Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 136 136: Is appearance more important, or talent and strength?

Kong didn't care what was going on with Liu Erlong, but he was a little numb.

It is indeed the continent of love. The laws of this continent are so terrifying that I can't help but tremble just thinking about it.

Liu Erlong is like this and cannot be cured at all!

But Kong didn't know that because he was a person from outside the world, he was not influenced by the fate of Douluo Continent. He told Liu Erlong, but Liu Erlong, who was not healed, came out.

Of course, it only weakened most of Yu Xiaogang's influence on Liu Erlong. How it will develop specifically is currently unknown.

"Xiaoxue, you come and go without a trace every time. You are really mysterious."

Kong smiled and said to Qian Renxue.

Not long after leaving Lanba Academy, Qian Renxue came to her door. Sora didn't believe that there were no informants of hers around.

No wonder, some store owners are obviously very busy, but they can take a look at him in their busy schedule.

If they don't have any problem, they can just write their names upside down!

After Qian Renxue heard this, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, feeling a little proud.

See, even such a genius Sora has troubles, she brought them!

"Aren't you also very mysterious? At such a young age, with the cultivation of Soul Saint, I have never heard of you, let alone seen you."

Qian Renxue gave Kong a blank look and said.

"Superficial, you only care about my soul power level, but you don't care about my appearance. If I didn't have some strength, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to catch the eye of others!"

As soon as Kong said these words, Qian Renxue was slightly stunned, her beautiful eyes were full of doubts, confusion, and confusion. After she understood what Kong said, her whole body went numb.

She valued talent and strength, but with Sora, it became superficial?

Shouldn’t those who care about the outside be superficial people?

Qian Renxue blinked her big eyes and the corners of her mouth twitched.

I looked at Sora carefully and realized that he was really handsome!

"What, now you know what your sister Xueer thinks?"

After a long while, Qian Renxue said.

"He is looking for me every day. If he doesn't have some agenda, I won't believe him."

"After all, you and I have only met each other a few times."

Kong spread his hands and said, what did Qian Renxue think? How could he not know that this woman actually wanted to conquer him with her charm?

Are you kidding me? Is he so easily subdued?

After the conversation started, the two fell silent.

"I need to go back and re-examine my feelings for you. You are right. At the beginning, I did take a fancy to your strength and wanted to conquer you for my use. Of course, the entire Douluo Continent also Only you are worthy of me!"

Qian Renxue said calmly, now that her cards have been shown, she has nothing to disguise.

She is a person who dares to love and hate. She doesn't hide what she says without hiding it.

"Sora, next time we meet, I will be a different Xiaoyue."

After Qian Renxue said this, she waved her hand in the air with a smile, then turned and left.

She needed to go back and think about it.

Sora is so good that even a monster like Qian Renxue feels a bit unreal.

What feelings does she have towards Sora? Was it just because of his talent that you decided to be with him?

In Sora's words, it's really superficial.

It is necessary to re-examine what she really likes.

This is also the reason why Qian Renxue said that Kong will see a different Xiaoxue the next time they meet.

Kong was stunned, looking at Qian Renxue's back thoughtfully.

"Qian Renxue really comes to look for me so many times because of her talent!"

Sora scratched his head and murmured awkwardly.

He thought he was so attractive, but he never expected that people only looked at his strength and talent. Good guy, didn't they look at his appearance at all?

His appearance is not bad either! It’s just three points less handsome than the readers!

"Hey, handsome guy, what are you looking at again?"

Just when Kong was stunned, a voice came into his ears, bringing him back to his senses.

Seeing the person coming, Kong said: "It turns out to be Miss Yue'er. I was just thinking about a question and was a little confused."

The person who came was none other than Shui Yue'er, who had a "soul fight" with Kong last time. She was alone at this time, and Shui Bing'er and her mother Shui Ningshuang were not around.

Still wearing a short aqua skirt, her youthful and beautiful appearance fascinated countless young men.

Shui Yue'er looked like a nymphomaniac and asked doubtfully: "What problem makes you confused? Can I know?"

The last time she fought against Kong, Shui Yue'er was really hit hard. She didn't even release her martial soul, but she easily defeated her with just a piece of external soul bone!

She, Shui Yue'er, is also a genius, okay, so what's the result? Facing Sora, who is smaller than himself, he is no match for Ichigo!

He's powerful and handsome. Shui Yue'er, who came back to his senses, likes her even more!

During the college break these days, she came to Tiandou City again, preparing to meet Kong Lai by chance. She never expected that she would meet Kong Lai not long after arriving in Tiandou City. Is this the legendary fate?

"Miss Yue'er, it's not a big problem, it's just a little hard to talk about."

"Tell me, see if I can give you an answer."

Kong couldn't help but take a breath, this Shui Yue'er could actually act like a baby, and her voice was so soft and sweet, who could stand it!

"Miss Yue'er..."

"Don't keep calling me Miss Yue'er. You can call me Yue'er."

Shui Yue'er smiled sweetly, her eyes filled with light, which made Kong unable to resist and subconsciously took a step back.

"Okay, Yue'er, do you think appearance is more important, or strength and talent?"

Sora said without waffling on this matter.

As soon as these words came out, Shui Yue'er was stunned. She was a person who cared about appearance and liked people who were handsome and pleasing to the eye.

As for strength, Shui Yue'er doesn't care much. Anyway, if she is strong enough, she can protect her other half.

But why does Sora worry about this?

Isn't he handsome? Or is it because his talent is not high and his cultivation level is not high?

Aren’t these things all empty advantages?

Shui Yue'er thought with some doubts.

"I think it's more important to be good-looking!"

She is a beauty person, so of course she thinks good-looking is the most important thing. If she has strength and talent, that would be even better!


Shui Yue'er and Qian Renxue are obviously two extremes. One thinks talent and cultivation are more important, while the other thinks appearance is the most important.

Fortunately, he has all these things!

Being liked does not necessarily require a response. If no one likes you, then you need to think about where the problem lies.

"I see, everyone has different hobbies and different levels of appreciation. For example, I like slimes that are so scary."

Of course, it can't be too scary or unsightly.

For example, Yingbao's, isn't it just right?

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