Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 1 001: General’s wife, answer me!

"648 If I can't get a response from the General, then I..."

The young man looked melancholy and murmured.

He has no extra money to protect the Teyvat continent and General Thunder and Lightning’s wife!

Thinking about the card drawing process over the years, the young man couldn't help but feel sad.

Except for the resident Five Tiger Generals, the other original gods and gods were all "forced" to respond, commonly known as the "big guarantee."

After a while, the young man came back to his senses from his grief.

For a moment, he was so blessed that he shouted out as if grasping a life-saving straw: "General's wife, answer me!"

The next moment, golden light fell from the sky.

"Did your wife respond to me?"

The young man rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief.

You know, after the last card draw with a big guarantee, he didn't even pay once!

"Don't skip the card draw, Mond Diluc."

"Grinding and chirping will lead to seven or seven."

"If you act vigorously and resolutely, the weather will surely be clear."


"What is supposed to come, will always come."

The young man shook his head and said softly.

Even if it weren't for the response from the general's wife, with this golden light, it would be much easier to pursue his wife.

Thinking of this, the boy clicked skip.

The picture flowed, and when he looked at the phone screen again, the boy's eyes widened instantly.

"One, two,, seven..."

In the picture, it is not Qiqi, the little zombie, but seven thunder and lightning generals.

"Full life?"

Almost five minutes passed, but the boy still didn't come back to his senses.

After a while, the boy drowsily opened the weapon pool that he had just looked at.

Without any hesitation, I clicked on ten companies.

With the general's wife running in both directions, how could he bear to let his wife hold the harpoon!

Naginata, must arrange naginata!

Nagi no Ina Hikari!

"Hey~ Why is your head a little dizzy?"

Before he had time to see the results of the draw, the boy slipped his phone and held his forehead...

I don’t know how long it took.

"Did you hear that?"

"There was a young man who had ten battles full of generals and ten battles of perfect naginata, and then he disappeared."

"He's just drawing cards, but he's sacrificing Yang Shou!"

"By the way, what's that person's name?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a yellow hair..."

Douluo Continent, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

The division of power on Douluo Continent can be roughly said to be one palace, two empires, three upper sects, and four lower sects.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is one of the three sects on the Douluo Continent.

"Yu Tiantian, tomorrow is the time for your martial soul to awaken. You must perform well and don't let the sect master and elders down!"

The middle-aged man said to a little yellow-haired man with an unhappy expression.

This little yellow hair is called Yu Tiantian, whose surname is Yu, whose generation is Tianzi generation, and whose name is Kong.

Jade sky.

Before Tianzi generation, there was no such thing as seniority.

What makes the middle-aged man unhappy is that this little yellow hair is not from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family at all. Why should he be named Yu and given his seniority!

With these two relationships, Yu Tiantian can enter the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family ancestral hall after his death!

Why should he, a picked-up child, be treated like this?

Even Contra-level outer elders do not receive such treatment!

Xiao Huang Maoyu Tiantian nodded but did not answer.

He knew that in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, except for the old man named Yu Yuanzhen, there was no one who didn't hate him.

They had no choice but to accept Yu Yuanzhen's arrangement, because Yu Yuanzhen was the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Without him, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect will live up to its reputation as the top three sects.

"Hmph, you are feeding me juice!"

After the middle-aged man said this, he left angrily.

It seemed as if he would get angry if he looked at Yu Tiantian more than once.

After the middle-aged man left, Yu Tiantian sighed.

I drew the card well, and after running in both directions with the general's wife, there was no one left!

When he woke up again, he turned into a baby and was held in the arms of a very domineering old man.

And brought him back to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect.

At first, Yu Tiantian thought he had traveled to Teyvat. As time went by and he saw more, he suddenly realized it!

"Isn't this a fantasy sewer, Douluo Continent?"

Good guy, someone who traveled to Douluo Continent as a Genshin Impact was rejected by the world of Teyvat!

"The martial spirit will awaken tomorrow. What will my martial spirit be?"

Douluo Continent is different from other fantasy worlds. Here, without a powerful martial soul and innate soul power above level seven, the possibility of becoming a strong person is almost impossible.

As for what Yu Xiaogang said, "There are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters", he was just deceiving Tang San, who didn't understand anything.

The blue silver grass that is innately full of soul power, and the blue silver grass that is at the same level as the Clear Sky Hammer, is it an ordinary blue silver grass?

Why did the Tang Sect founded by Tang San decline in later generations?

It is because the leader of the Tang Sect must be a soul master from the Blue Silver Grass Spirit.

"I hope the martial arts and soul power can be more powerful. Now that I have come to Douluo Continent, if I don't do anything, then my trip will be in vain."

"At the very least, save that old man in the battle to destroy the sect more than ten years later."

"No matter why he took me in, I still have to repay him for his life-saving grace and nurturing grace."

"As for the others, let's talk about it then..."

Yu Tiantian thought to himself.

How difficult it is to save Yu Yuanzhen!

"We can only take one step and see one step."

Time passed and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

The martial soul awakening of their descendants from a slightly powerful family or sect is different from the martial soul awakening of ordinary civilians.

Most civilians need to wait for the deacons from the Wuhun Palace to go to their villages to help them awaken their Wuhun.

Such help comes once a year.

Some children are not yet six years old on this day, and some children are already six and a half years old on this day, which is quite normal.

The situation is different for those who are powerful and have gold soul coins. Their children can complete the awakening of their martial souls on their sixth birthday.

What's more, it's a large sect like the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

Almost every day, a child awakens his martial soul, and of course, most of them are from the outer sect.

Yu Tiantian walked around alone and came to the Awakening Hall.

He met many people on the road. The direct descendants of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex looked at him with anger, while those with other surnames looked at him with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

"I enjoyed Naruto's treatment, but I am different from that fool."

Yu Tiantian thought to himself.

How similar is his treatment to the Seventh Generation in a certain movie?

It's just that these people didn't dare to express their dissatisfaction directly in front of him.

"It's just a last name, I don't need it."

"From now on, I will be called Kong."

"Huang Mao, Kong, Traveler, so many buffs are stacked up, but it's a pity that one emergency food is missing, otherwise I would be a traveler!"

When Kong was thinking wildly, he stepped into the Hall of Awakening...

A newbie is on the road, please collect and recommend!

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