Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 216 216: You don’t want to suffer the judgment either, right?

From the opening ceremony to the end of the first game of the first round, it took more than three hours!

It was already evening when we walked out of the spirit fighting arena.

Shui Yue'er didn't keep everyone waiting, and quickly led her little sisters to the exit of the spirit fighting arena.

After everyone introduced themselves, they walked towards the outside of Tiandou City.

"I didn't expect that the boy Yue'er likes actually has a family. Didn't you see that General Thunder and Lightning is really extraordinary and turbulent!"

"Who said I didn't see it?"

After the girls looked at General Thunder, they looked down at their toes with bitter expressions on their faces.

It was such a shock!

Never have they ever suffered such injustice!

Women's concerns are often different from men's. When they see a beautiful woman, they will subconsciously compare themselves with the other woman.

Appearance, figure, figure, temperament, etc., if you lose one, your heart will be slightly unbalanced. If you lose all, you will be autistic...

Among the seven Tianshui sisters, five are currently autistic.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er had dealt with Kong before and knew that Kong often bought clothes from their mother to give to their wives.

Of course I know the size of Kong’s wife...

I had doubted it before, whether it was a pad or something, but I never expected it! ! !

The women's conversation was so quiet that even the members of Huang Dou's team were not heard when they were right in front of them.

But their words were heard clearly by Kong and Thunder General.

The corners of General Thunder's mouth raised slightly, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes as he looked at the Tianshui Girl Group.

These girls are still too young after all! How could they compare to the Demon God's magnanimity!

Although General Raiden was born as a doll, she is also a demon on another level because she inherited everything from Kage! It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a demon.

Shui Yue'er was a little embarrassed, but she didn't refute anything.

On the Douluo Continent, monogamy is not the norm. It is quite normal for a strong man to have three wives and four concubines.

"If you had seen Kong's power, or if you had stayed with Kong for a while, and got to know him, you would have fallen in love like me."

Shui Yue'er looked at her little sisters and thought to herself.

Kong is not only powerful, but also handsome. He can teach her how to practice. Doesn't a man like this still feel insecure?

Isn't it just that he is a little too carefree... No, it seems that Sora is not carefree. If he was, his top beauty would have been captured long ago.

"Hmph, Sora is so dedicated!"

It seems wrong to say that he is single-minded. I heard that he has two wives...

"Song, Lanba Academy will definitely not be able to enter the finals. When the time comes, I will beg dad to take us to the finals to cheer you on!"

Ning Rongrong said with a flowery smile.

She could clearly see the form. How could those crooked people from Lanba Academy enter the qualifying round and then the finals? This was absolutely impossible!

But Ning Fengzhi is a judge of the competition, and he will go to the finals. As Ning Fengzhi, it is still okay to bring two "miscellaneous people" to the finals.

"It's a pity that Rongrong and I are still too low in strength, otherwise we wouldn't have troubled the sect leader."

Zhu Zhuqing said a little disappointed.

"Zhuqing, we are only fourteen years old. If we really want to participate in this competition, we still have two chances. Five or ten years later, wouldn't it be easy to go to the finals?"

Ning Rongrong patted Zhu Zhuqing's shoulder and smiled.

She looked away. There was nothing she could do if she didn't look away.

Indeed, according to her algorithm, no one can stop them from entering the finals ten years later!

After hearing this, Kong smiled helplessly and said, "Thank you very much, Miss Ning, for your encouragement."

What's there to cheer for? Even if it were ten thousand or twenty thousand years later, would anyone be able to beat a cheater like him in such a game?

Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong will go down personally, maybe there will be a chance to repair him, of course, the final winner will definitely be him!

Don’t forget, even if he doesn’t call for foreign aid, General Thunder and Lightning’s wife is still his martial spirit!

Calling General Thunder and Lightning instead of Ying does not count as inviting foreign aid, right?

"These two girls are only fourteen years old?"

Everyone in the Tianshui girl group looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, then directly put Ning Rongrong aside and made a comparison with Zhu Zhuqing!

Good guy, at the age of fourteen, she has already bowed her head and lost sight of her toes. She is also extremely beautiful in the world. How did she grow up like this?

I originally thought that Zhu Zhuqing was at least eighteen years old, but I never expected that her real age was only fourteen.

The girls became autistic again.

Without comparison, there is no harm. If there is anyone present who has the "strength" to compete with General Thunder, it is Zhu Zhuqing.

It's a pity that she is still humble now.

"Sister Zhuqing, please come here, we have a question to ask."

Qiu Ruoshui said to Zhu Zhuqing with a mysterious face, they wanted to find out if there was any secret...

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong glanced at Qiu Ruoshui with disdain. Zhu Zhuqing was a talent. If there really was any secret, why would she, Ning Rongrong, do this?


How tall is she?

And that Thunder and Lightning General, are they so talented? Let ordinary girls live!

Well, the general's face does not look like that of a girl.


Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment and walked towards Qiu Ruoshui and others in confusion. Is there something wrong with these women?

Although her speed is much faster than Ning Rongrong, her mind is a bit sluggish compared to Ning Rongrong. I haven’t reacted yet, what is the purpose of Qiu Ruoshui and others!

After a while, Zhu Zhuqing's ears turned red, and she quickly escaped from the circle of women. She was numb!

I never thought that they would ask such a question! !

"Sister Zhuqing, tell me, we can pay!"

"Yes, we promise not to spread the word!"

"No, really not!"

Zhu Zhuqing's whole body was numb. Why did these women think the same as Ning Rongrong? They are all so weird!

She really doesn’t have that kind of thing!

Isn’t this all about talent?

"Oh, what a pity."


What are they talking about? Why does it feel so interesting?

Yufeng, Shimo, Shimo, Oscar and others blinked and thought to themselves.

Time passed, and a group of nearly twenty people arrived at an open space in the suburbs.

Kong also took out the necessary equipment from the storage soul guide.

Seeing this, Yu Feng quickly took out the ingredients from his storage soul guide.

As a descendant of a great noble, it is reasonable to own a storage soul guide, right?

"Captain, I understand everything else. What the hell is this bamboo stick used to string candied haws on a stick?"

Yufeng asked with a confused look on his face. When he went to buy ingredients before, he saw the bamboo stick written on the small note. He thought Kong had written it wrong.

So, I made the mistake and bought the bamboo stick. I also bought a lot!

"Have you ever had barbecue?"


Yufeng nodded and said.

Putting aside his status as a noble, even if he is just a soul master, how could he not have eaten barbecue?

Some people didn't understand why Sora said that.

"You can use this bamboo stick as a stick for skewering barbecue."

Sora explained a little bit.


After hearing this, Yufeng's mouth twitched, what the hell! As a skewer stick?

Is it probably burned out during the barbecue?

"Come on, those who know how to cut meat will cut the meat into thumb-sized pieces, and then use these bamboo skewers to skewer them like this."

Sora said as he demonstrated it again.

Everyone is a soul master, not a fool. After reading it once, you will understand what to do.

It's just that they don't understand why they do this.

Barbecuing, shouldn't it be done in large chunks?

Even if they didn’t understand, they didn’t understand, but everyone started doing what Kong said.

When it's time to cut the meat, when it's time to skewer it on bamboo skewers, the Tianshui Girl Group is here, so there's no need to look for water.

There was not only meat, but also some vegetables and the like. With the efforts of everyone, it was quickly skewered.

"Captain, what's going on?"

Yufeng looked at Sora in confusion. When everyone was stringing things together, he actually stopped General Thunder and refused to let her help!

This, this is so loving!


"The relationship between the captain and my sister-in-law is so good. I don't want my sister-in-law to do such a small thing."

These words made some black lines appear on Sora's forehead, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Love is love, yes.

However, the reason why he stopped the general was not because of this!

If you don’t want to suffer the verdict, if you don’t want tonight’s party to go to waste, then try not to let your wife take action herself!

As soon as the general takes action, the scene will be unimaginable!

"Very good, let's start making the drinks now, Fatty, light the fire!"

Kong pointed to a pile of coal and said to Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun wanted to cry but had no tears. Is his phoenix fire used to make fire for cooking?

There is no way, who makes Sora the boss, captain, and his savior?

"Possessed by the evil fire phoenix!"

I saw Ma Hongjun shouting loudly, and instantly completed the possession of the martial soul. Four soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, and purple, slowly rose from his feet.

It's true that he is a fire elemental soul master, but if he doesn't use martial soul, there is no way to light a fire.

As Ma Hongjun released his martial spirit, the empty venue became a bit "warmer".


"flaming Phenix!?"

The Tianshui girl group was shocked. They didn't expect that this fat man with an unattractive appearance could actually possess a top-notch martial spirit like Fire Phoenix!

They couldn't see through his soul power level, but the four soul rings on his body showed that he was an out-and-out soul sect powerhouse!

"No, I can feel that his martial spirit is not pure."

Shui Bing'er shook her head, but her expression remained solemn.

Her martial spirit is the Ice Phoenix, and she can still feel whether Ma Hongjun's martial spirit is pure or not.

However, this impure fire phoenix is ​​no less powerful than the real phoenix spirit.

This shows what?

This shows that the strength of this mutated martial spirit has reached the top level, and is almost the same as the real Fire Phoenix.

"The first soul skill: Phoenix Fireline!"

Ma Hongjun's gunpowder is not the normal fiery red, but dark red. It doesn't seem to be very hot, but its adhesion is very strong!

Once it hits an opponent, unless Ma Hongjun removes the flames himself, it will continue to burn until his soul power is exhausted!

This evil fire also has the effect of igniting the "heart fire", which is the most terrifying thing! Can affect the opponent's emotions...

"You are right, my martial spirit is indeed not pure, it is a mutated martial spirit."

After lighting the fire, Ma Hongjun took back his martial spirit and said calmly to Shui Bing'er.

"But, even if we face a real Fire Phoenix Soul Master, at the same level, there is no way he can defeat me!"

"The Evil Fire Phoenix is ​​impure, that's just because no one has ever owned it, and no one has ever brought it to its peak. If I succeed in breaking through to the Titled Douluo, who dares to say anything about my martial spirit..."

"Not pure!"

"Besides, the real Fire Phoenix Spirit is not as weird and powerful as my Evil Fire Phoenix Spirit!"

Ma Hongjun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said confidently.

So what if it’s not pure?

The reason why the Evil Fire Phoenix is ​​so powerful, and the reason why Ma Hongjun is so confident, all comes from its impurity!

That is evil fire!

This is why Evil Fire Phoenix and Ma Hongjun are so confident!

Kong glanced at Ma Hongjun thoughtfully. In this original work, the fat man got many opportunities from Tang San and turned his martial soul into a pure one.

After the martial spirit is pure, it is nothing more than powerful explosive power. In addition, the influence of evil fire on itself is eliminated.

However, the evil fire phoenix, shouldn’t it be the evil fire that is truly powerful? Eliminating this part really allowed the evil fire to be controlled and made the martial spirit pure.

But it has lost its most important thing, its adhesion and the ability to ignite the "heart fire".

Today, Ma Hongjun has found a path of his own.

"You fat man, how can you reach the Soul Sect level without saying a word?"

Dai Mubai and Oscar were numb.

Shui Bing'er and others haven't come back to their senses yet.

Where did this fat man get the confidence that he could break through to a titled Douluo?

"Hmph, I'm already level 45!"

Ma Hongjun glanced at Dai Mubai, crossed his arms, and said with disdain. Judging from his appearance, he looked very much in need of a beating, but Dai Mubai held his own.

Because he is only level 41 now, and he basically has no chance of winning in a fight with Ma Hongjun!

"What, level 45?"

Ma Hongjun, who looks not much older than Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, has actually reached level 45?

This soul power level is already higher than Shui Binger, the captain of Tianshui Team!

Yu Tianheng, Yu Feng and others were also doubting life. They didn't pay much attention to this taciturn little fat man. As a result, he broke through to level 45 without saying a word!

"Fat man, keep working hard, maybe you can really change your destiny."

Kong patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder and said.

Ma Hongjun in the original work is really miserable.

I was finally moved, but due to some reasons, I couldn't become a first-level god and couldn't take Bai Chenxiang to the God Realm.

As Bai Chenxiang's cousin, Tang San and Ma Hongjun were "brothers" even if this relationship was not included. In this case, he did not help his brother and drag Bai Chenxiang to the God Realm.

There are not enough places, it’s all lies!

Even Tang Wulin's adoptive parents can go to the God Realm...

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