Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 221 221: Soul power breaks through again!

Ma Hongjun said with disdain, among the people present, except Yu Tianheng, he was the one who believed in Kong the most. Even Yu Tianheng did not trust Kong as much as he did.

"All those under the Soul Saint are ants."

It's not like they haven't heard this before, and they understand why such words appear.

Soul Saint is a watershed.

The seventh soul skill of a normal soul master is the true body of the martial soul, except for a few mutated ones, such as Shi Nian, whose seventh soul skill is not the true body of the martial soul.

Because his martial spirit does not have a physical body, how can he have a true body without a physical body?

The increase brought by the martial soul avatar to the soul master is almost comparable to the sum of the previous six soul rings. This is the terrifying thing about the martial soul avatar.

Not only that, when the martial spirit avatar is released, the cooldown time of all soul skills will be reduced, and the power of all soul skills will be greatly increased.

This is also the reason why everyone under the Soul Saint is an ant.

"Fat man, who said we can't trust the boss? We just lamented the fusion of these seven soul skills. The captain of the Elephant Armored Team, even with the soul bone in his head, couldn't withstand it. You can only imagine how powerful this soul skill is. fear."

Yufeng's voice was trembling, and it was obvious that he had broken his guard.

A top defensive soul sect, he also has a head soul bone. His defense power should be one of the best in the soul sect stage, but his opponent has no martial ethics!

This trick has been used.

"This Canghui Academy is really not afraid of death. The people from the Elephant Armor Academy are afraid that they will miss the promotion competition."

Yu Tianheng did not participate in the discussion, but crossed his arms and looked at the angry leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanzhen!

The members of the Elephant Armor Academy participating in the competition are all the younger generation of the Elephant Armor Sect, and they even have the grandson of Hu Yanzhen. They were not injured physically, but their mental strength was severely damaged. I'm afraid Yue won't get better.

All the main members of the Elephant Academy were injured, and the next game can only be played with soy sauce.

The top five are something I don’t even dare to think about.

There is nothing Canghui Academy can do. If they don't use such tricks, it will be extremely difficult for them to advance!

They have to target at least one of the Five Elements Academy before they can advance. Otherwise, they are destined to miss the promotion competition.

How could all these years of hard work fail in a place like this?

"Okay, very good! Canghui Academy, seven soul skill fusion skills, very good!"

Hu Yanzhen's anger was almost taking shape, which showed how angry he really was.

Of the four noble sects, the other side actually dared not give him face. Hu Yanzhen took note of this grudge!

"The atmosphere is harmful to the body. It's impossible for Hu Yanzhen to have trouble with a group of children, right?"

Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting above Hu Yanzhen, said that he would never tire of hitting the wandering beasts in Wuhun Hall.

Logically speaking, the upper three sects and the lower four sects should be united and target the Wuhun Palace together, but the lower four sects turned against the Wuhun Palace!

"Sect Master Ning!"

Hu Yanzhen was very angry, but he still maintained some sense. He didn't want to test whether Chen Xin's Seven Killing Sword was not sharp.

In the original work, he dared to use his head to catch the golden trident, but he didn't know what the golden trident was like. Tang San was only level ninety-three at that time, not a super Douluo above level ninety-five.

There are also high and low levels of Titled Douluo. He considered himself to be no weaker than some Titled Douluo, but they did not include ninety-sixth level experts like Chen Xin.

Titled Douluo, each level is very different, especially after the ninety-fifth level, the combat power is earth-shaking!

"Humph, I'm not so mean as to target these young people because of this kind of thing!"

Hu Yanzhen said unhappily, as for what he was thinking, only he himself knew.

Being able to transmit messages to his grandson and direct the battle during the game, it is obvious that he is not a gentleman.

"Xue Qinghe" looked at Ning Fengzhi, then at Hu Yanzhen, with disdain in his heart: "eldest brother, let alone second brother, you are all the same."

Not even Wuhundian dares to say that it has never made any mistakes internally.

Didn’t she Qian Renxue also kill Xue Qinghe and then disguise herself as Xue Qinghe?

What's wrong with the weak and the strong?

As long as the goal can be achieved, some means are necessary.

"Because of the competition, I haven't seen that guy for half a month. What is he doing in the dormitory all day?"

Qian Renxue frowned, her eyes filled with longing, and she thought to herself.

There was no way, as the "Prince", she couldn't leave at all.

What is Sora doing at this time?

"Isn't it? You don't even have time to practice?"

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling looked at each other with surprise in their eyes!

Is the gap really that big between a genius and a monster?

When Kong broke through, the pressure of his soul power made the two women breathless.

"Sora broke through again? Wait, why should I add another?"

"He hasn't practiced in the past few days. Why is this happening?"

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were very confused and puzzled.

That's right, Kong's soul power level has broken through. Since the last time he broke through to level seventy-six, he hasn't broken through the soul power level for more than three months.

With the efforts of the soul core, it takes more than three months to break through the first level of soul power. Isn't this normal?

"The breakthrough speed is still a bit slow. Level one in three months, level four in one will take many years to become a god!"

"Soul core, soul core, can you work harder? When I reach level 90, I will find you a brother to form a complementary soul core of yin and yang. In this way, you will not be alone on the road of hard work."

Sora opened his eyes in vain and muttered to himself.

Fortunately, the soul core has no self-awareness, otherwise it would probably go on strike. You have broken through the first level of soul power in three months, what else do you want?

Isn’t it trying hard enough?

If only this host had worked harder, he wouldn't have broken through to level 77 just now!

Gentle Township, Tomb of Heroes, why doesn’t this host understand this truth?

By the way, when will the second suffering brother arrive?

After stabilizing his breath, Kong walked out of the room. What he saw was the surprised and confused expressions of Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

"Sora, have you broken through again?"

Dugu Yan "knowingly asked", she was really frustrated. Kong's soul power level was higher than hers. Logically speaking, it should be more difficult for her to break through, but she was still at level 62, but Kong had a breakthrough.

She is naturally very happy that her man has high cultivation and strong strength, but she is also very unwilling to do so!

Afraid that I will not be able to catch up with the pace above.

"Yes, it is currently level seventy-seven."

Kong spread his hands, then hugged Dugu Yan into his arms and said with a smile.

"It's strange, I haven't seen you practicing yet. Why do you break through so fast?"

Dugu Yan raised his head, raised his face, and asked very complicatedly.



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