"Old Li..." One of the Elder's couldn't hold his voice in, swallowing saliva dry while staring at the second Soul Eng behind the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's back. None of them understood what just happened; How the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon could turn a human into a Soul Ring.

Ye Wanxing's expression was grim. Among all of them, his cultivation base was the strongest, even above She Meixiao's, thus he understood the change the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon had gone through the clearest; It didn't just obtain another Soul Ring by an unfathomable method; It's own strength, the density of the Soul Power radiating off of it and the suppressive effect on their Spirit Essences had also increased.

"Elder Jing, request for assistance from Shrek Academy, the Spirit Pagoda and the Federal government immediately." Ye Wanxing's expression was grim as he gave this command, still facing the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon as he didn't dare to avert his eyes from it a second time.

Before the Elder called Jing could react, She Meixiao spoke up while moving next to Ye Wanxing. "We can't get them involved. This-" Ye Wanxing cut her off, speaking loudly in a grave tone. "She Meixiao, I don't care what you think; This monster isn't your personal disciple anymore. Elder Li has already paid with his life and the both of us understand how powerful this thing is best. If we don't request for backup immediately, forget about suppressing it; All of us might die by its hands."

She Meixiao frowned, but remained quiet. She secretly glanced at Song Weihan and saw him gnashing his teeth in anger, though also still staring at the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, not knowing what to do as the hesitance in his eyes was obvious.

She understood that Ye Wanxing was right; The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon was too strong for them to handle and with it inherently suppressing their Spirit Essences, they were hard pressed to even survive now that they were down to just five combatants.

Her thoughts were spinning rapidly trying to come up with a plan to salvage the situation. For a few seconds, she remained quiet before Ye Wanxing told Elder Jing to request for backup once more. "No, wait a moment. I have an idea." Ye Wanxing was about to refute her, but she cut him off. "Ye Wanxing, trust me. Can you stall it for 30 seconds?"

"What are you planning?" He questioned, apparently not against any ideas as long as they were reasonably; She Meixiao was the most knowledgeable about this monster, after all. "The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon has an incredible hatred for true demons. If we can draw its attention to a demon in the vicinity, we will have enough room for a focused attacked, possibly wounding it severely."

Ye Wanxing's expression soured and he spoke in a strained tone, trying to hold his anger back. "You want to use one of Daedalus' members as bait for this thing?" Still, She Meixiao ignored him pressing for an answer once more. "Please. I know what I'm doing. No one will be sacrificed."

"...30 seconds. That's the best we can do with just four people." Eventually, Ye Wanxing conceded, taking the position on the front. Following him, the remaining two Elders nodded and positioned themselves between him and She Meixiao. Song Weihan glanced at her, then stepped up right behind the two Elders.

Ye Wanxing's Soul Power surged once more, gaining the attention of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon as well as what seemed to be an interested grin, before he suddenly shoutet out while charging at the monster. "Go!"

On his command, She Meixiao sped forward, right done the hole the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon blasted into the ground, while the other four engaged the demon in combat once more. In but an instant, she appeared at the bottom of the hole; The remains of Sheng Feilong's room inside the barracks.

She didn't stop, but waved her hand to blast open the corridor and headed inside the base, still flying through it at break neck speed, heading for the underground bunker. She hurried forward at her fastest speed as she could feel the whole area shake with every clash between Ye Wanxing and the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon.

Just a few seconds later, she reached her destination; With no time to spare, she ignored the possible consequences and instantly blasted the heavy bunker doors open, completely shocking the people inside. Many were ready to attack immediately, already circulating their Soul Power, but quickly stopped when they saw it was She Meixiao standing in the air above their heads.

She was looking from side to side, hoping to spot Yuanen Yehui and the others. A Soul Douluo tried to approach her, but before he reached her side, she already vanished from her spot, reappearing next to Sheng Lingtian, Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui. The former was the first to react to her appearance with a startled expression. "Madam She? What's going on above-"

"Yuanen Yehui, I need your help immediately!" She Meixiao unceremoniously cut Sheng Lingtian off with a pressing tone in her voice, startling Yuanen Yehui greatly. She was still heavily affected by the netherworld Putrefaction Demon's aura and barely able to do anything. She Meixiao frowned and created a barrier using her own Soul Power.

Yuanen Yehui's and Huang Jialong's complexions quickly changed for the better, but before they could calm down, She Meixiao pressed Yuanen Yehui for action again. "Yuanen Yehui, use your Gates of Hell Soul Skill immediately. Summon the demon right now; This is urgent!"

Startled, but still clear headed, Yuanen Yehui nodded her head and riled up her Soul Power. Her Soul Rings appeared behind her back and the first black one lit up, summoning a about 4 metres high black gate. The gates opened and a beautiful figure stepped out from within, looking at Yuanen Yehui and the others in a condescending manner.

Before anyone could react, She Meixiao grabbed the demon from the gate by its neck like a chicken and completely sealed its power into its body, not letting any of its energy leak out. Then, she created another barrier, tightly pressing it around the demon's body to make sure no one could even come close to feeling its presence.

The process completely startled Yuanen Yehui and the others as the demonized version of Yuanen Yehui stared at her with horror and a pleading expression. "Master, what are doi-" Huang Jialong said, but before he could finish, his expression paled and he staggered backwards; She Meixiao removed the barrier surrounding them, letting them be affected by the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's aura again while she herself vanished from the spot.

Yuanen Yehui and the others were left with dumbstruck expression as they didn't understand what was going on, but She Meixiao had already left; Dragging the demon from the gates of Hell with her.

She Meixiao charged through the corridors of the Daedalus headquarters like a berserk beast once more, heading for the barracks to take the shortest way out again. Moments later, she arrived at the bottom of the pit, madly flying upwards to where the battle was taking place.

Mare 25 seconds had passed since Ye Wanxing and the others had started to engage the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon in combat, but one of the Elders was already missing an arm, while the other had a bloodied gush running across his chest. Song Weihan's Battle Armour was nearly completely destroyed and he was holding Ye Wanxing up.

The latter had taken the brunt of the attacks so far; His Battle Armour was completely crushed and corroded around his torso, exposing the gaping wounds on his chest that bubbled with horrendous, greyish ooze. Black blood was flowing from his mouth. He had to hold on to Song Weihan to keep flying, but his powerful fighting intent was still radiating off of him.

She Meixiao appeared hundreds of metres behind the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, on the opposite side from where Song Weihan and the other's stood. The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon didn't even spare her a glance and only kept its eyes on Ye Wanxing and the others, seemingly waiting for them to make another move.

"Prepare yourselves! On my command, attack its heart with everything you've got!" She Meixiao roared out towards them, still being ignored by the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, before she turned to face it. "Hey! Take a look what I have here!"

She raised the arm which held the demon summoned by Yuanen Yehui, her hands still clasped around its neck, and removed the Soul Power barrier around it. The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, which was about to attack the distracted Ye Wanxing and Song Weihan, instantly stopped in its track. The aura radiating from its body became tens of times more violent and terrifying as it whipped its head around, staring at the ghastly pale and shivering demon in She Meixiao's grasp.

With a surreal aura of maliciousness around it, it released a horrendous, ungodly roar like none before, that cracked in the middle of it, turning into a high pitched screech. Both Soul Rings behind its back lit up in an instant, formed a ash grey, pulsating orb of compressed energy between its claws.

It whipped its claws apart, forcing the ball of compressed energy to take the form of a pitch black spear surrounded by ash grey gast. It grabbed the spear with one hand and readied itself to throw it at She Meixiao and the demon in her hands; Its reasoning and sanity completely gone the moment it noticed the noticed the demon.

"Now!" She Meixiao roared on the top of her lungs, absolutely certain that there was no way she could possibly dodge, much less survive if the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon were to attack her with the black spear in its hands.

Ye Wanxing, Song Weihan and the two Elders exploded with every last ounce of their Soul Power, channeling it into their strongest attacks with no regards to their own safety; All of them activating at least five Soul Skills at the same time, with Ye Wanxing using a total of seven.

The four of them seemed to come to a tacit agreement in that instant, firing their attacks strait to the heart of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon in fear of it dodging were they to target its much smaller head.

Half an instant later, a massive explosions lit up the sky in the area, creating shockwaves and deafening sonic booms that changed the surrounding landscape into a wasteland like crater. All six of them, including She Meixiao ad the demon in her grasp, were swept away by the explosions; The four attackers powerlessly falling to the ground as there was no power left in them.

Song Weihan opened his eyes, staring at the sky where the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon stoof before and gasped in shock and disbelief; The combined power of four Titled Douluo of varying levels of power, all of which were Three Word Battle Armour Master, had only managed to blast a hole the size of a fist through the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's chest.

However, they did manage to blast its heart into smithereens as they had aimed to do. The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon had turned silent, looking at the gaping hole in its chest, then started to shake ever so slightly.

The terrifying aura radiated by it upped itself by a notch again and it released another ungodly roar of madness, completely void of any traces of sanity as its Soul Power flailed towards the skies. Song Weihan's and the others' expressions changed as they understood that their joint effort didn't seem to affect the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's combat prowess in the slightest.

Just as all hope seemed lost, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's roar was chocked silent and it buckled over slightly. A gagging sound came from its throat before dozens of pitch black chains that seemed to absorb all light shot out of the hole in its chest. The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon struggled madly, grabbing at the chains with its claws and trying to rip them apart, but to no avail.

Within a few short moments, amidst the mad, ungodly roars of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, it was completely encased into the black chains, creating a kind of cocoon. Its aura was completely gone with not traces of it left, nor any struggles from within visible and just remained their, hanging in the air.

Song Weihan and the others stared at the cocoon with shocked and aghast expressions, unable to say anything due to a lack of comprehension of the situation. A few moments later, She Meixiao's trembling voice could be heard some distance away from them. "The... Chains of Heaven...?"

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