Suddenly, Yu Yuanzhen was slightly startled. He felt a familiar wave of soul power coming towards him.

What he was about to say to Sora was swallowed back by him.

After a moment, a middle-aged old man slowly appeared in front of Yu Yuan Zhen and Kong with a smile on his face.

Both of them have extraordinary bearings, and the middle-aged man in the lead gives off a scholarly atmosphere and looks amiable.

The old man behind him had a resolute face and piercing eyes, standing there like a sharp sword.

"I didn't expect that by such a coincidence, I could meet Master Jade in Tiandou City!"

"So elegant and polite!"

The middle-aged man raised his hands to Yu Yuan Zhen and said with a smile.

Although his strength is much lower than that of Yu Yuanzhen, in real terms, his status is still slightly higher than that of Yu Yuanzhen.

This person is none other than Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect. The person behind him is the Sect Protector Elder of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin.

"It turns out it's Sect Master Ning and Sword Douluo. I took my grandson to visit Tiandou City. I never thought that my first old friend would be you! It's fate!"

Yu Yuanzhen smiled and returned politely.

Sora stood next to Yu Yuanzhen. Compared with Yu Yuanzhen, his height was nothing at all. He didn't even have the same length of legs.

Looking level with him was a little girl. She was looking at Sora curiously, her eyes moving rapidly, as if she was planning something.

At this time, she was standing next to Ning Fengzhi. Because of her height, she could easily be ignored.

"That's a coincidence. This is my little girl, Rongrong. Why don't you call me Grandpa Yu?"

Yu Yuanzhen was a friend of Ning Fengzhi's father's generation. Even though his current status was similar to that of Yu Yuanzhen, privately, he was still a junior.

It doesn't matter if Ning Rongrong calls Yu Yuanzhen grandpa. If the three upper sects are connected by the same spirit, if they can get closer to each other, why should they be afraid of Wuhun City?

"Grandpa Jade!"

Ning Rongrong shouted "obediently", her voice was waxy due to her young age, and her obedient appearance made it impossible to tell that she was a little witch.

"Uncle Ning, senior Sword Douluo."

Without waiting for Yu Yuanzhen to remind him, Kong shouted to Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo.

Courtesy should be reciprocated, and it is not strange to be polite to many people.

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were stunned for a moment, then nodded with satisfaction.

This guy is quite smart.

Suddenly, a trace of doubt flashed in Chen Xin's eyes, and he glanced at the sky again. He always felt that something was wrong with this little guy?

It's not that Kong is not a human being, but the fluctuations in soul power coming from Kong's body are too weird.

The Qibao Glazed Sect has known for a long time that Yu Yuan Zhen is raising a grandson. We are all in the same boat, so why not help raise some spies?

How old he is this year, the Qibao Glazed Sect also has records.

For a child over six years old, the fluctuations in his soul power are completely unlike what a six-year-old should have!

The fluctuations of soul power emitted by ordinary soul masters are not as strong as his.

The changes in Chen Xin naturally attracted the attention of Yu Yuanzhen and Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi was confused, what was going on with Uncle Jian?

Of course Yu Yuanzhen knew what Chen Xin was thinking. Ordinary Soul Douluo couldn't tell what Kong was like, but Chen Xin was a ninety-sixth level titled Douluo.

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward and the three of them didn't know what to say, Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly and said, "Little brother, have you awakened your martial spirit?"

She was ready to show off her nine-level innate talent!

After finally catching a peer of his own age, Ning Rongrong went straight to him.


Ning Fengzhi shouted quickly, the awakening of the martial soul, the awakened martial soul, and the level of the innate soul power are all secrets of others.

How can you ask this when we meet for the first time?

Yu Yuanzhen waved his hand, everyone knew what was going on.

Your family has spies from my family, and my family also has spies from your family.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

"I'm sorry, Master Jade, it's because of the lax discipline."

"You two have come a long way, why don't you let Fengzhi take charge and take a rest?"

Ning Fengzhi quickly changed the subject.

There are some things that can be discussed and some things that cannot be discussed. There must be a certain level.

Ning Rongrong's face fell as Ning Fengzhi drank him up, and she secretly cursed Ning Fengzhi for being evil.

After all, she is a little girl, and her mood is all written on her face.

Yu Yuanzhen thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then I'll bother Sect Leader Ning."

"Thank you Uncle Ning."

Sora thanked him politely.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Kong, then at the angry Ning Rongrong, and said subconsciously: "I really envy Master Yu. If I had such an adopted son..."

Ning Rongrong: "???"

Yu Yuanzhen: "???"

Yu Yuanzhen's expression changed, the murderous intent in his eyes flashed, and he was about to explode his soul power subconsciously.

This Ning Fengzhi is not a good person!

Kong is the future of his Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. You, Ning Fengzhi, think so!

Fortunately, he held back at the last moment and looked a little unhappy.

"Sect Master Ning, in my opinion, I don't want to disturb you anymore. I'll take my leave."

After Yu Yuanzhen said this, he took Kong's hand and turned around to leave.

This made Ning Fengzhi a little confused. She didn't understand what was going on. Didn't we have a good conversation just now?

"Fengzhi, when you said those words just now, this old guy almost wanted to kill you!"

Chen Xin calmly spoke to Ning Fengzhi.

He was also a little nervous. The other party had Kong with him, and he had Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong with him. If they really wanted to fight in Tiandou City, it would be no small matter.

Ning Fengzhi's expression changed. He didn't understand why Yu Yuanzhen suddenly had the idea of ​​killing him!

He was not a fool. After recalling it in his mind, he roughly found the reason.

"Could it be that I was talking about the adopted son?"

It was about this incident that Yu Yuanzhen began to change his face.

Everyone broke up unhappy.

"Fengzhi, that little guy is not simple! His soul power fluctuations are stronger than those of ordinary soul masters!"

"If I were Yu Yuanzhen and you dared to say that, I might not give you more face than him."

Chen Xin looked at the direction Yu Yuanzhen and Kong left and sighed.

"Ever since Yu Yuanzhen brought this child back to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, he ignored the opposition of his tribe and accepted him as his adopted grandson."

"And the treatment given is better than that of a biological grandson."

"After the martial soul awakened, I personally took him to obtain the soul ring..."

Having said this, Chen Xin paused. After awakening his martial soul, he personally took Kong to obtain the soul ring...

This shows what?

Of course he is innately full of soul power!

Among the news returned from the spies was the strange phenomenon that occurred in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect on the day the child's martial soul awakened.

Now it is even more outrageous. With the support of all the elders of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, this adopted grandson has become the Young Master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

The next leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect!

This is supported by all the elders!

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