Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

175 Rampaging Netherworld Putrefaction Demon

Song Weihan was stunned upon seeing Sheng Feilong's state and couldn't say anything. The latter looked around with an indifferent and expressionless face, glancing at She Meixiao, then Sheng Lingtian and Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui.

The latter three felt their hearts tighten from the invisible pressure that Sheng Feilong's gaze radiated and were unable to endure it at all. Cold sweat formed on their backs as a bone chilling cold invaded caused their bodies to shake. Only after She Meixiao stepped in front of them to shield them from Sheng Feilong's gaze did any kind of colour return to their faces.

Yuanen Yehui's eyes shook in distress and she clenched her fists in worry. "...Feilong?" Before she could take a step forward towards him, She Meixiao stretched her arm out to stop her, her gaze not leaving Sheng Feilong for even half a second. "You three, leave immediately."

Sheng Lingtian, Huang jialong and Yuanen Yehui were stunned and stared at She Meixiao for a moment. Meanwhile, Sheng Feilong had turned his gaze away from them and had taken a step forward, only to be stopped by the barrier set up by She Meixiao and Song Weihan.

He frowned and the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's ash grey gas surrounding him thickened suddenly as he slowly transformed into the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon himself. Song Weihan's and She Meixiao's pupils constricted fiercely as they immediately felt the intensity behind the Soul Power amassing within him.

Sheng Feilong's body transformed into a state that neither of them had ever seen before; Much moredemonic than ever before and matching the description of the original Netherworld Putrefaction Demon that Sheng Feilong had once given them instead of his tuned down transformation. He slowly stretched out his hand, tracing the barrier with his hand before pressing against it.

With just a bit of pressure and the ash grey gas, the barrier cracked, forcing She Meixiao's expression to contort into one of terror. Her Soul Power instantly exploded out of her, with all nine of her Soul Rings appearing behind her back as she whipped her head around to face Sheng Lingtian, Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui. "Run!"

Song Weihan had the same reaction as her and his Soul Power exploded out of him as well, barely fast enough before the transformed Sheng Feilong uttered a low, ungodly and guttural roar. With no resistance to speak of, the barrier erected by two high ranking Titled Douluo's burst like a bubble with the dreadful corrosive energy released by Sheng Feilong exploding into all directions.

Song Weihan instantly shielded himself and She Meixiao, who still stood in front of Sheng Lingtian and the others, managed to create another barrier around them and herself just in time. All 5 of them were blasted back; She Meixiao and the others being flung out of the room, while Song Weihan crashed into the wall.

She Meixiao sprung up again before once again roaring at Sheng Lingtian and the others. "Take the children away from here as fast as possible!" Her Soul Power exploded out of her once more, spreading through the whole headquarters of Daedalus as if to make her presence known before she charged at the transformed Sheng Feilong together with Song Weihan.

Adhering her word, Sheng Lingtian grabbed Yuanen Yehui by the arm as he fled far away from the scene together with Huang Jialong, who was still composed enough to follow She Meixiao's command. They had barely run around the first corner down the hallway as a terrifying explosion of dreadful energy shook the whole headquarters.

Alarm sirens resounded out everywhere and people sprinted out of their rooms with horror-stricken expressions as they flooded out of the barracks towards the elevators to evacuate the building, following closely behind Sheng Lingtian and the other two.

Another terrifying explosion shook the headquarters, much worse than the last one before a number of other powerful aura's could be felt rising towards the sky above the underground headquarters together with She Meixiao's, Song Weihan's and the transformed Sheng Feilong's.

By now, She Meixiao and Song Weihan had already equipped their Battle Armours together with fully circulating their Soul Power to fight. Their expressions were grave; They had barely been able to contain Sheng Feilong and had to allow him to blast the headquarters into smithereens with a single attack.

From within his own rooms, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's terrifying energy shot out, barely contained by She Meixiao and Song Weihan, who let it flow out into the sky, instantly blasting away and corroding all of the matter above the room.

They were now above ground, flying in the sky opposite of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon with a gaping hole, dozens – if not hundreds – of metres in diameter right beneath them. TheNetherworld Putrefaction Demon released another deafening, ungodly roar as four more figures with powerful auras appeared next to She Meixiao and Song Weihan.

Among them, a middle-aged man with long, white hair and a black tight-fit uniform frowned while staring at the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, then faced She Meixiao in her Battle Armour without flinching. "She Meixiao, what is going on here?!"

"Ye Wanxing, Elders, we don't have time! Prepare for battle! We have to stall until everyone has evacuated!" The three people addressed as Elders had solemn expressions and turned their focus on the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, while Ye Wanxing frowned deeply, but ultimately did the same.

All of them could feel how terrifying of an opponent the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon was; Just that roar before they arrived was enough to have all of their Spirit Essences tremble with the most primal fear and leaving them dreading for their own survival.

Due to this, all of them instantly followed Song weihan's and She Meixiao's example and donned their Battle Armour immediately while releasing their Soul Power. With 6ix Titled Douluo's – three of which were Hyper Douluo's, while another one was on the verge of becoming one – releasing all of their power at once, the whole atmosphere around the area contorted.

The earth shook under the pressure while the sky trembled, but all of this only seemed enough to get the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's attention as it focused on the six of them. The flames in its half-hollow skull flicked a few times, seemingly amused or even excited by their struggles before it released another ungodly roar that shook the heavens.

With an opponent the size of a large human, these Titled Douluo experts couldn't make use of their Spirit Essences True Avatars and were forced to engage the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon directly. As the strongest of the lot and Vice-Leader's of Daedalus, the rank 96, Four Word Battle Armour Master, She Meixiao and the rank 97, Three Word Battle Armour Master, Ye Wanxing, lead the attack to suppress the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon.


Within the underground headquarters, people where shaking in fear inside the quaking bunkers, not because of the fight itself, but because of the terrifying aura that left all of them ghastly pale while their Spirit Essences where completely suppressed into quasi-nonexistance. None of them could muster any strength, no matter whether they were Soul grandmasters or Soul Emperors; Only the Soul Douluo ranked Elder and the strongest of the Soul Saints were able to remain somewhat composed.

Sheng Lingtian and the others had also arrived in one of the bunkers with Yuanen Yehui and Huang Jialong shaking like rattle snakes with ghastly pale faces and backs drenched in cold sweats. Among them, Sheng Lingtian, who didn't have an Spirit essence associated with the dark or evil elements could remain somewhat calm, but even he felt his One-Eyed Mountain Lion Spirit Essence shake in fear. "Feilong... Just what happened to you...?"


Outside, just a few dozen seconds had passed, but all of the combatants already had varying degrees of injuries, with the weaker of the three elder already being pale faced. Ye Wanxing, who could still feel this strange, ash grey gas lingering on his Battle Armour trying to corrode it, frowned. "She Meixiao, just what in the world is that thing."

"She Meixiao stared at the roaring Netherworld Putrefaction Demon with a frown, before answering Ye Wanxing begrudgingly. "...It's my personal disciple, Sheng Feilong. He completely lost control over his Spirit Essence, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon."

Ye Wanxing was stunned, so much so that he took his eyes off the opponent to stare at She Meixiao for a split second. He quickly snapped out of it as he had to block another of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's attacks and was forced back tens of metres. "How can it be so powerful?! What in the world is that Netherworld Putrefaction Demon?!"

Before She Meixiao could reply, Song Weihan pitched in from the side, screaming at them. "Careful!" Just then, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's Soul Power increased and exploded out before a grotesque, ash grey Soul Ring appeared behind its back. She Meixiao's and Ye Wanxing's expressions changed, but they had barely enough time to defend themselves as a wave of near fluid grey gas washed over them.

She Meixiao's heart sunk as the gas fell upon her Battle Armour. She could see it being corroded with her naked eyes, but even worse; She recognized this attack as Sheng Feilong's first Soul Skill, the Putrefying Devil Claw! 'This is what the real deal looks like?! It's ridiculous!'

As Ye Wanxing and She Meixiao were caught up with similar thoughts of different origins, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon suddenly vanished, breaking past them when they least expected it. Song Weihan blocked it's attack with his body, but was flung away with the Battle Armour around his arms exploding into pieces as the sound of multiple bones breaking echoed in his head.

Before anyone realized it, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon had already grabbed on to the shoulder of the third Hyper Douluo among their rank, the oldest and strongest of the three Elders. The old tried to flee, but couldn't shake off the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's claws as they bore into his shoulders. "Help! Help me-!"

The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon grabbed on to his head with its second claw, cutting off his words. The sound of bones being crushed could be heard, together with the Elder's muffled screams before everything abruptly stopped as the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon enclosed him in the ash grey gas before ripping off his head in a gruesome manner.

The other combatants felt they scalps tingle at the sight and showed horrified expressions before noticing that the blood spurting from the Elder's severed head wasn't even dripping down; Before it was flung even half a metre away from his body, the blood corroded away, turning into the same ash grey gas that was emanated by the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon.

The gas mixed together with the gas that has been present prior and all of it was absorbed into the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's body. The Elder's severed head was still held in the demon's claw before being encased in the grey gas, being corroded away and absorbed into its body as well.

With one claw freed, the demon grabbed on to both upper arms of the Elder before opening its horrific maw and biting down on what remained of the Elder's neck, ripping out a massive chunk of his torso and swallowing it whole. Everyone just stared on in horror, not able to keep calm at this terrifying display, while the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon continued to devour the Elder's remains.

All of it was either corroded into grey gas and absorbed into its body or directly devoured until nothing remained. To the dismay of the combatants, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's Soul Power increased with each bite it took, seemingly not only devouring the flesh but also the cultivation of the dead Elder.

Finishing it all up, its aura exploded out of the Netherworld Putrefaction demon again, accompanied by a deafening, ungodly roar. She Meixiao, Ye Wanxing, Song Weihan and the Elders were forced back as a ash grey light burst out of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon.

After the light faded and all of them were able to see again, their expressions from ones of horror and disbelief into pure dread and a bone chilling cold ran down their spines while the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon stared at them with a seemingly mocking expression, still deciding who to devour next.

However, none of them paid any mind to its expression, instead all of them were captivated by the sight that revealed itself behind the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's back. Where there was once the single grotesque, ash grey Soul Ring, there were now a total of two.

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