People looked into the sky with shocked expressions, none of them completely sure what just happened. Without warning, the whole sky had been painted purple with massive explosions and earthquakes all around only to then calm down completely.

The night sky with the silver moon as well as the colossal black snake had completely vanished, while the inner parts of the city have been left in tatters. For a while, most people didn't dare venture out of their hiding spots, waiting for minutes on end until they were certain nothing would happen any more.

Soul Masters in the vicinity gulped down saliva as they finally understood what it meant to be a powerhouse of this generation; Even a major city is nothing before them. Just thinking about what would have happened to this city, their hometown, if even one of those attacks had directly hit it sent shivers down their spines. Still, they couldn't help but admire the strong even more now.

The few people who truly knew what was going on – Wu Zhangkong, the Shrek students, as well as Sheng Feilong, Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui – had conflicted and somewhat awed expressions. Only Wu Zhagkong's expression darkened and he hurried off into the direction where he had seen Elder Cai fall from the sky.

Sheng Feilong stared at She Meixiao, who was slowly descending towards them, in awe. Before, he had seen her fight against the Great Beast on the ship towards the Star Luo Continent, but back then, she had only used her Soul Skills to multiply the amount of heads of her Spirit Essence's True Avatar, never a direct attack.

Even without using her Battle Armour, this was the strongest attack Sheng Feilong had ever seen by a far stretch. 'Master is even stronger than what she showed on the ship... But, is she okay..?' Sheng Feilong was incredibly excited about being able to witness such a battle, but after remembering how She Meixiao coughed out blood after her fight with the Great beast, he was worried about her.

Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui were in similar states, though the former was considerably more calm than the latter. As his former Master, Branchmaster Lu, was also a Hyper Douluo, he somewhat understood the strength of such powerhouses, but Yuanen Yehui had never seen a Titled Douluo in action like today.

Her heart was beating wildly and she was fixately staring at She Meixiao. This was the power of one of the people who had vowed to help her, yet, judging by her rank as Vice-Leader, she wasn't even the strongest person of Daedalus. "Senior She, she... Is incredibly powerful..."

Huang Jialong nodded his head, also looking at She Meixiao in awe. "The full power attack of a Hyper Douluo, utilizing two of her red Soul Skills and her Spirit Essence's True Avatar at the same time. And without even using her Battle Armour, that is."

While the two of them looked awed, Sheng Feilong, who stood next to them, said nothing. She Meixiao graciously landed a few steps away from them with a faint smile on her face and walked over to join up with them.

Sheng Feilong looked at her and couldn't help but ask. "Master, are you alright?" Noticing his worried expression, She Meixiao smiled gently and shook her head lightly. "There's not need to worry, Feilong. I'm perfectly fine."

Sheng Feilong's expression eased and he nodded his head with a small smile. Huang Jialong still stared at She Meixiao fixately, but didn't speak up. She Meixiao smiled at him. "Is there something you want to say? There's no need to hold back."

"No, Master. I'm just reminding myself that I've made the right choice." Huang Jialong said with a similar smile to She Meixiao, but he was just as agitated as Sheng Feilong. Not about She Meixiao's strength, but about the Soul Skills she has shown today.

Don't mind that incredible energy attack, which seemed to be something relatively normal, but what about that Soul Skill that multiplied the amount of heads her True Avatar had? If She Meixiao, who only has a two headed Spirit Essence was already this powerful, then what about him, whose Spirit Essence is the Five-Headed Black Hydra?

Still, he kept those thoughts to himself. He would definitely ask about it later as just thinking about it made him more agitated, but that has to wait. At least until they were somewhere private and not in the middle of the street.

Meanwhile, Yuanen Yehui, who had been staring at She Meixiao for a while, was now looking towards another direction; One where the other Shrek students as well as Wu Zhangkong were hurrying. Sheng Feilong noticed her gaze and called out to her. "Yuanen?"

She turned back to them, noticing that She Meixiao and Huang Jialong were looking at her now as well and smiled lightly. "Sorry, I was distracted." She Meixiao saw through her in an instant and calmly spoke to her. "You don't have to worry. They'll be fine, even without Elder Cai backing them up."

"...Is Elder Cai alright?" Hearing She Meixiao, yuanen Yehui couldn't help but ask, to which the former replied wryly. "She won't die. At least not from just that. You don't have to concern yourself with them. Although Shrek Academy isn't Daedalus' enemy, they will most likely stand in our way from time to time. Though, today was more than just a little dispute."

"I'm sorry..." Yuanen Yehui apologized again, causing Sheng Feilong to frown lightly. "Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault." She Meixiao nodded, backing Sheng Feilong up. "He's right. There were disagreements between Elder Cai and I from the beginning. Moreover, you're not obliged to them in any way, so you don't need to worry. In the end, even Shrek Academy is nothing more than a school."

The others stayed silent and Yuanen Yehui just nodded her head meekly, before She Meixiao turned around and looked into the distance for a moment. She turned back and smiled at Sheng Feilong and the others. "Well, for now let's leave. We've done everything we've come her for and then some."

"What about the city, Master?" Sheng Feilong spoke up while looking around. Buildings, roads and pavements were damaged, while people were still hiding or complaining over the destruction, but She Meixiao simply smiled again. "That's not our responsibility. The Empire will take care of this. And Shrek Academy is involved as well. If there's anything, they can sent a complaint to Daedalus."

"Well, let's go. There's a branch in the next town; We'll look for a taxi to go there. I wanted to visit this one on our way back, but since we're already here, we might as well go there." With this, She Meixiao lead the three of them towards the outskirts of the city where they found themselves a taxi.


Meanwhile, at the other end of the city, Xie Xie and the other Shrek students were running past the people and debris in the city, following Wu Zhangkong who, with his speed, was already out of sight.

About a minute later, they found him kneeling on the ground inside a small crater. Next to him laid a who they knew all too well. However, Elder Cai was barely recognizable; Her hair was charred and mostly burned, while there were burn marks all over her body and her robes were charred as well, even partially burned off.

There were dark, purplish green marks all around her wounds, while Wu Zhangkong was administering what little help he could, frowning deeply the whole time. All in all, Elder Cai looked nothing like her usual stoic and aloof self.

Ye Xinglan walked up to Wu Zhangkong, pulling Xu Lizhi with her. "Teacher Wu, how can we help?" She was eyeing the weird purplish green marks with caution as they gave her a bad feeling. Wu Zhangkong glanced at her, noticing her gaze and spoke coldly. "You can't. I'm unable to help, as well. These are wounds inflicted by a Hyper Douluo."

Ye Xinglan kneeled down as well, carefully using her Soul Power to clean Elder Cai's wounds like Wu Zhangkong was doing, while Xu Lizhi started producing a few meat buns that help with Soul Power regeneration with his Soul Skill.

He also noticed the purplish green marks and moved his hand towards them without thinking much about it. Wu Zhangkong turned around to him, suddenly screaming. "Don't touch them!" Xu Lizhi and the others flinched at his sudden outburst.

Wu zhangkong continued in a more moderate tone, though still with a grave expression. "They're some kind of powerful poison and highly toxic. Just touching them is enough to get yourself in trouble. With you strength, there's nearly no chance of survival. If it wasn't for Elder Cai's cultivation, the poison alone would have already killed her..."

"Those look like the works of evil Soul Masters. Shrek Academy's Elder Cai repelled them, but still got herself poisoned and beaten to this extent?" An aged voice came from above, causing Wu Zhangkong's head to shoot up. He tensed up, but quickly calmed down when he saw the emblem on the speaker's chest.

"Wu Zhangkong of Shrek Academy greets the Lord Law Enforcer." He lowered his head slightly to greet the old man, who nodded in response and landed next to him. The old man looked at Elder Cai's situation, but didn't make any moves to help. Still, Wu Zhangkong didn't dare ask about his help; This was one of the Star Luo Empire's Law Enforcement Generals, one of the Emperor's most trusted men.

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