brilliant silver and dark purple light once again painted the sky. Shortly after, the purple light died down, while the brilliant silver light dimmed considerably.

The first snake head, with its scales strengthened by She Meixiao's Soul Skill, was pierced right through its skull, falling downwards as the now weakened silver arrow continued to crash into the second snake head.

The silver and dark purple light once again bathed the area for a moment, though this time, the silver light died down while the dark purple light only diminished lightly; The silver arrow shattered, as the second snake head still stood proudly in the air, the scales on it only lightly scratched while it stared at Elder Cai.

She Meixiao waved her hand, using her own Soul Power to heal the snake head dangling down from the snake's body. The gaping hole in it's head closed at a speed visible to the naked eye before the head lifted itself up again, lining up with the other three, all of them loftily staring at Elder Cai, just as She Meixiao did.

The black Soul Rings behind Elder Cai's and She Meixiao's backs dimmed again, showing that their Soul Skills had ended, but She Meixiao suddenly smiled. The four snake heads pulled back, forming a diamond shape in the air, one head in the above, one beneath and one at the right and left side each.

One of the red Soul Rings behind She Meixiao's back lit up brightly and all four snake heads opened their maws simultaneously. Vortice of dark purple and dark green energy spiralled inside their maws as huge amounts of energy consolidated in each of them.

Elder Cai's expression fell and she showed a hint of panic, hastily activating two of her Soul Skills simultaneously – two black Soul Rings lighting up behind her back. The silver moon in the sky lit up even more brightly as Elder Cai was now using three Soul Skills at the same time. A barrier many times thicker and sturdier than before encased her, while She Meixiao's true avatar continued to gather energy.

Another layer of the barrier formed around Elder Cai, followed by a third, fourth, and finally, a fifths layer. Just as the fifth barrier had been formed, the four snake heads seemed to have finished gathering energy and She Meixiao swung her hand down.

At that moment, all things seemed to have suddenly lost their colour and everything was overwhelmed by a torrential wave of dark purple light. The earth quaked like never before, buildings cracking noticeably inside the city, while cars and even people were blasted away by the terrifying explosion as the torrential beam of purple energy collided with Elder Cai's silver barrier.

The first layer shattered nearly instantly upon impact and the collision with the second layer send another shockwave of the same magnitude blasting outwards. Now, ever Soul Masters had to use their own strength and Soul Power to shield themselves while being flung away from the epicentre in the sky.

The second layer shattered, the collision with the third layer sending even more people flying while buildings all around cracked even more, smaller onces even breaking down. With the destruction of the third layer, collision of the fourth and finally, the impact on the fifths, even more powerful Soul Masters like Wu Zhangkong, the Shrek students and Sheng Feilong's group were blasted into buildings or crashed into the ground.

However, the purple light has still only dimmed lightly and continued to break the fifth layer, directly blasting Elder Cai's True Avatar. With an explosion silencing all sounds in the vicinity, an otherworldly scene as if the sky was collapsing occured as Elder Cai's Silver Moon True Avatar was shattered and the blackened sky broken apart.

Only a few seconds later, did the purple light vanish, revealing She Meixiao and her currently four-headed Posion Cobra standing in the sky under the illumination of the bright afternoon sun, staring into the distance, where the charred, tattered figure of a person was falling towards the ground.

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