Yu Yuanzhen didn't think much about it, he might as well go to the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

As long as he takes Kong around, when those people see Kong in the future, they will give him the face of Yu Yuanzhen!

"Okay, it just so happened that the little guy Tianheng ran to Tiandou Royal Academy to see how he was doing."

Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin are called the "Thunder and Lightning Twins" and are the twins of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

This title was learned from the Haotian Sect. Tang Xiao and Tang Hao were originally called the Haotian Twins. In the end, both of them reached the top of the Titled Douluo.

Judging from the names of Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, one can imagine the expectations that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has for them!

However, with the monster Sora, it doesn't matter what achievements the two of them have.

After Yu Tianheng graduated from the Thunder Junior Soul Master Academy, in order to get rid of the title of Thunder and Lightning Twins, he came to Tiandou Royal Academy alone.

"Grandpa, are we going to laugh at Brother Tianheng?"

Sora asked subconsciously.

Yu Yuanzhen: "..."

Yes, aren't you going to laugh at Yu Tianheng?

It would be great to stay at Thunder Academy. With the atmosphere of studying at Tiandou Royal Academy, can he, Yu Tianheng, really practice hard?

After saying that he would send Kong to Tiandou Royal Academy, Yu Yuanzhen felt a little regretful after saying this. Fortunately, he was rejected by Sora in the end.

Tiandou Royal Academy was a place where stupid nobles with little fighting ability stayed. Yu Yuanzhen disdained such a place.

He had gone through countless life-and-death battles to achieve his current status and strength. In that kind of greenhouse, it would be great if Yu Tianheng could still remember the glory of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

After all, he is his grandson, and Yu Yuanzhen is still looking forward to it.

"Yes, we just want to give him a good blow and let him understand what it means to practice hard!"

Yu Yuanzhen nodded calmly and said.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, part of Yu Tianheng's purpose of going to Tiandou Royal Academy was given by Grandpa and Yu Luomian."

"As long as you pursue Dugu Yan, you can win over a wild titled Douluo. If you can draw Dugu Bo into the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, then the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect's strength will definitely skyrocket, competing with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Haotian Sect. , On the surface, they are both a double Douluo."

In other words, there are only a few titled Douluo in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

More than ten years later, the Haotian Sect, including Tang Hao, would have more titled Douluo than the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect combined!

"Could it be that they haven't thought of this by now?"

Sora was right to think so.

At present, Yu Yuanzhen and others really don't have much thought on Yu Tianheng. He can do whatever he likes.

Not to mention plotting against Dugu Bo.

If Sora hadn't appeared, they might actually do something like this.

Yu Tianheng is one year younger than Yu Tianxin and almost six years older than Kong.

In other words, Tang San and Kong are the same age...

After knowing their destination, Yu Yuanzhen and Kong couldn't help but rush a little faster.

Along the way, there was Yu Yuanzhen, an old man who seemed not to be trifled with, and there was no one without eyes.

Almost twenty days passed before the two of them arrived in Tiandou City.

"Please pay a gold soul coin as the entrance fee."

These words were not spoken to Kong and Yu Yuanzhen, but to the people in front who wanted to enter Tiandou City.

The man didn't seem to care, he casually took out a golden soul coin and put it on the table, and then walked into Tiandou City generously.

To the people in Tiandou City, a mere gold soul coin was nothing.

Soon, it was Yu Yuanzhen and Kong's turn to be interrogated.

After the guards saw clearly the clothes on Yu Yuanzhen and Kong, they couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Under normal circumstances, sect disciples will wear sect clothes to represent their identity.

No one would disguise this kind of clothing, because once someone discovers it, it will be a scene of death.

The powerful sect disdained to pretend, but the weak did not dare to pretend, which is why it has evolved into what it is today.

Yu Yuanzhen and Kong looked dusty, but the clothes they wore were valuable.

Most of them are made from the scales of a blue scaly beast, and have the emblem of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect!

The token issued by Wuhun Palace also has the emblem of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. That dragon is...

"I have seen the soul master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect! Please come into the city!"

After the guards reacted, they quickly said respectfully.

They know who they can offend, and they also know who they cannot offend.

Can the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, which is known as the best beast spirit in the world, be offended by those guarding the city gate?

Besides, this old man is not a bad person at first glance. He definitely has a certain status in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen nodded with satisfaction and walked into Tiandou City with Kong.

This is a privilege granted to major sects by the imperial royal family, not only on the Tiandou Empire, but also on the Star Luo Empire.

After Yu Yuanzhen and Kong walked away, the teammate beside the guard couldn't help but ask: "Captain, how can people from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect not pay the city fee? Isn't this bullying?"

After hearing this, the guard captain looked at his subordinates as if he were a fool.

How did his thoughts and brain get assigned to guard the city gate?

Are they being bullied?

This is a privilege that the empire proactively gives to people! As one of the three sects in the Tang Dynasty, if you have to pay an entry fee just to enter, will people have a good impression of you? Dedicated to another empire every minute...

Besides, is it the empire that needs these two golden soul coins, or someone else? This is face!

Stupid, ignorant, stupid!

"Tomorrow, no, you will report back to the new barracks now. When you have read the imperial regulations clearly, you will come back."

The guard captain said expressionlessly.

"Captain, why is this?"

"I'm saving you. If you stay here, you won't know when you will die..."

The most important thing is that it doesn't matter if this person dies, just don't implicate them!


The guard looked at the other team members and found that they were looking at him like a fool. At this moment, he had grown a lot.


Later, after the guard understood the imperial regulations, he realized that the guard captain was really saving him!

Tiandou City is the main city of the Tiandou Empire, and it is also one of the most prosperous cities in the entire Douluo Continent.

The Tiandou Empire is more hedonistic than the Star Luo Empire, so it is not unreasonable for Tiandou City to be "more prosperous" than the Star Luo City.

However, the Xingluo Empire's military power was beyond the reach of the Tiandou Empire.

"Tian Tian, ​​the atmosphere in Tiandou City is too lazy..."

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