Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 2 002: Yu Yuanzhen: The tribe is too stupid, what should I do?

As soon as he stepped into the Hall of Awakening, several invisible pressures rushed towards his face.

At this time, there were several old men sitting upright in the Awakening Hall.

Their faces were stern, their words were straight, and their eyes were as sharp as blades.

The first old man below the leader even puffed his beard and glared. He slapped his palm on the table in front of him and scolded: "Yu Tiantian! You didn't come earlier for something as important as the awakening of the martial spirit! Let the elders wait. What crime do you deserve for taking this long?"

This person was none other than Liu Erlong's father and Yu Tianxin's grandfather, Yu Luo Mian.

The soul power level is currently 88, which is one level lower than the 89 level more than ten years later.

"Bang..." With a sound, the leading old man also slapped the table and said angrily: "Yu Luo Mian! If you use your thoughts on children to practice, you won't be only level 88!"

As soon as he said this, Yu Luo Mian's face turned pale. He didn't expect that his eldest brother would scold him for an outsider!

When they drove away that good-for-nothing Yu Xiaogang, the eldest brother Yu Yuanzhen turned a blind eye. Now, Yu Yuanzhen actually scolded him for the pain of his life just for the sake of a real outsider!

Without even thinking about it, Yu Yuanzhen was really angry. If he continued talking, today would definitely not end well.

Yu Luo Mian didn't dare to say anything. The other elders couldn't help laughing. Yu Luo Mian was stunned. If they dare to say something, Yu Yuan Zhen will really take action!

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen returned to being a kind old grandfather.

His face changed so quickly that everyone was confused.

Good guy, even when facing his own grandson, Yu Yuanzhen never showed such a smile!

What's more, he looks like he hates iron but can't turn it into steel.

"Come on, come on, Sky. Today is your sixth birthday. It is also the day when your martial arts awakens. Your second grandfather is joking with you and wants to leave a deep impression on you."

Yu Yuanzhen came to Kong in an instant, lowered his body, held Kong's hand, and walked towards the Awakening Hall.

Sora: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Muttering in his heart, Kong nodded calmly.

"After the martial soul awakens, find an opportunity to leave."

When Yu Luo Mian and others saw this, their expressions became even more ugly, but they did not dare to say anything.

There are surprisingly many children who have awakened their martial spirits today. Perhaps it is because the children who need to awaken their martial spirits within this month are all gathered together.

Including Kong, there were fifteen people in total, four of whom were direct descendants of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and the others were all children from the outer sect.

Sora was placed in last place, which made him somewhat dumbfounded.

After awakening a martial spirit, do you still need a "cushion"?

However, Yu Luo Mian and others did not think so.

These children are all geniuses they carefully selected, just to suppress the outsider Sora.

As long as a few of them have higher martial spirits and innate soul power than Kong, can Yu Yuanzhen still be able to protect a loser?

Several people sneered, waiting to see this wild boy's joke.

Yu Yuanzhen's face darkened again, and he looked at Yu Luo Mian thoughtfully. He wanted to slap this stupid brother twice!

I have already practiced to the level of Contra, but I am still so brainless!

If Yu Tiantian didn't have something special, why would Yu Yuan Zhen be like this?

This child was born from thunder!

Every time he recalled the original scene, Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help but shudder. The lightning flashed, the thunder rolled, and the pressure was like the presence of a god...

With his Yu Yuan Zhen level ninety-six strength, under such a vision, it would be a problem for him to even stand, let alone resist.

This child fell from the thunder and fell into his hands.

"God must be God! This one is the Son of God!"

"No, I absolutely cannot tell this secret."

"God, maybe he is the legendary God of Thunder, the child of God of Thunder! Son of God!"

When Kong opened his eyes and looked at Yu Yuanzhen for the first time, Yu Yuanzhen strengthened his suspicion.

It's not like he has never seen a baby before. How could a baby have such huge mood swings after opening its eyes?

His confused, confused, and puzzled expression was all seen by Yu Yuanzhen.

After a moment, Yu Yuanzhen woke up from his memories and looked at Yu Luomian and others with a slightly disappointed look.

The tribe is too stupid, what should I do? Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

"let's start!"

Yu Yuanzhen waved his hand and said.

The person in charge of awakening the martial soul today is Yu Tianheng's father, Yu Yuanzhen's eldest son, a powerful soul saint in his seventies.

He naturally saw Yu Yuanzhen's dissatisfaction, but he also didn't say anything.

When his younger brother was kicked out of the family, his father acted as if he didn't know that the treatment of an outsider was better than that of his younger brother Yu Xiaogang. How could he not be angry?

Yu Yuanzhen was his father and the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. He didn't dare to say or complain.

But this outsider...

"Jade Di Ming, come forward."

Yu Diming is a junior from Yu Luomian's lineage. He is still a bit ignorant at the age of six, but now he is "personable" and looks like a noble prince.

This is a big family and a big power. Almost from the moment children become sensible, they begin to cultivate external etiquette, knowledge of soul masters, family honor, etc.

"Okay, Grandpa Dagang."

After hearing this title, Yu Dagang's face turned dark. The name was the pain of his life!

Look, Yu Yuan Zhen, Yu Luo Mian, Yu Tian Xin, Yu Tian Heng, Yu Tian Tian, ​​Yu Xiao Gang...

Of these names, which one is not just countless times bigger than his jade?

When I was young, I didn't move. When I understood, I wanted to change my name but was afraid of being beaten.

Yu Diming didn't know anything and walked quickly to the middle of the awakening stone.

These awakening stones are embedded in the ground and are easy to use. They are not valuable anyway, and they are not afraid of being remembered.

Besides, how many awakening stones will someone who can sneak into the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect be eyeing?

Not to mention what the thief will think, the members of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect will definitely be furious!

"Close your eyes and feel it carefully."

Yu Dagang said without any emotion.

"Okay, Grandpa Dagang!"

Yu Dagang: "..."

You don't have to be like this!

Sora looked on silently, it was his first time to enter the Awakening Hall.

When the martial soul is awakening, no one can be disturbed. Unless they are the sect masters, elders and those who help the children awaken the martial soul, no one else is allowed to enter the Awakening Hall.

This is a rule, and Sora can't do anything about it.

"Is this the awakening of the martial spirit?"

Almost a minute later, under the guidance of Yu Dagang's soul power, Yu Diming finally awakened his martial spirit.

Looking at Yu Diming's martial spirit, Yu Luomian, the others and Yu Dagang's expressions changed.

"Water Dragon Martial Spirit, test your soul power."

Yu Diming opened his eyes, filled with fear. His martial soul had mutated...

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