"Congratulations, young Asura kid."

A deep and sharp voice suddenly came from every direction. The killing intent Ryu released unexpectedly was instantly poured in reverse by this voice, once again pressed into his body, immediately making Ryu's expression turn pale.

The atmosphere in the Hell Slaughter Arena immediately rose to its peak, because in midair, a blood red silhouette just dropped from the sky.

"Slaughter King, Slaughter King, Slaughter King..."

The degenerates shouted until their throats were hoarse, without showing the slightest intention of stopping.

Ryu's heart shivered, gazing at that scarlet figure in the air.

That was a tall man, his whole body wrapped up in an enormous scarlet cloak.

Pale face, a pair of completely blood red eyes, he descended gently from the air, apparently not suffering the constraints of any gravity.

Ryu had once seen the same sight with Tang Hao. He could be certain that this falling from the air Slaughter King was definitely a Title Douluo level power.

The Slaughter King's gaze fell on the spectators of the Hell Slaughter


"I'm very excited, to witness the birth of a genius Slaughter Arena powers here today. It has already been decades since the appearance of a hundred victories, now appearing in the form of a child. Relying on their own formidable strength and terrifying murderous spirit, they make you tremble, yes?"

Yes—— Yes—— Yes——"

The Slaughter King seemed to possess a unique charisma, instilling a close to berserk worship in all the degenerates who saw him. From him, Tang San could catch a faint scent, a somewhat intoxicating scent. Unfortunately, this influence wasn't very large on him.

The Slaughter King lowered his head, looking at Ryu,

"Asura kid, Thank you for letting me feel the existence of passion. One hundred victories, very good. In order to honor your achievement, I've decided to make an exception and award you the title of Deathgod. From today on, you can both leave and enter Slaughter City as you wish. And moreover, be treated as my ranking Slaughter City guests."

Ryu smiled calmly,

"My goal in coming here was to take a walk on that Hell Road. Slaughter King, I appreciate your kind intentions. Please open the entrance to Hell Road. I wish to walk this trial.

"Since it's like that, take a walk on the Hell Road. If you can pass the trials of the Hell Road and become a new generation of Deathgods, please pass along my regards to your elders."

The Slaughter King's intonation had clearly become cold, even to the extent it held a mocking meaning. Hell Road, was it truly so easy to break through? 'it still won't be so easy.'

Dense red smoke abruptly discharged from the Slaughter King, the tremendous aura forcing Ryu to swiftly retreat, directly withdrawing more than ten meters before they could manage to stand steady.

What the Slaughter King released really wasn't killing intent, but rather an extremely vicious aura, making people's bone marrow stiffen from cold.

The sinister cold red ripples slowly dispersed, in practically a few blinks of an eye, it had already spread through the entire arena.

Each and every one of the degenerates in the audience seats were extremely excited, they all wanted to see the opening of the Hell Road. However, what they didn't know was that their own lives had already reached the end.

Besides the Deathgods and the Slaughter King, nobody had ever seen the opening of the Hell Road before. Because the people who saw it had all died. Or one might say, they had all become the offering to open the Hell Road.

Ryu very soon discovered that even though the red light emanating from the Slaughter King gave him great pressure, it really wasn't directed at him, but at the surrounding stands.

The originally frantically cheering degenerates gradually grew quiet as the red light fell on the stands. The expression of each degenerate gradually grew lifeless, then from lifeless to blood congested red. Before long, the red light formed an enormous barrier over the entire Hell Slaughter Arena. Painful miserable shrieks began to resound from those first touched by the red light.

Influenced by the red light, those degenerates seemed to go half insane, doing their utmost to scratch their faces, their bodies... Degenerates capable of surviving in the inner city had, for the most part, a certain strength. Right now their full strength was completely brought to bear on themselves. Even to the extent that those resounding screams still held a note of excited joy, as if obtaining unlimited pleasure in this self-mutilation. Skin rolling up, blood splattering all around. They even scooped out the internal organs from within their bodies. Completely insane.

Stopping only once their life had completely left them. This change spread and affected more and more until it extended to everyone present.

Even though Ryu had experienced immeasurable massacre here in Slaughter City, confronting such a large scale terrifying scene, his faces still turned pale, feeling as if the murderous spirit within him grew more and more difficult to suppress.

Looking at this, we could saw a vicious current flash through Ryu's eyes. As long as they were human, as long as they had a shred of humanity, watching this scene, they would also be brimming with loathing towards Slaughter City.

Blood spilled on the ground and started to condense. The large quantities of blood were like little brooks, flowing down unremarkable little channels below the audience seats and spilled into the center of the Slaughter Arena. Countless streams of red liquid could clearly be seen flowing into the ring like little serpents.

Ryu's fist unconsciously tightened, rich killing intent constantly bursting out within him, at any time risking to erupt.

"To be able to become the offering to open the Hell Road is their honor."

The Slaughter King called in a low voice. Right now, the screams had already gradually halted. Besides Ryu and the Slaughter King, there was already no longer any other person here.

Blood flowed into the arena, but not into straight lines. At some unknown time, line after line of grooves had appeared on the ground, and the blood flowed into these. Gradually, they converged into an enormous red design on the floor.

Right now, Ryu was within this pattern. It was very difficult to clearly see the entire design, but he had Sharingan, and their spiritual force far exceeded that of common Spirit Masters. By using Sharingan, observing the circumstances of their surroundings.

He discovered that the blood condensed pattern was unexpectedly a creature similar to a bird, only seeming somewhat strange, it wasn't as simple as a common bird.

"What was this?"

Just as Ryu was puzzling over it, suddenly, the eyes of that bird brightened. Ryu's spiritual force was crushed in practically an instant, an enormous red light soaring up, engulfing him in a moment. Their perception of everything in their surroundings grew fuzzy, only the Slaughter King's deep and sharp voice echoing by their ears.

"I wish you luck on the Hell Road."

The instant his spiritual force was crushed, Ryu finally realized what that bird design was. A bat. That was a drawing of a bat.

Swallowed by that red light, Ryu simultaneously felt the ground drop out beneath their feet, everything in their surroundings becoming illusory, all their awareness this instant sealed. That pain of having no control made a kind of indescribable fear rise in their hearts. What they didn't see was that their killing intent condensed into a faint white layer that protected their bodies.

If not for this killing intent, the instant they were covered in that red light, they would truly have been swallowed up. Spirit power releasing, besides that layer of rippling white killing intent, Ryu still had a layer of faint blue hazy light. Compared to the ice cold, sinister, and vicious red light, although the blue light Ryu released wasn't strong, it was still brimming with the breath of life. Tenacious vitality firmly protected Ryu within, not only isolating him from the red light outside but even from that layer of killing intent.

Consequently, even though Ryu was unable to control anything in the outside world, his killing intent being temporarily severed relieved him of the need to endure that tremendous pressure, and he was a lot more comfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, accompanied by a violent jolt, all sensation returned once again, the blood red light in the surroundings gradually fading.

As Ryu sobered completely, he discovered that He was on top of a round platform. This platform was only five meters across or so, not very large. He fell to the ground.

He awoke practically simultaneously. Ryu was shocked. Everything in their surroundings appeared a faint blood red. Outside of the five-meter diameter platform below their feet, was unexpectedly a bottomless abyss.

He looked at the abyss. "There's blood down there. I might call it a blood reservoir. If I don't guess wrong, that blood reservoir below should be the stored blood of all the people killed through all the years of Slaughter City. That is, what they call Bloody Mary and the offering for this Hell Road."

"This narrow road should be the so-called Hell Road. I don't know how long it is, but I can be sure that the Hell Road wouldn't be so simple as just walking away. There's a very large blood reservoir below, and it's very possible there are some ferocious beasts or toxins within it. Going below wouldn't be desirable. My best way from here is still up top."

Then he walked on hell road. After walking for a moment.

"Previously the blood pool below me was a kilometer off or so, but right now this distance should have already closed to about nine hundred meters. That's why I would feel the temperature rising. It seems that it might not be blood in that reservoir, but also possibly magma. If the temperature continues to rise as we go forward, then I'm sure that by the end of the road we'll be submerged in magma. That's also the truly difficult test of the Hell Road."

A droning sound grew louder and louder, and with Sharingan, Ryu could vaguely see some red shadows swiftly approaching. Very soon he understood why the frequency of that sound was so high to his spiritual senses. Because, these swiftly approaching creatures weren't one or two, but a flock. A flock of at least a thousand. They were Blood Bat

Ryu kicked the air at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp compressed air blade that can slice objects and greatly damage a human body.


He used Rankyaku repeatedly. Each Rankyaku killed dozens of bats.

"Too easy"

Just as he judged, the surrounding atmosphere began to grow hotter and hotter. The temperature rose continuously. Even though the blood bats behind them were a threat, the steam constantly rising from the abyss on either side made him even more on guard.


A comparatively large blood bat suddenly called out. Immediately afterward, the remaining blood bats began to issue piercing cries. Their voices were extremely sharp, and Ryu frowned as he listened.

Just in front of him, under the narrow road, hung an enormous creature. Hidden from the dim red light around them, it released a dark golden light.

That creature's body was more than four meters long, two enormous claws latched to the narrow road. Each claw was one meter or more in diameter, sharp talons sunk into the stone.

Amidst the shrieks of numerous blood bats, that deep golden figure slowly unfurled a pair of enormous wings, the terrifying wingspan actually reaching ten meters. The claws released sharply, the enormous wings beating down, and that tremendous body flew up. It was unexpectedly an incomparably enormous bat. Its whole body was a deep golden color. Most frightening was that it had three heads. All the blood bats swiftly flew through the air, bunching together and hiding behind that enormous dark gold three-headed bat.

Ryu muttered:

"When hitting the little brother, it seems the big brother comes out."

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