Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 218 218: An unimaginable knife and an unimaginable cooking skill [4k]

"I am a twin martial soul, with innate super soul power exceeding the tenth level. I also carry the memory of my previous life, and am a member of the Tang Sect. I am uniquely blessed!"

"Are there any living beings in this world who can compare with me?"

"Even that Jade Sky is just a waste of accumulated resources. It just plays around all day long and has no intention of making progress."

"Such a person is not worthy to be compared with me, Tang San!"

"A perfect person like me can never have such flaws! I will definitely make up for them!"

Tang San thought to himself, his eyes unusually firm.

He never wanted to experience this feeling of powerlessness after being restricted from concealed weapons.

Tang San believed that he was a perfect person, and it was totally reasonable to break the rules.

"If I had the Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu and the Star Aniseed Ice Grass, I would be able to cultivate a body that is immune to ice and fire and invulnerable to all poisons. It's a pity. How can we have these two immortal things on Douluo Continent!"

"Wait a minute, that Jade Sky, he seems to be invulnerable to all poisons, isn't that right?"

Tang San had a very good memory. He remembered that when he was dealing with Kong, Kong said that he was invulnerable to all poisons!

If he still had a body that was immune to ice and fire, Sora would have a high chance of swallowing the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu!

After thinking for a moment, Tang San shook his head. Impossible, there could be no such coincidence in the world. The living environment of these two kinds of immortal grass must be in the eyes of Ice and Fire.

The formation of the two eyes of ice and fire was a miracle among miracles. How could Kong be so lucky that he happened to swallow two fairy grasses!

It’s hard to tell whether he knows him or not!

Thinking of this, Tang San suddenly wanted to laugh. His body that was said to be invulnerable to all poisons was probably only immune to some ordinary poisons. If it encountered his Tang Sect's mixed poison, it would definitely have no effect!

Tang San didn't know that his previous guess was absolutely correct, Kong really swallowed the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu!

Not only is he immune to ice and fire, and is invulnerable to all poisons, his body is also immune to lightning-type attacks! Of course, there is currently no complete immunity to natural thunder and lightning. Thunder and lightning formed by soul power can be completely immune.

It has four attributes: ice, fire, thunder, and poison, and is almost ineffective against air.

"Xiao San, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry. The path of a soul master is very long, so take a long-term view. When you break through to the title Douluo, you can just sort them out one by one."

Seeing that Tang San was silent, Yu Xiaogang said with seriousness.

He knew that Tang San was a proud and arrogant person. After awakening his martial spirit, he never suffered any setbacks or blows until he went to Soto City. Among the peers he comes into contact with, he is the most powerful.

However, since meeting Kong, Tang San has been hit repeatedly, making him, a proud man, have to swallow his anger!

This failure in the opening ceremony directly ignited Tang San's eagerness to win. He is not willing to give in!

It was obviously supposed to be his show, telling people that there are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters, but what was the result?

In less than five minutes, their team was defeated, including him, Tang San.

"Teacher, I'm not willing to give in! Are you really not making up for your lack of fear of fire?"

Tang San said firmly, his eyes shining with hope.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang sighed, why is Tang San so stubborn?

"Yes, but this method can't be implemented until you break through to level 50!"

Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder and said.

Tang San had just broken through to level 41. If he wanted to break through to level 50, it would take at least two or three years to achieve it.

By then, the next continent-wide elite soul master academy competition will begin soon...

After hearing this, Tang San was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, yes, even if he could obtain a spirit ring and let the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit gain fire attribute resistance, that would still have to wait until he reaches level 50.


Tang San was a little disappointed, and he didn't know what to say. At this moment, he had doubts about the Blue Silver Grass Spirit!

Of course, it is not autistic.

"Go back and rest. You have finished playing today. You will rest tomorrow so you can recuperate. You should have suffered some injuries in today's game."

Yu Xiaogang went to watch the opening ceremony. When he saw that the second team of Emperor Dou was drawn against Team Blazing Fire, he was stunned.

I want to remind Tang San not to play and to preserve his strength, but unfortunately, he is neither a contestant nor a team leader. There was no way to communicate with Tang San as a player.

Blazing Fire Academy is an old school and one of the representatives of the Ultimate Elemental Style.

If we want to say who is Tang San's biggest threat, it is undoubtedly Blazing Fire Academy and Thunder Academy!

Thunder is an element more violent than fire. The most important thing is that the thunder element not only restrains most attributes, but is also extremely powerful. It is one of the most powerful among all elemental attributes!

What's more, the person behind Thunder Academy is the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

The thunder attribute also restrains the plant attribute. When Tang San faces these two academies, it will be extremely difficult!

This was the conclusion Yu Xiaogang came to, but he didn't tell Tang San for fear of affecting Tang San's confidence.

"Okay, teacher. I'm going back to rest first. You should also rest early. Disciple, take your leave!"

Tang San cupped his hands and said with a slight bow.

After saying this, after Yu Xiaogang nodded, he said goodbye and left.

"Hey, idiot, you have set a precedent by being able to cultivate the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit like this. Why are you still not satisfied?"

"Most of the plant-type soul masters at the same level are not as interested as you. As a human being, you must be content!"

Yu Xiaogang murmured.

He didn't care what happened to the Bluesilver Grass Spirit, it was just an excessive tool, and it was a stroke of luck to be able to cultivate to Tang San's level.

Tang San still made some contributions in obtaining the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. Doesn't this prove one of his theories?

Plant-based martial arts souls can absorb animal soul rings, rather than absorbing plant-based soul rings in a uniform way.

After Tang San returned to the dormitory, he was silent for a long time, then closed his eyes and began to practice the Xuantian Technique.

Before level 50, thinking so much would only increase worries and have no effect.

He just hoped that during the competition, his opponents would have fewer fire-attribute soul masters.

"Hey, if I was majoring in the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit, why would I be like this!"

"Just like Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, even if they are one against six or one against seven, I, Tang San, have no fear!"


The screen changed to Sora's side.

After returning to the dormitory, Kong glanced at Duguyan and Ye Lingling helplessly. The two beauties really regarded his dormitory as home!

Anyway, the dormitory is big and can accommodate even two more people. Kong shook his head and stopped thinking about these problems.

Today's bonfire party was very successful. General Thunder and Lightning did not intend to cook on a whim, so it was able to be held perfectly.

"Fortunately, I was prepared!"

Kong smiled and took out some kebabs and milk tea from the storage soul guide, which he had reserved in advance for Yingbao's wife.

Since he started studying gunpowder last time, Ying has become interested in research again, not only studying gunpowder, but also studying the soul guides, mechas, and battle armors that Sora mentioned.

Kong’s seventh soul skill: Martial Soul True Body.

In fact, it is a combination of "mecha" and "fighting armor", but it is relatively simple and does not look so complicated, but it is extremely powerful!

Sora's figure disappeared into the room in vain, and then appeared in Isshin Pure Land.

But he didn't know that Dugu Yan sneaked into his room after he disappeared.

Dugu Yan frowned and looked confused. She didn't see Kong go out! Where are people?

"Damn it, this black stocking is for nothing!"

After arriving at Isshin Pure Land, Kong's expression changed, because he saw General Raiden and Shadow talking about something, and the way Shadow clenched his fists made Kong's scalp numb.

what's the situation? !

"The dumplings, milk, skewers, and desserts are so delicious. Every time Sora passes them to me first..."


General, can you stop irritating the movie so much? ? She will drive you out of the Pure Land!

Good guy, General Raiden is getting better and better at chatting. The last time she was kicked out of the Pure Land by Kage, it was not only because she stole the food hidden by Kage, but also because she was "good at talking", right?

"Shadow, try this?!"

Sora said bravely, walking towards General Raiden and Shadow with a smile.

His whole body was numb now. He knew that the general liked to "show off" with Ying, but he didn't know he was showing off like this!

"Sora, so you have backup for Kage?"

"I thought not, so I told Ying what happened tonight and asked her to imagine the scene and the taste of the food."

General Thunder said with some surprise.

Empty, shadow: "..."

No need to!

The Thunderbolt General is indeed broken. How about repairing it and adjusting the program?

Sora's whole body was numb, General Raiden was really kind!

Even Kage, who has lived for thousands of years, is a little unable to handle the "kind-hearted" General Raiden.

The fist is hard!


Slowly exhaling a breath, Sora brought the food to Kage. This was not the first time he had faced this scene. It had been the same before when he was buying clothes.

"Husband, I think the General has some problems and needs repair and maintenance."

Ying said calmly, but his eyes were aimed at the food on the table.

"Ying, I think General, she must be really kind..."

Sora himself didn't believe this. When he spoke without conscience, he remained firm.

Only in this way can he deceive Ying and himself!

"There is nothing wrong with the program!"

General Raiden directly refuted Ying's words, his voice rising a few decibels.

She didn't think there was a problem with her program. Now, as a martial spirit, how could she be so prone to problems?

Besides, Ying's craftsmanship is very good, so there won't be any problems with settings and the like.

"Ahem, everyone, please stop talking. After you finish eating, how about I teach you how to cook?"

Sora quickly changed the subject. Didn't he know if the general had any problems?


She has more humanity!

Not as rigid as it once was!

Will be happy, happy, jealous, show off...

When Ma Hongjun and others called her sister-in-law, it was obvious that General Thunder was very happy and happy.

When she said those words to Ying before, she had a serious element of showing off.

Of course, this was just Sora's guess. Whether she was showing off to the general or not, he didn't know very well. Maybe she was just sharing it with Kage?


The two girls were in high spirits at this time, and their cooking skills were the pain of their lives!

As a rice wife woman (devil), she actually doesn't know how to cook after getting married. If this spreads out, will they be shameless?

It hurts, it hurts so much!

There was nothing Sora could do about it. He clearly knew that Kage and General Raiden didn't have any talent for cooking, but their enthusiasm for cooking couldn't be faked.

He probably wouldn't be able to teach her... After all, a certain chef in Liyue said that Ying Bai had the face of a married woman.

"It's destined to be a sleepless night!"

Demon God, it doesn't matter if he doesn't rest for several days. Although Sora's body is far different from Demon God's, there is essentially no difference. After all, his body can be said to be completely constructed from shadow.

One or two days without rest is nothing.

Time passed, and after the three of them finished eating, the teaching mode officially started.

"When cooking, the first step is to select ingredients. The combination of ingredients is very important. Of course, occasional innovation is also good."

“For example, Kun eggs and tomatoes are a perfect match!”

When he said this, Kong trembled all over, as if he thought of something bad. He vaguely remembered that there was a stack of "tomato scrambled eggs" in his storage soul guide. It looked dark, and Coal is not much different.

That's the love from the general!


Just thinking about it, Sora couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Otherwise, he still won't learn this tomato scrambled egg?

"Well, I know this, I successfully made one before!"

General Thunder crossed his arms and looked at Ying with a proud look on his face.


You "murdered your husband" and are you proud of it? !

It was from that time on that he didn't dare to mention cooking skills in front of the two of them!

Ying glanced at General Thunder and Lightning, with a twitch in the corner of his eye. Doesn't she still know what's going on with General?

An unimaginable knife and an unimaginable cooking skill...

"After selecting the materials, first we need to clean the Kun eggs, then take out a small bowl and crack the egg shells, leaving only..."

"Do you still want to remove the eggshell?"

General Thunder and Shadow asked almost at the same time.

Seeing their serious looks, the corners of Kong's mouth twitched. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

He still remembered that the general did not remove the eggshells from the food he cooked last time. For this reason, there were traces of eggshells in the... carbon in the pile of food.

After thinking for a moment, Sora said: "It will taste better if the eggshell is removed."

"So that's it!"

The expressions of realization on the two girls' faces made Kong Ma stunned. Teaching them how to cook has a long way to go!

"Okay, next we need to wash the tomatoes and then cut them into cubes or cubes."

“Do tomatoes need to be cut too??”


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"Yes, tomatoes ripen more easily after they are cut..."

Sora slapped his forehead and explained.

After all, it was a painful sleepless night... (End of chapter)

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