Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 222 222: Honkai Impact is omnipotent and elemental power

Being gifted with everything will only harm you!

Dugu Yan complained in his heart.

It's a good thing that Sora is getting stronger, but she's under a lot of pressure!

You’ve worked so hard, but what’s the result? The gap is getting bigger and bigger!

Clenching her pink fists, as if she had made some kind of determination, Duguyan walked towards her room without looking back. She would practice harder.

She is as beautiful as a wolf and a tiger, so let’s put it down for the time being and wait until her cultivation level reaches a breakthrough.

Anyway, she and Sora have become a couple, and her worries are settled, so she can practice with peace of mind.


What kind of tiger-wolf talk is this?

Ye Lingling looked at Dugu Yan's back, then at the sky, and then returned to the room without saying a word. As an auxiliary soul master, her cultivation was slow. Compared with these geniuses, her cultivation was simply not good enough.

I have no choice but to practice harder.

This man makes women obsessed with him, and at the same time he gradually becomes filthy. It is really his talent that makes people despair!

Not everyone is Dugu Yan and Shui Yue'er. Their courage and belief are unmatched by many girls.

Just like the Tianshui girl group, don't they like geniuses like Sora?

They like it, but they don't think they are worthy of it, so they give up. It may be better to give up on things that are destined to be fruitless.


Sora stretched his right hand in the air, and was stunned for a moment. What happened to these two women?

Could it be that he was hit?

However, isn't it normal for his soul power to break through?

How could they be hit...

It's normal for soul power to break through, but since he didn't work hard and didn't even see what he had practiced before, the breakthrough was a bit hard to accept.

They are obviously working so hard, either in cultivation or on the road of cultivation, but they are actually not as good as a person who does not practice!

Angry, shaking, cold!

"Since they have all gone to practice, then I..."

"Let's go out for a walk!"

They have all gone to practice, shouldn't you practice harder?

Going out for a walk?

All the teachers and students of Tiandou Royal Academy are on holiday for the Continental Elite Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. There are not many people in the academy, especially during the day.

Most of them went to the Soul Fighting Arena to watch the competition. This was also the purpose of the college's vacation, so that they could gain a lot of experience.

Take a look at the outstanding young soul masters in the Tiandou Empire.

After leaving Tiandou Royal Academy, Kong walked towards Tiandou City.


He had no interest in watching.

After walking slowly for a while, something unexpected happened to Sora.

"Jade Sky?"

"Tang San?"

Seeing Tang San's gaze at this moment, Kong was slightly startled, a little confused.

How could Tang San look like a savage? His clothes were ragged and dusty, and there were many dried blood stains on his body. It was obvious at first glance that he had been through battle.

Looking at the direction Tang San came from, this location...

"Sunset Forest?"

"What did Tang San do in Sunset Forest?"

"Wait a minute, there's something wrong with Tang San's aura..."

After Kong was stunned for a moment, he realized the problem. Tang San's aura at this time had actually reached level forty-seven or eight!

Didn't he just break through to the Soul Sect level? How could he break through so many levels at once?

Could it be?

Tang San was also a little confused at this time. He didn't expect that the first person he met after leaving Sunset Forest was Kong!

This trip went very smoothly, and he successfully obtained four thousand-year soul rings for the second martial soul, all of which were more than 4,000 years old.

Originally, Tang San planned to hunt down spirit beasts that were older than five thousand years, but there seemed to be a voice in the dark telling him that he would die if he did so!

Tang San had always believed in his sixth sense, so instead of committing suicide and absorbing more than five thousand years of soul rings, he only absorbed four four thousand years of soul rings.

I don't know why, but his search for the soul beast went very smoothly on this trip. When he hunted the soul beast, even though there were twists and turns, he also successfully killed the soul beast and absorbed the opponent's soul ring.

It only took him four days to acquire four soul rings, hunting one soul beast and absorbing one soul ring every day on average.

After obtaining the soul ring for the second martial soul, this also brought Tang San's soul power level to level forty-eight!

"It's a pity that my current soul power level is still far behind his. Otherwise, I would have to challenge this monster today."

Tang San secretly thought that he wanted to defeat Kong for more than a day or two. It's just that the difference in soul power between the two sides is too big, so even if he uses hidden weapons, he has no confidence.

Unless it was one of the top three hidden weapons on the hidden weapon rankings, he would be sure to defeat Kong or even kill Kong!

"What are you doing?"

Kong had already guessed what Tang San was doing. He really hadn't thought of this before!

Tang San actually gave his second martial spirit and obtained the spirit ring in advance!

His previous guesses were probably partly wrong.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of his second martial spirit, Tang San could successfully enter the finals, defeating his opponents along the way and winning the championship...

It's a pity that the world's consciousness has forgotten this otherworldly person.

"Nothing, just a little bit of wind and frost!"

Tang San waved his hand and said nonchalantly on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about whether he could break through to level 50 before the finals and defeat Kong!

As long as he breaks through to level 50, the Clear Sky Hammer with four purple, one black and five soul rings should be able to defeat Kong by leapfrogging, right?

Thinking of this, Tang San was still a little excited!


Kong was stunned for a moment, just a little wind and frost? Why do these words sound so familiar?


This Tang San is worthy of being the protagonist, he actually dares to pretend to be a cup of tea...

The sky has cleared up and the rain has stopped. Does Tang San think he can do it again?

"I have something else to do, let's go first!"


Tang San didn't want to stay for a moment, he wanted to make a good adjustment today, and in the following games, he wanted to give everyone a "surprise"!

Kong and Tang San naturally had nothing to say. At this moment, Tang San was basically useless!

The effect of the twin martial souls completely made him useless!

Cultivation becomes slower in the later stages, but the twin martial souls are different. As long as the second martial soul absorbs a powerful soul beast soul ring, the soul master's soul power level can be broken through, thus saving training time.

Bibi Dong was like this, and so was Tang San in the original work, so he could break through so quickly in the later stages!

If you just meditate and practice, you will have to practice until the year of the monkey!

A group of old guys in the Enshrinement Hall practice in seclusion every day, but they don't necessarily have any breakthroughs.

Bibi Dong and Tang San, who have twin martial souls, are different. As long as they absorb high-level soul rings, they can successfully break through the soul power level...

"Except for my first and second soul rings, which came from hunting, the other soul rings are all condensed by elemental power. This also resulted in me not improving much when I broke through."

"But there are benefits to doing this, it's stronger!"

Soul power?

Compared with the elemental power, it is nothing!

The elemental power is comparable to Honkai Impact.

Honkai Impact is omnipotent, and elemental power... (End of this chapter)

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