Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 137 137: Yu Xiaogang: This plot is wrong!

"Hey, I'm still too honest. If it were another time-traveler, with Yingbao's attitude toward the harem, I'd probably have a group of wives and concubines."

Kong thought to himself, completely unaware of how thick-skinned he was.

"Thank you Aunt Yue'er... Yue'er for clarifying my doubts. If nothing happens, Kong will leave."

Kong cupped his hands and said.

Shui Yue'er was stunned, was Kong not interested in that or something? She was a beautiful girl like a flower standing in front of him, and this guy didn't have any idea at all!

Not only that, he was not sloppy at all and was ready to leave! !

"No, I didn't come all the way to Tiandou City to talk to you about this issue!"

Shui Yue'er shouted in her heart, her face remained calm and her expression did not change at all.

"Um, Sora, long time no see, why don't we have dinner together?"

"Isn't this not good?"

We don’t know each other very well. Wouldn’t it be awkward to eat together or something?

"What's wrong? Meeting us is fate. Let's just have a meal together. I lost so miserably last time and was exhausted physically and mentally. I couldn't practice normally for several days. Should you treat me to a meal as a token of appreciation? "

Shui Yue'er said with a calm face, her senior sister was right, women chase men, there is a layer of gauze between them, as long as the skin is thick enough, it won't take long to win.

Shui Yue'er is full of confidence due to the experience imparted by some senior students!

Kong Ke didn't know that after Shui Yue'er returned to Tianshui College last time, she really didn't practice seriously. She went to ask some senior sisters who already had boyfriends or had graduated and got married to ask some questions.

After summing up his experience, Shui Yue'er suddenly realized!

That's why during this vacation, he came to Tiandou City to try his luck and see if he could meet Sora again.

Apparently, she was very lucky.

After hearing this, Kong thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "It's true that I lacked consideration. I just didn't use Dark Gold Terror Claws to deal with a Soul Lord. The same goes for playing empty-handed. When I did this, I was somewhat relying on it." Soul bones are deceiving others. I’m sorry, Miss Yue’er.”

Everyone in Shuiyue'er is numb. Is Kong apologizing? She always felt that Kong was telling her that she was weak and weak. To deal with her, she didn't even need to use soul bones or martial arts!

If you don’t know how to apologize, don’t apologize!

Shui Yue'er roared in his heart.

"Let's go, Yue'er, treat you to something delicious. This is an apology for being reckless last time. Please don't refuse!"

Shui Yue'er: "..."

What should I do if she suddenly doesn’t want to eat this meal?

He shook his head and threw away some of the complicated emotions in his mind. Although Sora's temper became a little straighter, the impact was not great.

She can still accept it. When the time comes, she just needs to be a handsome man quietly!

"If it doesn't taste good, I won't accept the apology!"

Shui Yue'er raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Kong's eyes twitched and he rolled his eyes secretly before leading Shui Yue'er towards the hotel.

In Tiandou Royal Academy, Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other.

Yu Xiaogang had a straight face, as if everyone owed him hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins.

But he was very panicked. When he saw Liu Erlong again, he still felt a little guilty. However, in order to realize his dream, there were some things that he had to learn to give up!

Flanders stood aside, a little confused, the development of the matter was beyond his understanding.

Logically speaking, when the two met at this time, with Liu Erlong's fiery personality, he should have directly grabbed Yu Xiaogang and said: This time, I won't let you escape again.

But what's going on with Liu Erlong's calm look?

It's so quiet, so quiet that it doesn't look like Liu Erlong!

"Let me ask you a question, do you recognize this jade pendant?"

After a long time, Liu Erlong finally spoke to Yu Xiaogang.

After she said this, she carefully observed Yu Xiaogang's expression.

Yu Xiaogang was stunned at first. There was something wrong with the plot. Shouldn't Liu Erlong rush up and catch him? He even prepared words of rejection, but he didn't use them.

Glancing at the jade pendant around Liu Erlong's waist, Yu Xiaogang said subconsciously: "Isn't this the identity certificate your father, your second uncle, gave you? So that the children of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect know that you are his daughter , but, my second uncle is more respectable, so he doesn’t dare to take you back to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.”

Yu Xiaogang had seen this jade pendant when he was a child, but one day, Yu Luo Mian gave it away.

After so many years, Yu Xiaogang could not remember more or less what happened back then. He vaguely remembered that after Yu Luo Mian was invited by him, it was through this jade pendant that Liu Erlong was confirmed. It's his daughter.

After hearing this, Liu Erlong's expression changed. Is this really the case?

Neither Yuluo Mian nor herself mentioned the true origin of this jade pendant. Liu Erlong only said that it was a relic of her mother!

Seeing this, Flanders also changed his expression. He knew Liu Erlong earlier than Yu Xiaogang, so he naturally knew what happened between them.

Flanders was just a civilian, so naturally he didn't know the meaning of the jade pendant around Liu Erlong's waist.

If Yu Xiaogang recognized this jade pendant when he met Liu Erlong, then why did Yu Xiaogang pursue Liu Erlong?

Thinking of this, Flanders narrowed his eyes, and his eyes changed when he looked at Yu Xiaogang.

"Yu Xiaogang, to be honest, I really didn't expect you to say that. Originally, I thought you would pretend to be stupid and get away with it!"

Liu Erlong said indifferently, looking at Yu Xiaogang, murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

Yu Xiaogang is actually a person who can even do such a thing for his own purpose!

She, Liu Erlong, has been blind all these years!

Because of this, I even made my dear nephew angry!

This Yu Xiaogang has a way of killing himself!

After hearing this, no matter how stupid Yu Xiaogang is, he knows that he has been tricked by Liu Erlong!

Wait, something's wrong.

Why did Liu Erlong think of this?

Yu Xiaogang looked confused. Could it be that just because of a jade pendant, Liu Erlong found out that he had cheated on her?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Liu Erlong is such a stupid person, how could she discover these things!

"Erlong, these things were only told to me by my second uncle after he separated us! I know it's not normal, right?"

Yu Xiaogang tried to save it. He couldn't sit still and wait for death. Liu Erlong liked him so much. There must be a bad person to instigate the relationship between them. Otherwise, with Liu Erlong's IQ, how could she find out something was wrong!

"My father wants to kill you, why is he telling you this when he has nothing to do?"

Liu Erlong laughed angrily. At this time, Yu Xiaogang was still thinking of deceiving her!

Yu Xiaogang: "..."

Liu Erlong's IQ is online, what should I do?

These words were so right that Yu Xiaogang didn't even have room to refute. Because, if Yu Luo Mian didn't care about Yu Yuan Zhen...

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