Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 217 217: Two orders of business

As night falls, a new moon is rising.

The picnic also became a bonfire party.

As the ingredients were roasted and seasoned, everyone realized how stupid and ignorant their previous thoughts were.

"Hiss~ this smell..."

Fortunately, the beauties remained reserved and did not drool or anything like that. There was just hope and yearning in their eyes, which could not be concealed.

The men were different. Their rolling throats and eyes looking at the grill were filled with red light.

Seeing this, Kong smiled and said nothing.

In a place like Douluo Continent, even nobles and soul masters, what good food can they eat?

No, not at all!

In Douluo Continent ten thousand years later, milk, bread, and a Kun egg are all great supplements!

If this is still the case ten thousand years later, one can only imagine the Douluo Continent ten thousand years ago!

They are rich and have abundant products, but they don’t know how to cook at all!

He was different. He once lived in a country with great food. Even though he was alone, he still had some cooking skills.

"You'll be ready to eat in five minutes, don't be in a hurry."

Kong looked sideways slightly, gave Ma Hongjun and others a roll of his eyes, and said.

The milk tea I made before was already in these guys’ stomachs before they even started eating barbecue.

With Shui Bing'er and others here, a new way of drinking milk tea has been "developed", that is, adding ice!

"Okay, Captain! We're not in a hurry, we're not in a hurry!"

"Fat man, wipe your saliva first before talking!"

Shui Binger and others are here.

"Captain, this milk tea is really delicious. If it is sold, it will definitely sell out!"

"Yeah, it tastes great whether it's with or without ice."

After hearing this, Shui Bing'er frowned, not because she thought the girls had said the wrong thing, but because of the financial problems of Tianshui College.

"If we can cooperate, it will definitely be a win-win situation. But, how should we cooperate with empty talk?"

Shui Binger fell into deep thought.

If you have the milk tea recipe in hand, Tianshui College will definitely sell out!

Tianshui College's finances can also be relieved.

It is not shameful for soul masters to do business.

Even a large sect like the Qibao Glazed Sect is also a businessman, isn't it?

"Sora, that..."

Shui Bing'er walked not far from Kong, feeling a little tangled and hesitant to speak.

For such a precious formula, if Sora really wanted to do business, wouldn't it be better for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect or the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to cooperate?

"Miss Bing'er, what's wrong?"

Seeing Shui Bing'er hesitate to speak, Kong asked doubtfully.

After hearing this, Shui Bing'er gritted her teeth, as if she had made some kind of determination, and said, "Song, I wonder if the formula of this milk tea can be used in cooperation with Tianshui College. We will be responsible for making and selling it, and you will get three cents as dividends."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but cursed secretly!

I was just drinking and didn’t think about this issue at all!

If this kind of thing were put on sale, it would definitely be very popular!

Especially in summer and autumn. A cup of iced milk tea is a beautiful thing!

Apart from Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who among the first team of Huang Dou doesn’t have some background?

It's true that nobles have money, but who would think that they have too many gold soul coins?

Ning Rongrong blinked, why hadn't she considered this issue? Is there any other force that can do business better than the Qibao Glazed Sect?

As the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect, she only focused on eating and drinking, completely forgetting how her family became the richest sect in the world.

Kong was stunned at first. He had never had such an idea before and put the milk tea recipe into business.

He is not short of money, and he only makes milk tea because General Raiden and Ying like it.

After Shui Bing'er said this, Kong fell into deep thought.

Shui Bing'er was a little anxious when she saw this. Didn't she see the people around her looking at her with eager eyes?

It doesn't matter that they are all from noble backgrounds. The most important thing is that the little princess of Qibao Glazed Sect is still here!

"Fifty percent, this is the greatest sincerity of my Tianshui College!"

Shui Binger stretched out a hand and said.

Tianshui College still had to make some 50% of the net profit. She had seen Sora making it before, and the materials were not expensive.

"No need."

Kong waved his hand and said.

Just when Shui Bing'er thought that the transaction failed, Kong continued: "I just provided a formula. 50% is too much, so let's calculate it according to the previous 30%."

It doesn't matter if the hotel chef "steals" the recipe, a small recipe is nothing.

Besides, if they really wanted to make milk tea, it would not be impossible to recreate it based on his previous production process.

Seeking him to cooperate is nothing more than a matter of justice.


Everyone was stunned and looked at Kong in disbelief. He actually gave up 20% of the benefits?


You are indeed a peerless monster, don’t you care about this benefit at all? Or does he have other plans?

Everyone looked at Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, then at Kong and General Lei Lei and Lightning beside him.

"Maybe we are overthinking it."

The faces of the Tianshui College group were overjoyed. They were really surprised. With the formula of milk tea, Tianshui College's finances should be able to ease a little.


Shui Bing'er said sincerely, she looked at Shui Yue'er not far away.

The person Yue'er likes is indeed different, she is too discerning.

It's a pity that as the captain of Tianshui Women's Team and the future senior executive of Tianshui College, she can't be too proactive like Yue'er.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that you don't like the man in front of you.

If Sora is willing, what's the problem with them marrying Sora at the same time?

"You're welcome, it's just a transaction. Besides, the profit of 30% is really high."

Sora smiled and said.

After excluding the cost of milk tea and not counting labor, the profit is about 80% to 30%. There is no need to do anything. It is really high.

Taking 50% would be more or less unconscionable.

"No, I must thank you. Our college really needs this formula."

When Shui Bing'er said this, she looked at the ground, wondering what she was thinking.

In the original work, Thunder Academy had to merge with Shrek Academy because the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was destroyed.

The situation of Kamikaze and Blazing Fire was similar to that of Tianshui Academy. They both had to come to Tiandou City and ask Shrek Academy to take them in because of financial constraints.

As for the Elephant Academy, it was directly excluded from the Four Elements Academy...

Seeing that Kong had already negotiated with Shui Bing'er, everyone also gave up the idea of ​​selling milk tea. After all, they mentioned it first, and it would be purely offending to grab business at this time. It’s still a behemoth like Tianshui College!

Tianshui Academy has Contra-level experts in charge, and because Tianshui Academy only recruits beauties, its disciples are all over the upper-class forces in the entire Douluo Continent.

Such an academy is not something that ordinary nobles can offend, not even the great nobles!

Once you offend Tianshui Academy, you have no idea how many people you will offend!

Sometimes, it is very scary to hear the wind in your ears!

"Let's not talk about this for now. These barbecues are ready. You can eat them first."

After Sora said this, he "buttoned" off a part of the barbecue and handed it to the Thunder General beside him.

After General Raiden took the skewers, Sora distributed the other skewers to everyone.

“It smells so good!”

"I didn't expect that it would be more delicious when cut into such small pieces."

"Look at the way you can't speak. If it weren't for the captain's intervention, would you have been able to eat such barbecue?"

"Ah, yes, yes..."

"The reason why these barbecues are delicious is because Kong controls the heat perfectly and adds his own secret recipe of seasonings. Is that true, Kong?"

Ning Rongrong said after taking a bite.

"That's right, heat and seasoning are indispensable. What is the original flavor and the taste of the ingredients? Except for seafood, everything else is not delicious without salt..."

Kong nodded, agreed with Ning Rongrong's statement, and even complained.

"Then, can we cooperate with our Qibao Glazed Sect on this? If you provide the seasoning formula, 30% of the profit will be made!"

Ning Rongrong is learning and selling now and said, it's not that she doesn't know how to do business, as the eldest lady of Qibao Glazed Sect, how can she not know how to do business.

However, she had never thought of this before. After all, she had no shortage of gold soul coins.

Unlike Tianshui College, the idea of ​​selling milk tea came up because of real financial constraints.

Kong's lips twitched, and he was having a picnic and barbecue to talk about business?

Forget it, why don’t you take the money you picked up for free?


"Let's eat first. Let's talk after we finish."

I wonder if her father Ning Fengzhi would scold her for being a prodigal if she knew about the 30% profit from the barbecue.

Wait, speaking of prodigal, her father Ning Fengzhi is the real prodigal, right?

Taking the entire Qibao Glazed Sect as a "gamble", thanks to his strong intuition, he might not be able to win if it were anyone else.

Time passed, and the bonfire party ended after almost an hour and a half.

When it was over, the moon was in the sky and it was already very late.

The Tianshui women's team has a game tomorrow, so they can't stay up late. As for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, they are cheerleaders and belong to the atmosphere group. Lanba Academy does not require them to play. It doesn't matter what time they play.

Not to mention the members of the first team of Huang Dou, the qualifying and promotion rounds have nothing to do with them. They just need to practice hard before the finals.

Originally planning to say goodbye directly, Sora thought for a moment and shook his head.

The world of soul masters is not safe. This is the outskirts of Tiandou City, and the elite competition of the continent's advanced soul master academies is about to begin.

In the original work, Shi Nian hunted geniuses, but Shi Nian was killed by Kong two years in advance. But what if another Shi Nian, or several more, appear?

The Huangdou team with him was okay, but Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the Tianshui girl group, their highest cultivation levels were only over level 40.

Why did they part ways?

The Tiandou Royal Academy is outside Tiandou City, and the Tianshui girl group, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing are going back to Tiandou City.

"For safety's sake, let's take you back to the city first."

Kong said to Shui Binger and others.

The members of the Imperial Fighting Team didn't have any objections. How could they have any objections to having a beautiful woman as a companion?

The boss (captain) was very considerate. It would be bad if they were in danger when they returned to Tiandou City this late at night.

Shui Bing'er and others thought for a moment, but did not refuse. Kong's strength was much higher than theirs, and it was safer with him around.

"Then I'll trouble you!"

Shui Bing'er said with a smile on her face.

Kong had given them the milk tea recipe before, and there were also some fruit tea recipes, such as watermelon juice, strawberry juice, lemonade, etc.

With these things and milk tea, Tianshui College will definitely be saved!

"You came out with us, so naturally we have to send you back safely."

Qiu Ruoshui, Xue Wu, and Yu Hairou looked at Kong with a slight change in their eyes. I have to say that Shui Yue'er's eyesight is really good!


Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er are the most beautiful in the Tianshui girl group. Their talent and strength are also the highest. Sora and them have no results. Girls like them who are "ordinary" are destined to be like moths. fire.

He shook his head and threw away the strange thoughts in his mind. Life had to go on, and only by giving up those unrealistic thoughts could he live well.

"Not worthy of others..."

They are also the proud daughters of heaven, and they are also self-aware.

Time passed, and when everyone was sent back to Tiandou City and then back to Tiandou Academy, it was already the early morning of the next day.

There was no one who didn't open their eyes along the way, and everyone arrived at the dormitory safely.

There is a lot of joy and a lot of sadness. Some people have already fallen asleep, while some people can't fall asleep no matter how hard they sleep, feeling endlessly melancholy.

"Teacher, the shortcomings of my Blue Silver Grass martial spirit are too obvious. Is there any way to make up for this shortcoming?"

Tang San asked Yu Xiaogang very melancholy.

The match during the day was vivid in his mind. If the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit hadn't been restrained by gunpowder, he would have been sure to defeat his opponent even if it was one against seven.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang fell silent.

Among the plant-based martial arts, there are plants that are not afraid of fire-type attacks, but they do not include the abandoned martial soul Blue Silver Grass.

Lan Yin Cao is the most standard waste martial spirit. If you can cultivate to Tang San's current state, you are already as good as the sky!

It is not impossible to make up for the flaw of being afraid of fire. It can be solved by choosing a soul ring, which gives the Blue Silver Grass martial soul high fire attribute resistance.

But in this case, if Tang San wanted to take the ultimate binding... ahem, a road leading to the black blue and silver entanglement would not work.

"Xiao San, a temporary defeat is nothing. What you need to consider is the future, not the present."

"If the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit acquires a high level of fire resistance, it will indeed be immune to some fire-attribute attacks. However, have you ever thought about it, your second martial spirit is not afraid of fire!"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head. In his opinion, this shortcoming was not a problem at all. Anyway, the Blue Silver Grass Spirit was only used for excessive use. When Tang San cultivated the second Spirit, the Blue Silver Grass Spirit would also It has no effect.

It's nothing more than being restrained by flames. When entering the soul master world, as long as you are not alone or meet a soul master who restrains you, what is there to be afraid of?

A loss on the playing field is nothing at all.

However, Tang San didn't think so. For the first time, he had differences with Yu Xiaogang's ideas.

How could a perfect person like him tolerate such obvious flaws...

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