The waiter clearly couldn't answer. He had never expected Ryu to actually act against him too, and his eyes gradually grew larger.

Finished speaking, Ryu stood and walked over to the tavern counter with large strides. Raising his hand, one palm heavily swatted the counter.

With a loud explosion, the counter turned into splinters flying in all directions, revealing the ground.

"The entrance to Slaughter City should be here."

Ryu's arms became black. Then he heavily stroke the floor punch

With a loud explosion, an enormous hole was revealed in the ground. A gloomy and cold wind brushed out of the cave.

Without hesitation, he leaped down, directly into the pitch dark ground. His body was instantly swallowed up by the darkness, without a trace.

Entering the darkness, Ryu only fell several meters before he had his feet firmly planted on the ground. He didn't need any light, his Sharingan could clearly see everything in the darkness.

This was a large tunnel, sloping downwards. A gloomy and cold air constantly caressed Ryu, but he still advanced with large strides.

When Ryu had walked one thousand four hundred sixty-two steps, an ice cold voice suddenly came from all around,

"Welcome to Slaughter City. This is the capital of Hell, a world brimming with slaughter. Here, you can obtain everything you want, at the price of your life."

He released his spiritual force, but Ryu immediately sensed that the material of this passage was extremely unusual, his spiritual force unexpectedly unable to penetrate it. Face changing slightly, Ryu's expression became a bit frozen, but his pace didn't slow.

Turning a corner, a vague light came from up ahead. Ryu squinted, operating Sharingan. That was an open door. On the other side of the door, were signs of life.

Advancing with big strides, Ryu vaguely heard the noise. As he walked out of the passage, in front of him appeared one hundred and one men.

Completely covered in black armor, even their faces are hidden behind helmets. One hundred of them carried heavy swords, and only one sat on a tall warhorse, his horse also covered with thick black armor.

"You've broken the rules."

What should be done if I broke the rules?" Ryu asked indifferently.

The black armored knight's voice was still cold, without a trace of the human aura,

"Then you must accept the penalty. Defeat me, and you will possess the right to enter Slaughter City."

"Not kill you?"

Ryu asked calmly.

The black armored knight slowly raised the lance in his hand, and the black armored warriors on either side of Ryu slowly withdrew, leaving a spacious arena.

"I am dread knight Scott."

The war horse abruptly accelerated, the black armored knight charging at Ryu with a bitter aura.

An ice-cold aura filled the air, a cold murderous spirit pouncing ahead. He emitted the killing intent. Internal strength congregating, Ryu suddenly discovered that his spirit rings unexpectedly didn't appear along. As if all spirit abilities had already lost their effect at this moment.

This Slaughter City unexpectedly had special rules. Here, all spirit abilities were ineffective. Even Spirit Master could only use the most basic strength. The spirit's most basic form.

The spirit abilities were gone, but there was still spirit power, as well as Martial Arts. Ryu's arms and legs became black. He used soru and appeared beside Scott, and kicked him. Scott was sent flying.

Advancing step by step, Ryu raised his head to look at that purple moon, thinking to himself: 'Slaughter City where spirit abilities can't be used. I'm here."

"Ha-, halt."

Scott shouted, trying to show a strong front.

Ryu looked at him coldly. Right now, Scott's helmet had already fallen off, revealing the face of a vicious middle-aged man. He saw the expression in Ryu's eyes and was already alarmed.

Clearly, he hadn't imagined how this kid's strength would be so terrifying. Wasn't he a Spirit Master?

"Obstruct me again, and I don't care if I have to kill every one of you."

Ryu said coldly.

"No, not obstructing you. You've already passed my test. You have the qualifications to enter Slaughter City."

The dread knight spoke with some difficulty. What he least understood was, when ordinary Spirit Masters came here they would panic when they couldn't use spirit abilities, but this child in front of him didn't seem to reveal a trace of influence from it. He handed over a black tile in front of Ryu, and Ryu offhandedly took it. On the tile was carved a human skull, and below was a number. 1313.

"This is your Slaughter City ID. Please enter the city, someone will receive you at the gate."

The pitch black city gates gave people a kind of extremely oppressive feeling. Tall words were hung on the enormous city gates, Slaughter City.

Two black armored warriors stood silently in front of the gates. Before Ryu could reveal the token in his hand, a woman with a black muslin mask stepped out to greet him.

"Welcome to Slaughter City."

The woman's voice was very pleasant. Stepping aside from in front of Ryu, she made an inviting gesture.

Even though this underground city made Ryu extremely astonished, especially the restrictions on spirit abilities, he maintained a calmly accepting attitude, following that woman through the gates. Perhaps it was because of the identification badge in his hand, but nobody stopped him.

Entering the city, what Ryu saw was a blue-purple world. Lanterns were hung on both sides of the street, all of them issuing only these two colors of light. Making him somewhat astonished was that there were no few people here, and nobody paid attention to an

outsider like him. Besides everything appearing that dim, what he saw was unexpectedly no different from an ordinary city.

"I'm your guide. You can ask me about anything you don't understand. Within twenty-four hours, I will answer all your questions. After twenty-four hours, this is the place where you'll live, and you'll formally become a Slaughter City citizen."

Ryu nodded, saying:

"Slaughter city, what kind of place is it?"

The black masked young woman said:

"A paradise. A paradise of depravity."

Ryu frowned,

"So simple?"

The black masked young woman nodded agreement. Ryu said:

"Then how was Slaughter City founded?"

The black masked young woman's answer this time was more to Ryu's satisfaction,

"Slaughter City has already existed for a thousand years. According to legend, it's the domain left behind after a formidable Spirit Master broke through the hundredth rank. Here, all Spirit Master abilities are ineffective, people can only rely on their own instinct and physical strength to survive. Spirit power can be used as a source of strength."

Ryu looked at the black-masked young woman,

"Then what are the rules here?"

The black masked young woman said serenely:

"The rules here are that there are no rules. As a citizen of Slaughter City, you can do whatever you want here. Even if a Title Douluo came here from the outside world, he would still grow weak due to losing his spiritual abilities. But under the rule of our Slaughter King, there's basically no need to fear them. In Slaughter City, as long as you have the ability, you can do whatever you want. But I must warn you, precisely since there are no rules here, you may face mortal danger at any time. In some sense, this is a paradise of crime."

"Paradise of crime?"

"Yes. There are a lot of people who come here precisely because they can't exist in the outside world, and have no choice but to enter. After coming here, there's no need for them to worry about pursuit again. Each citizen of Slaughter City will enjoy Slaughter City's protection.

Ryu hardly paid attention to this protection. Since he could come here through force of violence, that meant any power could do the same. Even without spirit abilities, there was still spirit power.

Title Douluo were still powering among powers here. Were the criminals here really safe?

"Mister 1313. I understand what you're thinking."

The black masked young woman suddenly said. Ryu stared blankly a moment,

"You know what I'm thinking?"

"You're definitely wondering how Slaughter City can protect its people, yes?"

Ryu's heart twitched, "How do you know?"

The black masked young woman said:

"Because every new arrival to Slaughter City will think the same thing. But very soon, they will give up on this idea. Entering Slaughter City requires undergoing the test and slaughter examination. Even though you entered via a peculiar method, you carry sufficient killing intent. Moreover, you defeated the lord dread knight. Therefore you obtained permission to join. However, there's one thing I must warn you of. Entering Slaughter City is simple, but leaving is practically impossible."

"Can only enter, never leave?"

Ryu somewhat shocked looked at the black-masked young woman. He didn't believe he would be unable to break out.

The black masked young woman nodded, saying: "There are special law enforcement teams within Slaughter City. You met lord dread knight Scott, but he's only one member of the enforcement team. The mighty Slaughter King controls everything here, and the powers of the enforcement team are all Spirit Douluo who the Slaughter King have granted the ability to use spirit abilities.

The captain is even a Title Douluo. Once a lot of people wanted to break out, but there are no exceptions to the end result.

"There's only one way to leave Slaughter City. That is to become the champion of Hell Slaughter Arena, obtaining the qualifications to challenge the Hell Road, and after breaking through the Hell Road, then you can leave Slaughter City. Every power who does so will be bestowed with the title of Deathgod. In Slaughter City's thousand-year history, there has appeared altogether eight Deathgods."

"There is no currency within Slaughter City, any food and drink are provided free of charge. Of course, poisonous ones are not excluded. Here, dead people are the most valuable. The number of human skulls each person possess symbolizes their strength. The blood and skulls of the opponents you've personally beheaded can be used to trade for other goods."

"Fine, bring me to Hell Slaughter Arena."

The black masked young woman nodded and walked. Ryu followed her. After that, they reached Hell Slaughter Arena.

"use your own ID badge to sign up. Afterward, wait for the match to start. During the waiting time, you're not allowed to attack. Ten people enter each slaughter match. You can use any methods, as long as you can walk away from it in the end. Only one person can leave alive from each bout."

"Then how do I become the so-called champion?"

The black masked young woman looked somewhat astonished at Ryu,

"As long as you can participate in one hundred matches, you'll be the champion. Only, the present first ranked in Slaughter City has only participated in sixty-seven matches. With each match you participate in, your ID badge will gain one victory, and you can live here for one year, seeking pleasure as you like in the inner city. Of course, you have to ensure yourself that you can stay alive after the pleasure."

"I'll trouble you to sign me up. I want to participate in the next match."

Five days after entering Slaughter City, the number of people Ryu had killed already surpassed one thousand digits.

Everyone was shocked, this child was the fastest. The fastest previous champion completed in 1 year, but this child completed it in five days.

After his number of victories grew, the number of people who had the courage to participate in slaughter matches with him grew fewer and fewer.But Ryu used his Sharingan to manipulate them to participate in matches. Every day, he killed 200 peoples.

He became a celebrity in Slaughter City. His current name in Slaughter City: Asura Kid

"Now, let's participate in Hell Road"

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