Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 135 135: You poach the students, are you going to poach the teachers too?

After Kong replied a few words, he ducked and disappeared.

Liu Erlong was still stunned on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

For some reason, Liu Erlong always felt that Kong knew him better than she did, even though he didn't have much contact with her. Why was this happening?

"Pretend to be stupid and deceive yourself?"

Liu Erlong sighed. How could the feelings of more than twenty years disappear in just a few words?

She wanted to hear how Yu Xiaogang would argue!

"Tian Dou Royal Academy?"

Lanba Academy is not far from Tiandou Royal Academy, not to mention that it takes less time for a strong man of the Soul Saint level to rush there.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, Liu Erlong arrived at the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy.

There are no guards guarding the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy!

As the academy with the most profound qualifications in the empire, those who could defeat three Contras would not be able to defend it with guards, and those who could not defeat three Contras would not dare to force their way in without guards.

"Uh... why is this female tyrannosaurus here?"

Meng Shenji looked at Liu Erlong who broke into his office and fell into deep thought.

A few days ago, two students from their Tiandou Royal Academy actually dropped out of school and went to Lanba Academy!

Tiandou Royal Academy only recruits nobles.

Lanba Academy only recruits civilians.

When Liu Erlong founded the school, he was probably planning to target Tiandou Royal Academy. As the chief of the three educational committees of Tiandou Royal Academy, Meng Shenji was actually not much different from the dean.

After all, Emperor Xueye, the nominal dean, never cared about the affairs of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

"Dean Liu Erlong, what are you doing?"

Meng Shenji asked doubtfully.

There is still a little friction between Lan Ba ​​Academy and Tian Dou Royal Academy. In the last Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Lan Ba ​​Academy's team was eliminated by Huang Dou's second team.

Liu Erlong has been thinking about how to regain his position!

"Excuse me, Meng Education Committee. I came here today mainly to find someone."

Liu Erlong said a little apologetically, because of the matter of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, the three old guys from Tiandou Royal Academy were so angry that they were blowing their beards and staring. Now that she wants to ask for something, her attitude will naturally not be too high.

Others don't know Liu Erlong's background, why he can establish an academy in a place as rich and precious as Tiandou City, but who is Meng Shenji? He is the pillar of the Tiandou Empire! How could he not know Liu Erlong’s identity and background!

Meng Shenji was about to say something, but Liu Erlong paused for a moment, as if he had thought of something, and continued: "Meng Education Committee, you are well-informed, do you recognize this dragon-shaped jade pendant?"

Liu Erlong took off the jade pendant from his waist and placed it on Meng Shenji's desk.

Meng Shenji was stunned and looked at Liu Erlong. She didn't look like she was looking for trouble.

Glancing at the jade pendant on the table, Meng Shenji looked at Liu Erlong with a strange expression. He took back his previous words and felt that Liu Erlong was here to cause trouble!

"Dean Liu Erlong, are you trying to make fun of me?"

Meng Shenji also has a temper. How could he, a powerful Contra-level man, be teased like this?

What does Liu Erlong mean? Was it to let him know her background? Or do you mean to threaten him?

After hearing this, Liu Erlong was stunned. She didn't understand why Meng Shenchun suddenly changed his attitude!

"Meng Education Committee, why do you say this? Erlong has doubts in his heart, so he asked for advice."

Meng Shenji was stunned again, frowned, and looked at Liu Erlong in confusion. Seeing Liu Erlong's unchanging expression, he wondered if he had misunderstood him.

"This jade is blue, and the dragon scales are lifelike, not like they were carved the day after tomorrow..."

"At the same time, it is also a symbol of status. Presumably its owner's status within the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is not very low, right?"

The blue dragon-shaped jade pendant, you can tell at a glance that it is a priceless thing, which is not something ordinary people can own.

Liu Erlong was silent. Is that really the case? Even an outsider can tell that the owner of this jade pendant is a senior member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

As Yu Xiaogang is the son of the sect master, does he really not know her identity?

"It seems that 90% of Kong's words are true."

Liu Erlong thought to himself, then hung the jade pendant on the table back to his waist, cupped his hands in front of Meng Shenji, and said, "Thank you, Meng Education Committee, for clarifying my doubts!"

Mengshenji: "..."

"Meng Education Committee, I wonder if Yu Xiaogang can be in Tiandou Royal Academy?"

"Yu Xiaogang?"

Meng Shenji thought about it for a moment. His surname was Yu, and with Liu Erlong's identity, Yu Xiaogang was probably a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

After thinking about it, Meng Shenji shook his head. He didn't know that there was someone named Yu Xiaogang in the academy.

"That shouldn't be the case. Sora shouldn't lie to me."

Liu Erlong raised his eyebrows, and his face changed wildly, turning green and then white.

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure walked in.

"Dream Cult..."

This figure was stunned for a moment, a little confused, Erlong, Erlong, why did she come to Tiandou Royal Academy?

"Boss Fu?"

"Liu Erlong?"

The two of them blinked. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

"How will you be here?"

The two said almost at the same time.

Meng Shenji looked on blankly, wondering whether Liu Erlong and Flanders knew each other? It looks like we are reunited after a long absence!

Wait, the golden iron triangle!

Isn't Flanders the Flying Horn, one of the Golden Iron Triangle?

Liu Erlong is also famous as the Killing Horn, one of the Golden Iron Triangle.

You can all use martial soul fusion skills. Isn’t it normal to know each other?

We meet again after a long absence, and it’s actually in someone else’s college!

At this moment, it was somewhat embarrassing.

Liu Erlong also knew that Flanders had established an academy called Shrek Academy. Why was he in Tiandou Royal Academy?

Looking at his uniform, he is wearing the uniform of a Tiandou-level director!

"It's better for you, Erlong sister, to speak first."

Flender knew Liu Erlong's personality, which was quite fiery. If she were to tell him later, he might not know what he would be like.

"I'm here to see Yu Xiaogang. I didn't expect you, Boss Fu, to be the director of Tiandou Royal Academy. You said you wanted to take care of yourself for the rest of your life. Wouldn't it be better to go to my Lanba Academy? This dean..."

"Cough cough... cough cough!!!"

Liu Erlong glanced at Mengshenji doubtfully. Is this old man ill? Keep coughing?

Meng Shenji is all numb. Your little Lanba Academy is not only robbing our Tiandou Royal Academy of outstanding students, what the heck, are you even planning to poach the teachers?

After hearing this, Flender's expression changed. Sister Erlong really still thought about Yu Xiaogang!


Sighing in his heart, Flanders looked at the ceiling speechlessly. After all, he lost!

Flanders did not notice that Liu Erlong was talking about Yu Xiaogang, not Xiaogang!

"Yu Xiaogang, he..."

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